A Powerful Secret to Setting Your Photos Up for Success!

Me Ra Koh

Learning Photography.

When newbies hear those two words put together, they often feel overwhelmed…intimidated…unsure of where to start.  Where do they start?  They may look at their camera, at their manual, at blogs and forums online, and feel more confused than ever.  But at the heart of great photography is a small, powerful secret.  It is the ability to pause.


Instead of putting the camera to your eye and shooting right away…pause.

When you first meet your portrait clients, instead of jumping into taking their photos…pause.

When you walk in and see the bride getting ready, and her family runs up to you and says “take that photo now…oh, isn’t she beautiful, quick take the picture!”…pause.

The speed of how fast you start taking photos is not what determines your photography talent or ability.  Rather, it’s your ability to pause.

What do you do in the pause?

You take in your surroundings–step by step.

This month is our last SOAR! Photography Exercise.  I can’t believe we are wrapping up the year (and what an amazing year it’s been).  For November’s photo assignment, I asked our three SOAR! Recipients to show us all how they used the “pause” to set themselves (and their shoot) up for success.

I asked them to walk through a client’s home and take quick snapshots to study the light of each room.  What room will they choose for their shoot based on the light?  Does the furniture need to be adjusted?  How will they use or not use the furniture?

Does their aperture/f-stop need to be low to blur out the background of distracting objects?  Do they need to put their back against the window to get the BEST light on their subjects?

All these decisions are made during the pause, the pause between greeting their client and beginning to shoot.  In fact, I would argue that these decisions are where the shooting begins.

I asked the gals to take a couple wide angle BEFORE shots of their shooting environment.  And then, they were asked to show us their AFTER results.

Throughout this week, starting today with Linda, on the SOAR! blog, you can see, read and watch what happened to each one of them.

This last photo exercise was and is all about taking flight into a confidence that is able to pause.  And in that ability to pause, they become the professional who knows how to look at all the details that go into making great photos happen.

The secret…all in the ability to pause.



p.s.  I am so proud of Linda, Jennifer and Lindsay…I speak for ALL the SOAR! Partners when I say we are CRAZY proud.

Today is one of many posts to come that will celebrate their SOAR! year coming to an end.   You are all in for lots of upcoming treats!

A number of you have emailed to see when the SOAR! 2010 Scholarship is going to start.  We are working away at finalizing  details and hope to have an answer very, very soon!  Stay tuned!



  1. Jody says:

    Gorgeous photos! Going to go check out the SOAR posts now! Thanks!

  2. natalia says:

    Wise words as always MeRa. So often life is just rush-rush-rush-rush and then hurry up. One of the many things I’ve learned this year is to pause … and look … and even, sometimes, listen. I’ve also learned that when I don’t pause I often don’t like the results. And that goes for life in general, not just what I see from behind the camera. I love that you reemphasized this; it just brings it home again. And I always enjoy seeing the behind the scenes photographs. Thank you.

  3. Rhonda says:

    This is one of the key things I have learned this year with you – to s-l-o-w down. To notice the way light falls (thank you Confidence workshop). My photography has changed SOOOO much for the better as a result of that. Some may not notice the changes, but I do – mostly because I hardly spend time editing now.

  4. Yes MeRa, pausing is the Best piece of advice for a photoshoot. I wish someone had told me that years ago. when I started slowing down, my photography skyrocketed!

  5. Hanifa says:

    Pause. so well put. thank u as always for your wise and heard words. very excited and proud of the SOAR ladies! congrats!

  6. Katherine says:

    Thanks for that timely advice – I am doing a school fundraising photo shoot this weekend and the last time I one, I whirled round the whole time tiring myself out! This weekend, I will pause and think instead of letting the camera takeover first!

    Love the photos – must try a tot on the table too!

  7. christen says:

    It is amazing how powerful a “pause” can be… I think it’s similar to the ‘listening’ and ‘processing’ piece of a conversation… you don’t have to respond write away to a ‘deep question’… You let it sink in so you can answer in a thoughtful, honest way.

  8. […] ideas may not work to not knowing where to go.   Instead of panic, I decided to step back and pause.  My subjects were beckoning me to create a new […]

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