Family Gossip

Vote by 7pm Tonight & Win Starbucks or iTunes!

Me Ra Koh

We’ve got the TOP FIVE TITLES for our recent Family Photo (goofy as heck) Contest! Most everyone liked the second image the most (by far my favorite too! :)). Brian’s hair just looks to real. His mere facial expression kills me! So glad these funny images brought a smile and laugh to your day!

We had a blast reading through all the titles you submitted. The kids couldn’t stop giggling. We narrowed the submissions down to our TOP FIVE. Here they are!

TOP FIVE TITLES for our Family Portrait:

1. May the Koh’s Be With You! by Monica

2. “That’s No Moon! It’s Brian’s Head!” (for the top image) by Carey

3. Refuse to Say Cheese. Fight the Dark Side Instead! by Susie

4. Attack of the Kohs! (for the top image) by Jeramy

5. Shutter Wars…The Demise of the Green Box (Starring Queen Ami-Koh and the Knights of the ISO) by Kimberly Totten

Aren’t those AWESOME! So funny!

Vote for your favorite title in today’s comments! We’ll pick ONE Random Voter to win along with the title that gets the most votes!

Your prize? Your choice! A Starbuck’s card or iTunes! Start your weekend with a latte or new tunes!

Voting ends TONIGHT at 7pm PST!

p.s. A bunch of you had questions about the portrait shoot I shared in an earlier blog this week: Finding the BEST Light in Your Setting. I just wanted you to know that I finished reading through all the comments and did my best to answer your great questions. Check it out HERE in the comments section! Hope it helps!

And wow, wasn’t it hard to throw out 5 pieces of old clothing?! Way harder than I expected! Still working on it!


TODAY is the last day for the Early Bird! We only have TWO spots left for the CONFIDENCE DC Photography Workshop for Women! CLICK HERE to read ALL the details, see the schedule and get your spot! FYI, the Early Bird Registration fee is $799. After tomorrow the registration will go back up to $999! Can’t WAIT to see you there! I can already tell you that from reading the emails of those signed up, we have an AMAZING group of women coming together!



  1. beck says:

    I vote for #5… way too much time went into that wordplay not to win! 🙂

  2. Nicki Smith says:

    #5. As soon as I read that one the other day, I knew it would be the winner. Very clever!

  3. Hannah Snyder Chen says:

    I LOVE #5! It’s hilarious!

  4. Freida Hall says:

    #1… May the Koh’s be with you! 🙂

  5. Stephanie says:

    I love #5. It has my vote.

  6. Christina says:

    Tough…all so hilarious! I will have to say #5 also. Very clever!

  7. Sarah says:

    #5 is great! That one gets my vote 🙂

  8. Rach S says:

    another vote for 5

  9. angela says:

    they’re all fabulous! if i HAVE to choose one….#5 {the tag line pushed it over the edge for me!:)}

  10. steph says:

    I have to also vote for number 5! New blog readers might not “get it” but all Mera fans know whats up!!

  11. Melinda says:

    #5 is awesome. Love it! “You too can use manual my jedis!”

  12. jeramy says:

    that’s not the title i picked for that image. it was ‘episode VII ‘from spark to blaze; a mera image’

  13. abbey says:

    Those are hilarious!!! I esp. love 3,4, and 5….
    but #5 gets my vote!!!

  14. Janessa says:

    #5!!! I love it!

    *on a side note, my husband and I honeymooned (partly) in Walt Disney World and took a similar star wars picture. We sent it out as our holiday card that read “May the force be with you this holiday season”
    It was a HIT! 🙂

  15. Tulipie says:

    #5 gets my vote! So true!

  16. Oh too Funny- #5 is doing so well!!! Thanks everyone! I must give my husband (Scott) kudos… it was a colabrative effort! What better thing to do than to sit on the back porch on a summer evening and think up silly names for Queen Ami-Koh and her Knights! Thanks for the good laugh!

  17. jeramy says:

    ahhh….i understand now. i’m an idiot. 🙂 i like carey’s title the best. #2.

  18. Gay says:

    I love that picture! Number 5 gets my vote!!!

  19. Jane says:

    I have to go with #5, although 1 is also great!

  20. Summer says:

    They are all very clever! Great job guys!

    I’m going to vote for #5…..I love the tagline in it! 🙂

  21. Sharon says:

    #4!!! 😉

  22. jeramy says:

    thanks babe. i love you….but it looks like i’m getting stomped! 🙁 i guess i don’t have a career as a movie titler?

  23. michelle s. says:

    Number 5… although as a Non Star Wars person I’m SURE I’m missing the genious of all of these titles. 😉

  24. Katie Schoepflin says:

    I LOVE #5, it gets my vote.

  25. Beth says:

    i vote for #5. tooooo funny!!

  26. Melanie says:

    #5!!! They were all very creative!

  27. They are all great.
    #5 get teh vote today.
    Sorry Jeremy. 🙁

  28. jen flake says:

    #5….I am not a star wars fan so I totally don’t “get it”….but it sounds very clever! LOL! 🙂

  29. Kelly says:

    They are all great, but I have to go with #5 too! Love the picture.

  30. Monica says:

    Can I vote even though one of the entries is mine?! 🙂

    and, if I can – is it sad that my vote is for #5 too?!!

  31. Oh Monica…that’s hysterical! and Jeramy…sorry man… if it helps- my husband really liked yours too, hope that helps ease your pain some. Too funny!

  32. jeramy says:

    @totten, @gonzalez….no worries….thanks for the concern. i’ll climb down off the bridge, don’t worry. 🙂

  33. Elise says:

    I like 5, but I’m going against the grain with #1!

  34. Brian says:

    #4 – I not supposed to do this, but a brother has to look out for another brother.

  35. jeramy says:

    thanks dude. 🙂

  36. Linda says:

    #1 Is perfect!

  37. Amanda Key says:

    Cute. Cute. #1

  38. rene says:

    #4 by jeramy gets my vote! good luck!

  39. Brook says:

    #4 is the best!! I love it!!

  40. Natalie cross says:

    Voting for “attack of the kohs” by Jeramy

  41. Jennifer Young says:

    ABSOLUTELY #4 all the way!!! #4 #4 #4

    #4 is my favorite

  42. Marc Young says:

    #4 is the best by far!!! Why would anybody vote for anyone but Jeramy!!!

  43. jeramy says:

    the heat is on….it’s on the street….

  44. Steve says:


  45. Bill Filbeck says:

    #4 #4 #4 sorry to all others Jeramy is gonna win!!!

  46. Judith Garcia says:

    Gotta love #4 its on like donkey kong for Jeramy!!!

  47. Sheryl Alderman says:

    me amour number 4!!!!!!

  48. Me Ra Koh says:

    Jeramy, your following isn’t going to let you down! Are you going to be the famous come-back title! 🙂

  49. jeramy says:

    you know it! 🙂 my tiny army. small but mighty!

  50. CA says:

    #4 rocks!

  51. CA says:

    Awww, Jeremy you got a sympathy vote from Brian? Aren’t you guys too cute.

  52. Lisa says:

    I love # 4. It’s GREAT!!!!

  53. kristin says:


  54. Jasmine Palacio says:


  55. Mary S says:

    They are all great, but #5 is my favorite.

  56. Nicky says:

    I feel torn…

    I am a friend of Jeramy’s…

    But I love #5!

    I can’t choose…

  57. Carey says:

    Looks like Jeramy went to the dark side & is building armies of clones to sit ’round & vote for his title!

    Nothing brings you back from the pit of despair like a good opportunity to crush competition.

    #5 is awesome. That was my favorite when I first read it earlier this week.

    And about 3 min ago, I would have typed “Sorry Jeramy” after saying #5, but now…. not so much 🙂

  58. Sue Christianson says:

    I vote for #5! That is awesome!

  59. Christi says:

    #1… May the Koh’s be with you! 🙂

  60. Kari says:

    I love #5 so cute!! I think thats the runaway winner by looking at the comments.

  61. Melisa says:

    #5 Love the picture!

  62. Harmony says:

    I vote for #4–it’s so clever!

  63. Matt says:

    #1 is the best… 🙂

  64. OK, I am Star Wars clueless! I love #1, but am gonna go with my buddy Jeramy (#4)…only because I know how much this means to him hehe…hey Jeramy, you wanna do my marketing?!

  65. jeramy says:

    @carey….you don’t know what it means to me to read that. seriously! 🙂

    @carrie. anytime!


  66. Keith Kirklnad says:

    #4 all the way this army is not letting him down we are strong and mighty!

  67. cathi kirkland says:

    #4 number 4 numero cuatro

  68. Denny Warnick says:

    #4 #4 #4

  69. Damien Mons says:

    Jen told me to vote for #4

  70. shawna says:

    oh gosh, i liked 1 best. but 5’s cute, too, so i won’t be sad if it wins :O)

  71. Katie says:

    #4 ROCKS!!!

  72. Kenny Kim says:

    This is hilarious. I like #1 🙂 lol!

  73. I like all of them, but I have to say that #1 is great. Just so star Wars, with the family.

  74. Ajira says:

    #1 is the best one for sure.

    Jeramy gets an honourable mention though. 😉

  75. Emily says:

    I say hard choice but #3!!! I love the pic my kids did one of those too. So cute!

  76. Kristin says:

    I like #5!!!

  77. Oh Jeramy, Jeramy….you have turned to the dark side indeed! A Conspiracey in the making…with just a little investigation, look what a girl can find on Face Book!

    Correspondence/Jeramy to Brian- dude! i’m dying on the blog. i need some votes. help a brother out!

    Jeramy yet again to Brian- you rock out loud! i totally owe you. if i win….i’m definitely buying you a latte and the new taylor swift song!

    Not just playin dirty but bribery too! That’s lowwwwwwwww…..and hilarious! 😉

    It’s been fun DUDE!!

  78. Colleen says:

    Number 5 by far!!! Hilarious! Love your family!

  79. Number 1 although 3 is a close second

  80. Kalli says:

    #5 🙂 Great title for a fantastic portrait!

  81. Dana says:

    Ma Ra! I love all the titles, but I have to say that you are a true beauty, and that picture does not do you justice! I love the theme, though… my favorite!

  82. Lora says:

    Número cinco!

  83. denise karis says:

    am i too late? #4 attack of the Kohs!

  84. April Sauers says:

    I loved this one: May the Koh’s Be With You! by Monica

  85. Michele says:

    and I loved the pictures!

  86. […] we have a couple winners to announce from Friday’s silly contest. And Jeramy, you sunk to low levels in this one. I’m not sure what I think about your ploys […]