Artist Living

Help Me Decide!

Me Ra Koh

I need a new bio shot for upcoming publicity stuff. Brian took a handful the other day.

We narrowed them down to these two.

Which one do you think is better?

Bio #1

Bio #2


  1. Dorian says:

    I like #1

  2. Dorian says:

    My daughter Ellie votes for #1

  3. Megan says:

    Um..#1 is pretty sexy! Don’t ‘cha think?! haha I like it! I also like 2, people feel like they know you if they can see your eyes I think. One is more artistic, where as 2 is more “Getting to know you, getting to know all about you” I was singing that you know….does any of this help or make sense??!! haha Love ya!

  4. #1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1
    SO CUTE!!!!!
    Hope you’re feeling better, and that you have a blast in Vegas!
    Can’t wait to read all about it here!

  5. Dori says:

    Totally #1

    It feels more like a cool/artistic/professional publicity shot.

    #2 is beautiful, but #1 is just stunning!

  6. Harmony says:

    #1. You look like you’re having fun (I want to hear whatever joke Brian was telling you!) So cute!

  7. Leah says:

    I guess I am the only one so far that likes #2 better ๐Ÿ™

    oh well, that is the one I like

  8. Leah says:

    I guess I am the only one that likes #2

    oh well, that is the one I would choose

  9. Laura says:

    Def. #1… honestly, the second one is a bit too close up – it makes me feel as if you are in my personal comfort zone (not that I wouldn’t hug you if I met you, but…Lol).

    You are beautiful!

  10. Amanda Mays says:

    I Vote #1
    It’s so cute and I feel it’s telling a story vs. just a picture of you.

    People just love to give thier opinions don’t they! You always get more comments when you ask “what do you think?” ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. Although I LOVE #1, I think #2 would probably be better for a “publicity” photo, since you are looking at the camera…..However, it also depends on what you are publicizing….#1 is an all around great happy shot of you, which I think speaks thousands about who you are….I hope that helps…

  12. Denise says:

    Your skin looks really glowy and healthy in the first one – but I like that you can see your eyes in the second -I also like the earing in the first… if I HAD to pick, I’d say the 1st one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Kay Beaton says:

    I would definitely go with #2 for a publicity photo – you look much more professional! If you’re looking for a new boyfriend, then I would go with #1, but sounds like that’s not the case! And I like your eyes in #2!

  14. Jessica N says:

    #2!!! (going against the grain here) Of course they’re both beautiful!!!

  15. Heather says:

    #2 for sure. I like seeing the eyes.

  16. Tami says:

    Totally go with #1!

  17. loooooove #1!!! you look so happy!

  18. Jess Niles says:

    I get a bedroom vibe from #1 and a more professional feel from #2. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  19. Marianne says:

    There’s a softness and warmth to #1 that’s very reflective of who you are, but I like the directness of looking into your eyes if this is going to be used for publicity purposes. There’s my two cents….

  20. I agree, #1 is “Real” but #2 is gorgeous as well. I vote #!!

  21. Kari says:

    #1 feels more like your kind of photography — capturing a moment that doesn’t necessary mean looking straight on into the camera. It is also HOT! Caliente! Spicy! Ooh La la! Nothing wrong with that, I say!

  22. Amanda says:

    #1 looks “HOT”! Beautiful shots.

  23. Jen Stewart says:

    I vote for #1 as well. I love the personality that comes out in the photo. Shows both the inner and outer beauty ๐Ÿ˜‰

  24. maya says:

    i like #2.

    your strap is turned in #1, but i still like your eyes in #2 best.

  25. kelli-Highland park Illinois says:

    #1 definitely….!

  26. kelli-Highland park Illinois says:

    #1 definitely….! #1 looks much more your personality. #2 is cute but it looks a bit more posed.

  27. rach says:

    for me #1 is #1!

    #1 is in the moment – Love it!

    #2 is a great shot too but it looks like you stopped to say “cheese.” =)

    Both are beautiful,…you can’t go wrong.

  28. Liza says:

    I definitely love #1… It has more of a sense of personality behind it than just the headshot of #2.

  29. Misty says:

    Bio #1 for sure…hands down! Great job Brian!! You are too cute Me Ra! Love you!

  30. Pam says:

    My vote is for #1 because it seems like your personality shines through – besides being a great photo!

  31. erin says:

    #1 you look great!

  32. Krystal Mann says:

    I like #2 because I think it makes you appear more approachable. I love #1 as well, but not for a publicity shot. It’s a great shot of you, but I feel like #2 is a little friendlier because we can see you.

  33. Juliet says:

    hi mera!
    this is my very first post. my initial gut reaction was number 1 but i really love number 2. from reading about you i think the 2nd really shows your personality most. eyes say so much about a person’s personality and yours show kindness. if i was a bride choosing my photographer, that would mean so much to me.:-)

  34. Sue Christianson says:

    Hey Me Ra,
    These are great shots. I love #1. It really reflects your personality!! But, #2 is great too. What a tough decision!

  35. Both shots are great, but I just can’t help but vote for numero uno.

    #1 it is!

  36. jenny says:

    i like #2 the best!

  37. Wendy says:

    Scott and I both vote for #1. You look great!

  38. Susanne Pedro says:

    Hi Me Ra,

    Though #1 is the one that reflects the “refuse to say cheese ” philosophy, I feel more of a connection on #2 because I can see your eyes and if I am reading a magazine or passing by a booth your eyes would catch my attention more…..

  39. Jill says:

    Because anytime I’ve heard you speak you are LAUGHING and you look like you are laughing in #1.

  40. Carol Swales says:

    Love #1!!! To me that shot captures the fun energy you have, and of course you look great!

  41. Michele says:

    they are both beautiful shots!
    wwell done brian

  42. Adam Pratt says:

    I vote for #2 because you’ve gotta see the eyes. #1 is a great shot, but not for this purpose.

  43. Airika says:

    I love #1–it is so you, BUT I would pick #2 for a publicity shot. You do look very personable and more professional in that image. ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. Allison G. says:

    I like # 1 the best. Your skin tone looks great. Nice contrast with your dark shirt. You look fun and confident. Very pretty picture!

  45. Stephanie says:

    love#2. I’m a faithful lurker ๐Ÿ™‚ Love your work…your passion & your selflessness ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Jesse says:

    #2 gets my vote! Beautiful!

  47. Kara Lee says:

    both are beautiful pictures !! but considering you want a publicity photo.. i’d pick #2..

  48. Natasha says:

    I like the 1st picture

  49. Jen says:

    #1! it matches the picture in my head of you ๐Ÿ™‚

  50. Camille says:

    #2 seems more “public” for publicity style photography – it’s open and direct, fun and friendly and like you’re ready to put your focus on whoever’s attention you’re trying to capture. #1 is beautiful definitely, but the top with spaghetti straps looks like a cami/undershirt and may send a mixed message? That’s my two cents =)

  51. Hands down.. 1. .. It’s your personality in a nut shell…You can’t go wrong

  52. Emily says:

    I like them both you just look beautiful!! For a publicity photo I would go with #2 it looks like you would be someone easy to talk to and share ideas with. Hope this helps….good luck!

  53. Roxie says:

    BIO #1….FOR SURE!! It’s classy and sweet!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  54. Stephanie Daniels says:

    This is really hard…You look gorgeous in both shots. Uummm…I think that #2 is great. It totally looks like an author’s picture, but #1 is unconventional and stunning!!! I think I’m gonna go with #1, Bob!!! Love you guys!!!

  55. Steve Lott says:

    Number 2

    the first one you appear hung over your eyes are almost closed, is that a sexy look in today’s minds eyes ?

    signed over the hill

  56. Kenny Kim says:

    Hi Me Ra,
    I like #1. ๐Ÿ™‚

  57. Mike Larson says:

    Hey MeRa, just sayin hi, its been a while since i’ve been bloggin again, have a great day!

  58. Jen Sulak says:

    oh yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i like #1!!!

  59. Amie Dockery says:

    Everyone’s bio shot always looks the same…a square box around a head (think drivers license picture). Please pick # 1 and help us change the bio world:(

  60. Connie says:

    Hands down #1!

  61. Kris Noorman says:

    Love #1. ๐Ÿ™‚ You look beautiful in both, though.

  62. #1… Sassy, sweet and loveable- That’s You! Both are great but #1 has that artsy flair!

  63. Caron says:

    Numero uno! It’s PERFECT!

  64. Kate says:

    #1 is it…..looks like you appear on your blog and in your writing…..relaxed and confident!

  65. gina says:

    i like #1, but the strap bothers me…

  66. Oh #2 is so you…#1 is fun (that rhymes ๐Ÿ™‚ but #2 is what I see when I think of Mera!

  67. jennifer says:

    I vote for #2 – they are both beautiful shots of you but I love your eyes in the second one!!!

  68. Elizabeth Weir says:

    Bio 2… super cute!!

  69. Amie says:

    #1 is way to sexy for business… go with #2 – very warm, confident look.

  70. Addie says:

    How to decide?! They are both wonderful! I think #1 looks like we are getting a great glimpse of a moment, and #2 is a more direct, head-on and open look and that sure fits with the Me Ra that we met in Seattle at the workshop. I think I’d have to choose #2 for a PR pic.

  71. Chelsie says:

    there both wonderful…
    but i think #1

  72. Linda says:

    Is it too late to vote? My vote is for #2. I just like your expression and your eyes. I feel #1 is indirect and I think the black straps distract from the focus of you.

  73. Amy V. says:

    I like #1. #2 looks too “posed”.

  74. Tarra says:

    Going with #1. It really shows off your personality.

  75. Jasmine says:

    I like the 2nd one too.

  76. Rita says:

    #1 has my vote! ๐Ÿ™‚

  77. Shannon Converse says:

    #1 FOR SURE! I hired you based on your self portrait ad, I loved that I felt I knew you from that picture, and the first one does the same. Nice Job Brian!

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