Video Podcasts

Interview with Elite, Wedding Photographer, Bri-Ahn Kor!

Me Ra Koh

Ladies and gents,Β  (Let me first say I can’t believe we are doing this, or he is doing this.Β  But you are not that surprised, right?!Β  ;))

Today is a momentous day!Β  For the first time ever, you are about to meet the self proclaimed, world famous, award winning, wedding photographer, Bri Ahn Kor!Β  Make sure you pronounce it right, Bri Ahn Kor–like Brian Encore!Β  No, I’m not joking.Β  Should you be scared?Β  Possibly.Β  Do you know what kind of treat you are in for?Β  Nope, not really.Β  So prepare yourself as you push play on the video below.Β  This is your chance to hear direct from the famous Bri Ahn Kor!

Now that you’ve met Bri Ahn Kor, some of you may be looking at the screen in total shock.Β  Did you really just see what you did?Β  You may be thinking, ‘What the heck is going on?!Β  What is Brian doing?!Β  And why won’t this Bri Ahn Kor look the camera in the eye?’

Oh, it’s not over friends!Β  Tomorrow, you will get to see the second piece of our interview where Bri Ahn Kor opens up on why he purposely never, EVER, looks anyone in the eye–except–EXCEPT for one type of person.Β  Find out who that special person is.

We are not done folks.Β  Bri Ahn Kor has so much more to say!Β  If you want to see Part 2 tomorrow, post a comment to Bri Ahn Kor on the blog today!Β  πŸ™‚


Me Ra


  1. Georgia says:

    What a wonderful attitude! Snap.

  2. Michelle says:

    Oh my goodness..thanks for the laugh this morning. I need to make sure I pronounce his name right next time I talk to him.

  3. Melisa says:

    Oh WOW! lol I think that is all I can say right now πŸ˜€

  4. Melissa says:

    LOVE IT!!!! We definitely need an encore of Bri-Ahn Kor!!! Hahaha πŸ™‚

  5. Rhonda says:

    OMG. You work it Bri Ahn Cor!
    (my favorite part was the giggling in the background)
    Thanks for the laugh to start my day. xoxo

  6. Melissa says:

    Still smiling…I think that the world famous wedding photographer extraordinaire Bri Ahn Kor needs to be a regular on the blog, I’m just saying. πŸ™‚

  7. becca #192 says:

    Fabulous, I needed a dose of real today. πŸ™‚

  8. Cathy Mores says:

    Oh my goodness! I don’t know what’s funnier, Bri Ahn Kor or Me Ra’s giggling in the background…(it is SOO good to hear your laugh!) πŸ™‚

  9. Kim Preston says:

    Oh my…I’m having flashbacks from dinner with Brian…what a goofball.

  10. Kim Preston says:

    and i don’t know what’s better…..Bri-Ahn-Kor, or Mera’s giggling.

  11. Susan M says:

    We need to hear more from the marvy Bri Ahn Kor.

  12. Bri-AHN!! You FABU DIVA you!

    We MUST hear more from you. Next time, let’s do some manscaping and a little product in that hair? MAKE IT WORK!


  13. Addie says:

    Bravo Bri-Ahn Kor!! Daaahling, that was simply Fa-bu-lous! (hee hee)
    Love it. Maybe it is the beginning of a new photographer’s reality show?!!! Oh my my, wouldn’t that be a hoot! Keep it coming Me Ra and Bri-Ahn! (Kor)

  14. Idie A says:

    Yeah, the giggling had me giggling. Can’t wait to see what Bri-Ahn Kor has in store for us next!

  15. Kris says:

    Love it!!
    I needed a laugh today … Thanks Bri-Ahn Kor for your bits of wisdom πŸ™‚

  16. Jeannie says:

    Ahn Kor! Ahn Kor!

  17. Monica says:

    The attitude! The charisma! I’m intrigued….what’s next?

  18. Jenelle says:

    Encore!! Encore!!! we want more!!!!!!!

  19. Carey says:

    Oh whatever. We ALL know that Bri Ahn got his big break that lucky day he got to shoot CareysHair.

  20. Beth says:

    Did you forget to take your medicine this morning?! I think I just peed myself watching this. LMAO

  21. Julie Watts says:

    Bri Ahn Kor, the scent…..I’ll be looking for it at the cosmetic counters this holiday season. LOVE the lack of eye contact….so alluring…mysterious…

  22. Christina says:

    Ahn-kor, Ahn-kor!!

  23. Beth says:

    Oh, and nice use of sun glare. Sets the “dramatic” mood. LOL

  24. Amanda Mays says:

    Bwahahahah Bri Ahn, DUDE dude…. LOL!

  25. kristy says:

    Too be that silly and uninhibited…I can’t wait to see what he actually has to say.

  26. Heather says:

    ah ha ha! thanks so much for the laugh. looking forward to tomorrow! πŸ™‚

  27. Judith says:

    Love it Bri-ahn Cor. Thanks for the laugh cannot wait for tomorrow.

  28. Richelle says:

    Love it! Thanks for the laugh! Can’t wait to see more of Bri Ahn Kor!

  29. Sue Christianson says:

    Bring it on Bri Ahn!!!!! Man thanks for the laugh today!!! Look forward to tomorrow!!

  30. Gail says:

    Very Cute! Made me Laugh, thanks for the chuckle!

  31. Karen Casey says:

    oh my…
    love ya Bri Ahn!

  32. I love how it ended…”You can’t say that!” (…fade to black)

  33. Natalie Johnson says:

    I really needed a good laugh today!!! Ahn-kor, ahn-kor, we need more! I loved the ending too:)

  34. Oh man – so funny…all of it – LOVE it! I echo Ahn Kor!!!

  35. I am thinking my husband would flip a lid if I called him Bri-AHN.

    So… the One, the Only, Bri-Ahn Kor…. we all know that cameras and lenses and memory cards and off-camera lighting is important but what I WANT TO KNOW… is how do you pick the best graphic tee for a particular wedding?

  36. Melinda says:

    No but seriously, I had a difficult day today and this, this made me totally laugh.
    Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!

  37. Tina says:

    So funny!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it! I was smiling and laughing the whole way through. Loved hearing your giggles in the background MeRa!! And Brian, you are looking buff! πŸ™‚ Can’t wait for tomorrow!

  38. Dy says:

    LOL…funny! Can’t wait to see what you have to say tomorrow.

  39. Shara says:

    Oh. Wow. All I can say is I’m very much looking forward to tomorrow’s post, and even more looking forward to meeting Bri-Ahn Kor in October! Thanks for making me (and my husband) laugh!

  40. jess says:

    omg what a nut! my favorite was you at the end going “brian you can’t say that” πŸ™‚

  41. Now that is just too funny guys. I’ve never seen this side of Brian…….. I mean “Bri Ahn Kor”. Just too funny guys!

    Great speaking today and I hope to see you both soon.

    Thanks again,
    Matthew Jordan Smith

  42. jen says:

    this is up there w/ the biking video…..”i’m so proud of youuuu”…..

  43. Ashley J says:

    I’m a little slow…I was thinking, “Self-proclaimed??? Is this a joke?” Um, yes.

    I love it, Bri AHN Kor, not Ann Kor. SLAP! (that was my favorite part)

  44. Carrie says:

    OMG! Too funny, big smiles in Hawaii! πŸ˜€

  45. Peggy says:

    Ahn-Kor, Ahn-Kor, Ahn-Kor!!! (Cell phone open for lighted Ahn-Kor)!!

  46. Michael Fort says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Glad to see it finally public=) Bri AHN Kor is out of the closet!!!

  47. Bri Ahn Cor oh my!!!. You made me laugh and I sure needed it today!

  48. jeramy says:

    hey dude….sorry it took me so long to weigh in on this.

    wow. i’m ALMOST absent from a response. ALMOST.

    first off….this is simply what i’ve always seen inside of you, finally coming out. fantastic! i mean, to truly embrace your “kor-ness” (i own rights to that by the way) is such an emotional release for me. and ‘B’, the fact that you said ‘bastard’ and mera said “BRIANNNNNN….you can’t say THAT” makes this video clip more like a reality tv episode for me then anything. which is equally amazing….and needed on network television RIGHT NOW.

    i for one can’t wait for episode 2. i think you’re really on to something here. we should talk. i’ll have my people call your people.

  49. I should have put on a diaper before I watched that….. ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  50. This just made my day a million times better. πŸ™‚

  51. Me Ra says:

    Jeramy, I so miss your funny comments! When you and Brian get going in the comments, Oh, the world is a better place! πŸ˜‰

  52. jeramy says:

    mera…nothing but the best for you. πŸ™‚

    see you soon….

  53. […] bone. Then I thought again. It was the start of an exciting New Year. Me Ra Koh and her side kick Bri Ahn Kor were in MY home telling me my life was about to change. And how it has changed! But back to the […]

  54. […] kind of talent possibilites live within this family between the kids, and we can’t forget Bri-Ahn Kor’s videos!Β  Happy Monday!xo,m /**//**/ Family Gossip, Video Podcasts. | | No Comments » |Leave a […]