CAPTURE: When taking a photo with multiple people, who do you focus on? I look to who the story is most about. If the story is about the boys, and they are lined up with each other, I can focus on either one and they will both be in focus.
But if the story is about everyone (being a family), I often step back a little so that everyone will be sharp. The closer you get, with a low f-stop, the harder it is to get multiple people in focus. You can raise your f-stop or you can take a few steps back and zoom in with your lens. For more help with understanding f-stops and getting buttery, blurry backgrounds, check out our Award Winning DVD series!
I want to thank Court and her beautiful, fun family for helping me with my holiday family photo tips  I had the most wonderful time working with your boys. Your baby girl was such a doll through the whole thing, and your boys kept me on my toes and laughing. I LOVE the series of photos we did of just the two of them. I think we captured their personalities pretty well. 🙂
If you have any questions, feel free to post them on my FB page or in the comments of today’s post! And post your family holiday photos on my FB page! I would LOVE to see what results you cooked up with this holiday family photo tips recipe!
For 40 more Photo Recipes, check out my bestselling (woohoo!) book, “Your Baby in Pictures”!
My DSLR Setting: Aperture was f/4.0, 1/250th of a second Shutter Speed and 250 ISO
MeRa! These are amazing – I love them so much! I especially love the one of my two boys smiling together – the best photo of the two of them of their lives so far! It is amazing you captured that because they got wild and silly quick! Love the wild and silly ones you got of them, too. All of them are so good; I can’t wait to see the rest! Thank you so much – what an incredible experience!
YEAH Courtney Dubois Byrnes!!! Wait till you see the rest!! 🙂
I just had to tell you again I can’t stop looking at these photos! You have such a gift. These are more than just pretty pictures, each one tells a story. I could write a whole page about each one. I don’t know how you do it, but you really captured each of us. Thank you again!
[…] and heal a family, see my latest Nate Berkus Show segments! Or you can click here for my latest Photo Recipe for Capturing Wild Texan Boys and a Family Holiday Photo!4 Good Things to Know!1. Tomorrow (Friday) is also the LAST day to order our instructional DVD […]