Photo Shoots


Me Ra Koh

Finding Strength After Abuse – Dallas Frisco Photographer – Me Ra Koh

Resilient artwork of finding strength after abuse by FIORIA, The Rising Phoenix Experience


We asked Heidi what it would mean to her to see this reminder of her inner-strength and resilience every day. She said, “This is a reminder that every day you make decisions and every one has the potential to change the trajectory of your life. You have to trust what you’re doing in the moment is the right thing in that given moment. You have to trust yourself. These portraits will remind me that I’ve got this! I may need to take it one day at a time, but I trust myself.”

Resilient artwork of finding strength after abuse by FIORIA, The Rising Phoenix Experience

Heidi designed a collection for her extra bedroom where she gets ready every morning. “There is a CONFIDENCE in these photos that I spent years trying to find. There’s also a joy that I had almost lost and I see it in this woman every time I look at these. They remind me that I fought to get her, and I will fight to stay! I will never let go of that joy and confidence again! And the words below remind me of who I am, regardless of my circumstances.” For Heidi, these portraits symbolize her strength and the beauty of finding strength after abuse.


A couple weeks ago, we introduced you to the first half of this dynamic bestie duo, Carrie. Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to the other half. Meet Heidi! This stunning lady flew all the way to Texas with Carrie and landed on our doorsteps as UNICORNS! Lol Their spirits are filled with so much effervescent JOY that it’s hard not to smile when you’re around them. But behind Heidi’s bright smile is an incredible journey of finding strength after abuse—a journey that has shaped her into the resilient, compassionate woman we celebrate today.

Heidi’s story so closely mirrors Carrie’s. She, too, was married to an abusive alcoholic. She tried to leave a handful of times, but after speaking to 3 different attorneys, Heidi experienced how the legal system so often fails women and children trying to get away from the abuse safely. Heidi was told that unless her husband at the time had a DUI, he would share custody with the kids. She couldn’t risk him drinking and driving with the kids, so Heidi stayed in the marriage for years to protect them. How many of you reading feel the weight of that choice? I feel it every time I think of Heidi’s resilient story. It’s these moments of sacrifice that show how deeply her journey of finding strength after abuse is rooted in love and protection for her children.”

Heidi’s story is a testament to the long and difficult process of finding strength after abuse. The choices she made were rooted in protecting her children, even when it meant enduring so much pain herself. Years after she got out, Heidi still questioned whether she did the right thing back then. Until one day in the recent past where a conversation with her daughter shifted everything.

“Mama, you made the right decision.” Heidi’s sweet daughter, Grace, now an adult, spoke these words of life into her mom’s heart. Knowing her children understood the struggle and her decision in one of the most painful times of her life was so affirming and life-giving. It’s like a huge weight has been lifted from her shoulders. Crying, Heidi said, “I always doubted myself and blamed myself for so much. But then my daughter said to me, ‘Mom, I might not be alive otherwise.’ and just knowing that she didn’t blame me for making the decision that I did was incredibly freeing. I felt so much relief.”

finding strength after abuse by FIORIA, The Rising Phoenix Experience

Heidi began to rise like never before. We asked what qualities she sees rising within herself more than ever. RESILIENCE. Resilience was the first word that Heidi gave us, closely followed by Strength and Compassion for others.


“Heidi will do anything for anyone. She always looks at the best in everything. And I see immense strength in her. No matter what she went through with her ex, how much she cares about others is who she is. She’s so strong.”

David tells us that when things got bad with Heidi’s father, who passed away within a year of his diagnosis, he really saw his wife’s strength and steadfastness emerge. Heidi was there constantly. She drove him back and had to bury him twice. It was such a heartbreaking, devastating time for her, and yet she persevered and came out stronger than ever.

We asked David what he thinks Heidi’s superpower is and he said her empathy. “She’s so empathetic for people. Even when it’s so hard…She’s such a good person. I hope through these portraits she sees the best in herself like she sees the best in everyone else and everything.”


We spoke with Heidi’s daughter, Grace. She clearly loves and adores her mother. Not only that but she admires and looks up to her. When we asked Grace what top qualities she loves about her mom, she said, “My mom is accepting. Growing up as a family we had an “open question” policy. She’s always had the mindset of, ‘if you’re curious about something or you have questions about something, I’d rather you come to me and ask’ than end up with misinformation from somewhere/someone else. And I appreciate that.”

“My mom is so loving. She wants what’s best for the people in her life. Everything she does is because she cares so deeply. If she didn’t care, she wouldn’t put in the effort, and she does put in so much effort. I know that she cares a lot. She’s also so protective and selfless. She always manages to put us first and our safety first.

She stayed in her first marriage for a long time. When she finally did get divorced, it was always, ‘Whatever you choose, I will respect that. If you want to go stay at your dad’s place, I will respect that. If you want to stay with me, I will respect that. I’m not going to stop you from visiting or spending time with him. The only thing I care about is that if you are going to go over there, I want you to stay safe.’ I love that she cares so much and has always wanted to protect us.”

As an example of how loving Heidi is, Grace tells us about the first time her mom took her to her first pride festival when she was 14. “I came out to my mom when I was 16, but because she’d always been so open and loving, I felt comfortable… She’s just been a huge mama bear through the whole thing.”


She said, “My mom instilled my caring attitude. No matter who I’m with or how I feel about the person, I still care about their safety and well-being. I think partially that comes from her being a nurse and a mom, but then also, that’s just who she is. Also, she’s taught me that sometimes it’s not always your interests that should come first. I went to school for theater, and she always supported me through that. She was so proud when I started doing management theater. I say and do a lot of things that remind me of my mom, especially when I’m helping people through hard situations or helping to solve a problem. She taught me that five minutes of extra work could make a huge difference to those around me.”

“Her superpower is her work ethic. I went from one of two kids to being one of five kids. It was a big change. As a mother of five, she was working as a full-time nurse manager while also getting her master’s online and having a small business on the side. She helped my stepdad purchase and open a business of their own. All at the same time. She’s so impressive.”

Healing and Rising After Abuse

Grace hopes these Rising Phoenix portraits remind her mom that it’s okay not to be perfect. That imperfection is beautiful and she’s human. “She can be really hard on herself when she makes mistakes. She is her own worst critic in her mind and more judgmental than any of us ever could be. I hope with these portraits, she sees how beautiful and strong she is.”

Isn’t it amazing what our kids observe and want for us? Time and time again, I’m blown away at how HAPPY teens and young adult kids are for their mom to have a Rising Phoenix Experience. That’s what confidence and boldness does…it multiplies. When we do something bold to step into those qualities, like through this experience, it makes room for our kids in ways we could never imagine.


Heidi’s son, Jackson, shared his top favorite qualities about his mom. “My mom is strong! She’s brave and smart. She’s independent and can do anything she wants to. Mom is also good-hearted and kind. She’s such a good mom.”

finding strength after abuse by FIORIA, The Rising Phoenix Experience

Jackson says his mom’s superpower is her kindness. She makes the people around her happy just by being her. “Mom has taught me to do things on my own and not rely on other people alone. And to be responsible. She taught us that your actions speak to how your life goes. I hope these portraits remind her of how beautiful she is. I want her to know that I love her very much. She did a good job raising me.”


Heidi took in and helped raise Dylan for the last part of his high school years. He lovingly refers to her as Mama Heidi. His favorite qualities about her is she’s very loving, she’s a ‘Mama Bear’ and she’s tough. He says that when she sees a kid/anyone that needs help, she’ll step in and be a ‘Mama Bear’ to protect her cubs. “She’s strong-minded and just a strong woman. She also gives the best advice in the most beautiful way.”

“When I was choosing to go to Wyoming for college, she told me the truth – the positives and negatives – and told me it’ll all be fine. I trust her. She did all the research and helped me make the decision to go. It’s all because of her – she’s given me the opportunity to go to school.”

 finding strength after abuse by FIORIA, The Rising Phoenix Experience

When we asked him what qualities she’s helped to cultivate in him, Dylan said, “She has a great work ethic. She may have 5 things going on and she may be stressed, but you can’t tell. When she needs to get it done, no matter what, she gets it done. I want to be just like her. She’s a loving person.”

Dylan tells us her superpower is her ability to love others. “The open heart and acceptance she gives out to people is her strength.” He also said, “I hope that the portraits will tell her that she is needed and loved. She has a great soul. She helped take me out of a very toxic home and she fought for custody. She’s the most accepting and loving person ever. She’s a rock.” It was truly beautiful to see Heidi through the eyes of her children!


Heidi designed this second collection to go in the master bedroom. “It’s on David’s side of the bed!” she said. “I joke that this collection is actually for him…as just a reminder every day that he is married to a queen!”

Resilient artwork of finding strength after abuse by FIORIA, The Rising Phoenix Experience

Heidi, YOU ARE A QUEEN!!!! You’re the kind of queen that sees the bigger picture and makes decisions for the long-term for the well-being of your people. In the midst of years of pain and abuse, you remained a steadfast anchor for your kids. May this next season take you to heights you never dreamed possible! May you SOAR like never before! Your resilience INSPIRES us all!!! It’s a honor to capture your true, beautiful, powerful self!

If You Know Someone…

If you know someone who is in an abusive relationship, we encourage you to not only share Heidi’s and Carrie’s inspiring stories with them, but also refer them to National Domestic Violence Hotline
Link: Help is accessible. They are not alone. And one day they too will rise from the ashes.

Are You Ready to Celebrate Your Resilience?

Many people feel self-conscious about celebrating themselves, worried they may seem vain. But your journey, your resilience, and your strength deserve to be honored.

You’ve spent so much time giving to others—now it’s time to invest in yourself. Whether you’ve overcome adversity, achieved a personal milestone, or need to see yourself in a new light, the Rising Phoenix Experience is for you.

Like Carrie and Heidi, and so many others who have taken this courageous step of finding strength after abuse, you’ll see the truth of who you are reflected back at you every day. It’s not about vanity—it’s about rising above the ashes and owning your strength.

What’s Included in Your Rising Phoenix Experience:

Personalized Consultation: Signature calls with you and your loved ones to capture the words that give you life.

Professional Styling: Hair, makeup, and wardrobe consultation.

Guided Photo Shoot: A transformative Rising Phoenix session with Me Ra Koh, where every detail—from lighting to posing—brings out your strength and beauty.

Cinematic Reveal: Same-day reveal and custom design session to create artwork that speaks truth to you every day.

Ready to rise? Take the first step. CLICK HERE to inquire about your own Rising Phoenix Experience.

