Shooting in Full Sun: Prevent Raccoon Eyes!

Me Ra Koh

Previoulsy, I posted a Photo-Recipe on shooting in full sun.  All three of our SOAR! Recipients were assigned the task of trying this out, and they did an amazing job!  They rocked it!  In fact, I wanted to share Linda’s with you.  If you missed it, I know you will enjoy this!  (thanks Linda, and girl, GREAT job!)


One of the goals I set in last week’s business coaching exercise was to improve my photography skills. The further I progress on this journey, the more I realize the need to break this goal down into realistic and manageable actions to prevent me from becoming frustrated and overwhelmed by the very thing I profess to love. I think the past six months has taught me much about the skills and techniques I need to work on and practice to become the kind of photographer I aspire to be. Now is the time for me to truly acknowledge I can’t acquire these skills all at once. As Me Ra says in this week’s photo exercise – it’s time to slow down!

Shooting in full sun is something I definitely need to learn and practice. Here in Sacramento by around 8:30am I’m in trouble, so finding the conditions to do this exercise was not a problem. Finding a cooperative model on the other hand was. It’s finally time for me to wise up and say NO to practicing on my children. It’s just not fun for anyone and slowing down with those two monkeys in tow is certainly not an option. Even my shameless bribes and pleading don’t buy me much time. But this weekend my options were limited and I had to work with what I had.

So here is my little Raccoon eyed Jack… around 10am facing into the sun.

Found great photo tips to prevent raccoon eyes when shooting in full sun on



  1. Great post – shooting in bright sunlight is SO tricky. These are great tips and you explained them nicely.


  2. Christina says:

    Thank you, I struggle with full sun and living in San Diego that is about most of my day. So this really helps. Now off to practice 😉

  3. Me Ra Koh says:

    Thank you Linda for helping us see the process! You are AWESOME! We love you!

  4. Linda says:

    Thanks ladies! Very humbling having my little post featured here Me Ra! And it’s YOU who is AWESOME! Thank you for all your support and encouragement!

  5. Genie says:

    I just had this problem last weekend – so, NOW you tell me! 😉 But this illustrated what to do so clearly. Thank you both! And Jack is so DARN adorable! I see his mum all in him.

  6. […] the way, if you want some pointers on how to take photos of people in direct sunlight, Mera Koh has a great post about it. We didn’t take any portraits during our lunch time shoot so I didn’t get to practice, […]