Photo Tips

Shooting with Flash as My Kids Imitate Teenagers!

Me Ra Koh

I asked them to give me their best “teenage expression”.

Isn’t that funny?! I love the socks dynamic in that one too. 🙂 I don’t even know if they “know” any teenagers. Nonetheless, they have a definite idea of what it means to look and act like a teenage boy.

Found this great photo-recipe for shooting with flash from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom



  1. Mera,
    These are HILARIOUS! And adorable! Hopefully you won’t have occassion to use these as blackmail/bribes when the kids actually ARE teenagers but it must be nice to know you’ve got ammo if you do! 🙂

  2. Linda says:

    Your kids are incredibly funny. =)~

  3. Natalie says:

    I love the toothless attitude……so cute! I have a girl and boy teenager and you will have to tell the kids they are so right on with their impersonations.

  4. Kari says:

    Yes, the lack of teeth really make her look like a hoodlum — love it! HILARIOUS! This has gotta be your Xmas pic this year… seriously…

  5. Paris Parfait says:

    Really hilarious; very clever, your children!

  6. Sue Christianson says:

    So smart of them to think of the underwear on the outside! Hilarious!!!!

  7. Tessa says:

    I love the underwear theology! Your kiddos are so fun and what a great comedy relief in stressful web/blog maddness!

  8. michelle s. says:

    CLASSIC!!! 😉 So funny!!! Thanks for the recipe, too. Flash is the next great unknown realm I’ve got to hit.

  9. Sara says:

    Mera! Those are so stinkin funny! I love it!

  10. Elizabeth says:

    These are hysterical! It looks like you will have a lot on your hands over the next ten years or so–but in the very best way!

  11. shawna says:

    very timely! it’s been so dark here that i’ve had to start using my flash, which i hate. so i rigged myself up a (please don’t laugh!) tinfoil flash reflector and put my flash on high and it works great to bounce off the ceiling!

    don’t you just love how kids interpret the world? i think they’ve got some of those poses right on. :O)

  12. jeramy says:

    i’m not a teenager anymore….but i still wear my undies outside my jeans. word up!

  13. Rhonda says:

    Oh my goodness. You have the best kids!
    Thanks for sharing these – and the flash tips.
    Joining you in prayer for a website launch – SOON.

  14. Me Ra says:

    So glad your enjoying these shots too. The kids crack me up! While we were buried into our computers, they busted out with this and I can’t stop laughing when I look at them.

    WOW, we are so close to have the buggiest of bugs worked out! I can’t wait, wait, wait!!!

    And Jeramy, of course you still wear your underwear like that. Why am I not surprised. 🙂

    And Shawna, you go girl! whatever it takes to divert your light, do it! You’ve totally got it–tin foil and all. I’ve done the same, and I think it’s genius! Go girl go!!!

  15. linli says:

    your kids are so sweet 🙂 they wanted to do sthing for their parents n gave them the gift of laughter!
    i will think of them whenever I see teens with their underpants hanging out. lol.

  16. Sharon says:

    ( I hope this doesn’t post twice… sorry!)

    Those two just crack me up! They are way too much!
    Ahhh… the flash… I just can’t seem to love her! I’ll keep trying!

    Can’t wait for all this new stuff happening!

  17. Sharon says:

    Jeramy? You wear “undies”? I thought girls wore “undies”. Boys wear boxers or underpants. Want to clarify?

  18. Marcia says:

    Seeing as I have a teenager, I found this hilarious. The facial expressions are TOTALLY teen expressions. Especially Blaze, he nailed it! Thanks for the photo recipe too because I struggle with indoor shots! Guess what I will be doing tonight?

  19. Amanda says:

    I love these!!! They are too much! lol : )

  20. My partner and I have been really discussing about almost the same issue last Sunday over coffee. I was never able to complete the dialogue or to get to common ground. I don’t know what it’s though, but hey – maybe that is how life has things in store for us. We value you covering this particular subject for sure. It got us talking once again and I think we will ultimately get to a similiar result in one way or the other.