
Capturing Details: Small Hands, Small Feet!

Me Ra Koh

Below is one of my favorite moment of capturing details and “hand shots” during a pregnancy shoot we did. The “soon to be” big sister wasn’t sure what she thought of this new baby, and you can almost feel her uncertainty in the image.

Little side note on this photo: I felt this uncertainty from little Eva before we started the photo shoot. I knew I was going to do a hands shot with her momma’s tummy and the parents’ hands, but as I felt her uncertainty I also knew I wanted to blur Eva out in the background to give her a voice. I could tell she felt like she was in the background of all the excitement surrounding the new baby’s arrival, and I wanted her to someday look back on this photo and feel validated. I wanted her to know I saw her and all her uncertainty, and even though it was scary as a 5 year old it was also beautiful and real. Does that make sense?

Me Ra Koh gives you a photo-exercise for capturing details with "Small Hands, Small Feet"



  1. Bentley Gray says:

    Very good advice! Thanks for the inspiration.


  2. JenStewart says:

    Me Ra, thank you for the inspiration! This is just what I’ve been looking for. I officially launched my portrait photography business in September, and it’s taken off running! It’s been a total blessing, but a bit overwhelming at the same time, and the information and inspiration you are sharing here is just what I need! I’ve added this blog to my RSS feed, and I plan to start working on your exercises to keep me thinking outside the box and prevent me from getting stagnant in my work. THANK YOU! I hope to post some of my exercise work on my blog as I do it.

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