
What Do You Get When You Mix Photography, Wine, Laughter and Crying?

Me Ra Koh

We laughed, we cried, we went out of our comfort zones, we tried new things, we drank wine together by the fire at night, and then we laughed some more! The 2 day workshop was wonderful!! Here’s a tribute post to the wonderful people that came, 19 women and 1 brave man (lol of John, Brian’s got your back! :)). Get ready for 20 plus photos in today’s post!

Our first day was focused on Indoor Lighting with using flash or window light. We had two beautiful models come in so the group could practice different shooting techniques. The variety in their results were AWESOME!

Maggie flew in from Arizona with her husband and little ones.This is a gorgeous shot she captured. And yes, Maggie did this with her flash! Even though natural light is by far the most wonderful light, we experimented with the beauty of flash lighting (but keeping it simple and not all techy–just the way I like it!). Check out Maggie’s beautiful work on her website!

Carol took a different angle and used the white bathroom door to look like a perfect high key lighting background! Who needs to bring in backdrops when you have a bathroom door?! 🙂 Carol, you know we all LOVE this shot!!

Amanda from TX caught this one. It’s just perfect flash lighting! No shadow and beautiful color. Amanda, you should be proud!!! I also love how you caught the green behind her with the texturing.

While people were practicing flash upstairs with Brian, the rest of us were pr acting light metering and adjusting our shutter speeds so we get that blasted out background look.

Tammy from the Bay Area in CA came with her sister Alice. These two ladies cracked me up, total fun and super sassy! I loved it, and I know everyone else loved them too! Look at this great shot that Tammy captured. I love how she found this unique angle!

Misty, from Tacoma, has such an incredible eye for vibrant color! This is a total Misty shot! I love that she’s diving into photography, check out her new blog! It’s super new for her, but look at what she’s capturing already! Misty you are a star!

Lindsay is another local lady and caught a different angle. She teaches photography at a local high school. I love that only half of the model’s face is present, totally adds to the drama of the shot. So wonderful to see how we all take in the world differently.

Jessica is from Redmond area and took our Beginner Workshop in January. Now she’s starting to book portrait clients and is blowing me away!! Check out this AMAZING shot she caught! The post process editing on the image is beautiful too! Jess, you are AWESOME!!

Jennifer was another gal that came to the Beginner Workshop in October and kept going into the Advanced. When she sent me this photo, my mouth dropped open. The composition is beautiful and so unique!! Great job Jen, I just love it!

On the second day we did a bride and groom shoot with Marissa and Akash. They were married Sept. 1st and since Brian and I were already booked to be in CO for a wedding, our wonderful associates captured their wedding event. But I have to admit I was sad we never got to do their photos. So who better to invite as our models! What a blast! Marissa was so beautiful and Akash was so perfect in how he just adored the fun Marissa was having. It was almost like being a part of their wedding day weeks later.

Karry, from Maryland, did the most wonderful job at capturing Marissa’s beautiful spirit. Doesn’t she just glow in this photo! More on Karry at the bottom of the post. 🙂

John from Orange County, CA caught this wonderful, full frame shot. The lighting and color is perfect! It almost has a “far away land” feel to it. John, you couldn’t have set this up any better. Seriously, this rocks!

John’s wife, Lauren, has a totally different eye. I love that she was the only one crouched behind the hedge shooting this unique angle.

On a side note, one of the biggest compliments Brian and I receive from our wedding clients is when they surprise us and sign up for one of our workshops. If we have played a part in their passion or discovered joy of photography from their time with us on their wedding day, wow, what a total honor. I know John and Lauren are going to be a phenomenal team together!

Be sure to check out their blog and watch their business take off! We love you two! If you want to see their wedding photos, you can check them out here!

Back to the photos, Julie is a wonderful photographer out of Seattle. She’s taking her business to the next level, and when I saw the shots she was getting I have no doubt that her schedule won’t be full for 2008! She got up on the deck and shot down. Love what she captured!

Marianne is another local photographer that is launching her business. She is the sweetest thing and has such an incredible eye. Just look at the emotion she captured between Marissa and Akash. Wouldn’t you love this type of pure joy shot with your spouse?!

Dinea is from the Olympia area and is also getting her wedding and portrait business off the ground. I loved that she sent me something unique to everyone else. No faces in this shot, but you can totally feel the love and passion between the two from the hands and body posturing. By Dinea’s composition of this shot, you just know that Akash is so gentle with Marissa and that Marissa is totally at home with Akash. Wonderful Dinea!

Taking photos of men can be tough. How do you pose them? How do you get natural shots out of them? Believe me, they haven’t been dreaming about their pictures being taken on their wedding day since they were little boys. 🙂 These were some of the issues we discussed when we split Marissa and Akash up.

Connie did a fantastic job of going for it and capturing a shot of Akash that looks like it belongs in a magazine! Angles are every thing, and I love how many different lines you can see in this image and how the turn of his head makes it all work.

Jen is another woman from Seattle area. She is getting her business off the ground right now, and she is going to be another hit in our area. Her great personality combined with her eye for the “moment” is powerful! She grabbed a totally different angle that is much more documentary, and you have to love it! I like that his ring is in the shot, that he’s laughing, but the laugh is totally him and his personality. Way to go Jen!!!

Sara is such an inspiration to me! She came to one of our Beginner Workshops earlier this year, and now she’s doing photos for families at the pumpkin patch! I love her courage, and her eye for simple beauty is priceless.

Alice is also from CA and came with her sister Tammy. Two moms, two sisters, one passion for photography. They were so much fun to have, and wow, the lighting behind Marissa is stunning in this shot. Beautiful Alice, just beautiful!!

Jennifer, owner of Memory Journalists from Folsom, CA, is one of those people that you meet and never forget. She, like many of us, has endured her fair share in life, and yet she’s turning it all into this amazing documentary of people’s lives. Jennifer is a well respected photographer in her area and how can you not respect this woman. She says things like they are, cuts to the point, and then turns beauty into every thing she sees around her.

One of the other wonderful pieces to this workshop was finally getting to meet Jess. She flew in from New Jersey and was the 2nd winner of our Running on Empty contest. Jess has so much on her plate with all the up’s and down’s of her little one’s health, and yet love and graciousness still pour out of her. It was a complete honor to have her join us and to get time to talk with her, laugh together, cry a little (yep, we cried Jason :)) and then laugh some more.

On top of all this, she is a wonderful photographer! You have to check out her website!

It was so hard to choose “one” photo from each person. Jess especially made this hard, but here’s the one I wanted to share. Both the sharpness and color are such wonderful attributes to Jess’s work.

At the end of the second day, we gave away a Shootsac to the person who traveled the farthest to get our workshop. Thanks to Jessica Clair and Shootsac supporting these workshops, we got to make Karry’s day. She came to us from Maryland and got to take the Shootsac home! I grabbed all the other ladies who already have their own Shootsacs, and we made Karry get out in front and show off her prize! I wish I had enough room to show you all these shots! What a kick! Bottom line: if you don’t already have a Shootsac, you are seriously missing out!

Check them out ladies at the Shootsac website! (We love you Jessica!!!–seriously check out Jessica’s site if you haven’t yet, you will fall in love with color!)

Thank you all for such a wonderful time! It was beautiful from our Friday night Wine and Cheese Meet and Greet by the fire to our workshops days to our Saturday night pizza/wine/soup dinner :), Brian and I loved every minute of it. We must have a reunion of the workshops somehow. Hmmmmm…:)

2008 Workshop Schedule coming next week!



  1. Maya says:

    Looks like so much fun. I’ve already told my husband to prepare himself – sometime in the next two years I want to take your beginner’s workshop. Even if we have to travel to Washington to do it (not a bad idea, that!)

  2. Oh, can we go back and do it all over again!? It was just such an incredible experience both professionally and personally. I don’t know how you could top it. I haven’t been able to stop talking about it since I left. I know I’ve told at least half a dozen people (OK more) that they have to sign up for one of the workshops.

    Thank you so much for putting together this post! It was great seeing the beautiful work everyone did.

  3. Megan says:

    I’m soooooooooooooo jealous! I know..I know jealousy will get me no where. I want to learn too! I need a workshop! Seriously you all slay me with your smart pictures full of beauty! p.s. I did watch the DVD and couldn’t stop smiling and laughing long enough to be a good student, some things never change!! hehe

  4. Amanda Key says:

    I must agree with Marianne–lets do it again!

    Thank you Me Ra for this post. You are so kind.

  5. Jess Wernes says:

    Wow! What amazing work from each of us. I am amazed at how we all shot such different perspectives from within about 20 feet of each other. Each shot is so unique and a totally different view from what I saw.

  6. Jen says:

    i want a reunion! thank you for the post, so fun to see what others caught. gorgeous stuff!

  7. Dinea says:

    I love all the different perspectives! We rock! I miss you all already and had such a fab time shooting with all of you and learning and sharing. We simply must get together soon and see our work expand and grow.

    Thank you MeRa and Brian, you two are such an inspiration and we so much fun!!!!!

  8. Me Ra says:

    I’m so glad you’re all enjoying the different perspectives! Isn’t it amazing how we all see things so differently! I just loved getting your emails with the photos and seeing awesome ALL the shots were! It’s the best part of photography, no one can capture it the way you can. That’s the proof of why you really have no competition in the end–you only have to believe it’s true.

  9. […] Tuesday, November 6th, 2007 in be in love, be still   this is what the weekend was like…   finally part 2 of the workshop adventure! this time is was 2 days of “advanced” fabulous-ness. both days me ra and brian brought in great people for us to capture. above is a great newlywed couple… who wouldn’t want more images of you in your blissful wedding day best? i tell trev all the time we’re gonna get gussied up again and have our own second shoot. he’s stoked, let me tell you. you have to check out me ra’s post of our time together. i met some awesome people who inspired me, shared with me and let me share with them. you will see wonderful images that we all created.  {archives} […]

  10. I must say, it was a total bummer to come back to CA… John and I had such a blast at the workshop, we wished we could stay another day but… back to reality. Me Ra and Brian, thank you for teaching us so much and for allowing us to experience it first hand with the models, I must say, that was probably my favorite part, the second part was when the 20 of us played counselors…haha…

    You guys are a blast and thank you for the encouragement and support. You guys definitely showed us what we love can be in our reality. Seeing not only how you work together, but how you compliment each other is truly amazing. You guys are definately our bench mark. We really are thankful for having you two as our photographers and our “mentors” hehe…

  11. Sue Christianson says:

    ok Me Ra,
    When is the next beginner workshop?!!
    I want to be there! 🙂

  12. Jill says:

    Thanks for posting all these pictures and great links! I love looking at the awesome work everone does! – Jill

  13. Jen Sulak says:

    that is amazing…and looked like SO much fun!!!!!!

  14. Jen Sulak says:

    p.s. i don’t think there are near enough jennifers on here!!!!

  15. Marissa Niranjan says:

    Akash and I just wanted to thank you all for allowing us to be a part of your experience! We had SUCH a wonderful time, and felt so lucky to be surrounded by all of your talent and energy! Thank you to those of you who have emailed and sent us CDs…they have been AMAZING to look through. I can’t wait to see more, and thank you again for everything!! The whole team at Me Ra Koh is incredible, so it makes sense that the workshop attendees would be as well! Much love to you all!

  16. Maggie says:

    Thanks for such an amazing workshop & a great blog post! You sure have a way with words and showcased everyone’s work so nicely. Thanks for the kind words and inspiration.

  17. […] This is the first of two posts today! Yep, that’s right, TWO posts!! Yeah!!! The second post is coming later today and it’s called “How to Bring a Me Ra Koh Photography Workshop to Your City!” We have a couple spots open still for our city tour, and I have to tell you, we’re so open to “wherever” the cities are that we’re supposed to visit. So if you think your city is one of them, check back today for the blog on how to make it happen and of course, how we want to bless you if you help make it happen! […]

  18. […] Julie Watts is a fabulous photographer and woman. Brian and I met her when she attended one of our workshops last year. She sent me this image in regards to the Darkness and Light Photo Contest, and I had to share it with you! […]

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  24. […] would like to preface that I attended one of Me Ra’s workshops in October 2007 in Seattle.  I began coaching with Karen Buckley & Fay Freed of the Wisdom Connection the […]

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