
20 Tickets Up for Grabs!

Me Ra Koh

We’ve been asked to be guests on a live talk show! Want to be in the audience?

Microsoft is launching a new show called “The Microsoft Small Business Show“. This is their first episode, and I’m so honored that they’ve asked us to be one of the guests, especially when I hear that Tom Douglas, the local famed chef and restaurant owner is also a guest!

This show will air live over the web, and they’re projecting 1 million viewers! If you want to catch it, you can watch too on!!

The passion behind the show it to inspire and encourage small business owners. They’ve asked me to come and talk about how our business went from a hobby to national wedding photographers and now production and workshops. πŸ™‚ And I get to talk about being a mom in the midst of it all!

The other four guests are also amazing business owners!

Mike Dillon, CEO of Dillon Works

Nicole Donnally, CEO of

Have you tried these sweet things on your babies? They are so AWESOME!! And when your babies out grow them, I think they’re cool to wear on your arms! Check out what Nicole, and awesome mom and entrepreneuer, has created!

David Holcomb, CEO of Chefn’

Rick Woodbury CEO of Commuter Cars

Cause Hahn, CEO of See Kai Run ( Children’s shoes, mamapreneur) (are these not the cutest shoes ever!)

AND…because I love you all so much I asked if I could get some free tickets for my wonderful blog readers. They said “YES!”. We have 20 seats on hold for the first 20 people who call in and reserve their spots!

Here’s the details you need to reserve one of the Me Ra Koh guest seats.

Call: 206-660-4907

Where: Microsoft Studios, Redmond, WA

When: Wednesday, Nov 14th 2007

Time: 9:45am-12pm

Make sure you say hi if you’re there! It would be so fun to meet you guys in person if you can make it!!

And I’ll make this a post all on it’s own later, but I have to say something today!!! I just found out that DVD 2, Beyond the Green Box, is supposed to arrive the same day as the show!!!!!! Freaking out! Right now as I type, freaking out!!!!!



  1. Liza says:

    Good thing I check this every morning! Congratulations Me Ra! This sounds sooo exciting. I am so happy for both you and Brian to be apart of such a wonderful thing!
    Question: Do you get nervous before something like this? Is it scared nervous or excited nervous?


  3. Wendy says:

    You must be on top of the world! I can’t wait to meet you at a workshop and for the new DVD! You and Brian are “sizzling” right now. I will definately drink the water you two are drinking.

    I found this quote and thought it appropriate for you in all ways–
    Ò€œIf your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.Ò€–John Quincy Adams

    You both do this exact thing for so many people!
    Rock on-Wendy Zippwald

  4. sara says:

    Me Ra… How exciting for you! Good luck! You will do great! Nicole from babylegs is great. My Husband knows her and our girls are in their catalog. I saw your DVD right next to the babylegs in a beautiful botique the other day! Fun to see you in stores!

  5. Jen MacNiven says:

    Darn, if I didn’t still have that day job, I’d be there! Unfortunately I’ll be in Portland but I’ll be supporting you in spirit. What don’t you do? πŸ˜‰

  6. Sue Christianson says:

    That is so cool. I wonder if James would let me out of staff meeting next Wednesday to come??? lol! πŸ™‚

  7. Fantastic news; congratulations! I just called and reserved a ticket for myself. Best of luck; you’re going to rock!

  8. Kay Beaton says:

    OH it sounds wonderful! Wish I lived in Washington State! We’ll be cheering for you from Colorado!

  9. Dana says:

    What an honer!!!! Yall deserve it!

    I called and left a message for tickets…hope it is not too late:-)

    I really want to come see yall!

  10. tammy c says:

    They need to make those shoes in bigger sizes πŸ™‚

  11. Me Ra says:

    Hi friends! I loved your question Liza about whether I feel nervous scared or nervous excited before these types of things. And I have to tell you a funny story, but maybe it should be tomorrow’s blog. πŸ™‚

    Wendy, you are so sweet! That quote made me want to cry. I remember seeing my pastor from college a couple months ago and telling him that I didn’t feel qualified to be a leader–I felt lost, like I was free falling at times, and he looked at me and said “Who said it was going to be easy?” I love him for that response, and I just want to give you a hug for your post. Thank you so much?

    Kay, you can watch it live from CO!! πŸ™‚ I hear you can even call in and ask a question! πŸ™‚

  12. abbey says:

    I want to come.. wonder if I can make it up to washington… probably not…

    just wanted to plug babylegs… i LOVE them!!! My friends made fun of them at first, now all their kids have them!!! they are wonderful!!

    keep up with the good work.. congrats on the show!!!

  13. Congrats!
    What a total honor. I’ll be checking it out online.
    We love babylegs. My son’s dad used to work with Nicole’s mom at a local company and gave two pair for our son when he was born. I was especially touched because she knew he was a boy and offered a nice green conservative stripy colour pair along with….orange and red and yellow striped funkiness pair! Boys shouldn’t be afraid of colour in their wardrobe and this is one company who’s not afraid of it, either. They rock πŸ™‚

  14. […] But for the first post, I had to answer Liza’s question in the comments from yesterday blog. In reference to the Live Talk Show I’m doing next week, she wrote; […]

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