Amazing Moms!

Julie Watts, One of My Favorite Women and Photo Critiquers is Joining Us!

Me Ra Koh

We are so fortunate, so crazy lucky, in the midst of wedding season starting up, to have the awesome Julie Watts join us in critiquing the online class “How to Capture Magical Light.”ย  I LOVE Julie Watts for a million reasons!

Julie is completely and beautifully herself.ย  This lady is such a mix of surprises.ย  For instance, before she became an award-winning photographer she was a BMX racer!ย  Yes!ย  So cool and out of the box, right?!ย  Julie is also a beautiful mom and married to a talented guy who restores classic cars.

Some of you know her from the SOAR! Scholarship because she did a number of heartfelt, empowering critiques on the forum.ย  Some of you have had the opportunity to work with her in person from when she’s helped our CONFIDENCE Workshops.ย  Everyone that meets Julie is always inspired and feels like they have discovered new options, new ideas, new ways of seeing the world because of her input.

Not only has she been an awesome pro photographer for years, but she is also the Creator of PhotoPantz!ย  This idea is brilliant!ย  You know how you can be shooting, and when you squat down you feel like you have to keep pulling down your shirt because to much of your “behind” is showing?!ย  Anyone hear me?ย  Well Julie, being tired of this experience, designed a pair of cool photography pants for women that keeps our backsides discreet but has us looking fashionable too.ย  She didn’t know anything about sewing or design, but she just started drafting out what she envisioned, hired a seamstress, took some serious leaps of faith and voila!ย  PhotoPantz are now everywhere, being featured in several photography magazines this year!

So, as you can see, this lady is multi-dimensional.ย  She is vibrant.ย  Full of life.ย  Gets magical light.

She gets being stressed about whether you are getting photography or not.ย  She gets trying to balance life with motherhood and dream building, and in the midst of all the “getting” she has a heart to help see you succeed.

Over the next four weeks of our online course (we start on Wed! YEAH!), you will get two critiques a week.ย  Four will come from me, one a week.ย  And two will come from Julie, and the other two from Crystal.ย  Get ready ladies, this is going to be a wonderful enrichment to your creative soul!

Keep an eye out today for instructions on how to get ready for this Wednesday!

Happy Monday!


CLICK HERE to grab one of the last Shadow Spots.ย  Full Registration Spots for the Online Course are FULL!ย  ๐Ÿ™‚




  1. So happy to see Julie on your team… she’s a sweetheart and a fireball! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Julie is fantastic. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Julie is fantastic. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Yeah for Julie! Still wearing my PhotoPantz. They are so comfy and pockets everywhere!

  5. […] just got to see the blog post RIGHT HERE! Send me some love there, would ya?! Haha ย And no kidding, if YOU TOO need motivation to blog, then […]

  6. Christine says:

    YAY!!! I love Julie Watts! She is one of MY favorite women too! So exciting to see the two of you working together – like a dynamic duo of AWESOME!!!

  7. Julie Watts says:

    Is anybody nervous of getting their photos critiqued??!! You shouldn’t be!! ๐Ÿ™‚ You will LOVE what you learn and in most cases, you can go right out and apply what little nugget of photo goodness you’ve learned!

  8. Girl I remember going to Me Ra’s first classes with you & the awesome PUG’s & getting to know you. I love how down to earth you are & a dreamer too!

  9. jen armstrong says:

    i totally dig julie too ; )