Artist Living

Doubt: Friend or Foe?

Me Ra Koh

This was my morning inspiration.Β  It comes in perfect timing as I stand in the middle of a hectic/magical week.Β  Hope it gives to you too!



“Doubt is a signal of the creative process.Β  It is a signal that you are doing something right–not that you are doing something wrong or crazy or stupid.Β  The sickening chasm of fear that doubt triggers to yawn… is not a huge abyss into which you are going to tumble, spiraling downward like you are falling through the circles of hell.Β  No, doubt is most often a signal you are doing something and doing it right.”

-Julia Cameron


  1. This inspiration quote could not have come at a better time for me either. Thank you! Have a great week!

  2. Michelle says:

    THANK YOU! It is just the morning inspiration I need!!! LOVE YOU, ME RA!

  3. Lisa Novitsky says:

    Me too…wading in that chasm. I’ve been “uncomfortable” since this weekend’s workshop with Mr. Jochum. I know it means I’m close. πŸ™‚

  4. Mallory says:

    thank you for posting this, it was exactly what I needed today! πŸ™‚

  5. Me Ra-
    I read something this morning in “Photography Your Way” by Chuck DeLaney that made me think of you:
    “It has been my experience that talk therapy is very helpful, and I don’t regard it as ‘medicine’ for someone how is ‘sick’, but rather as ‘fertilizer’ for people who wish to grow.”
    Thank you for being the fertilizer for so many of us.

  6. Michelle says:

    Gosh Me Ra..once again, the perfect post at the perfect time. I needed that.

  7. Love it … words of wisdom – so contrary to our natural way of thinking!

  8. Shelly says:

    Thank you for this quote. I have had that sickening feeling since I signed up for Seattle workshop. At times feeling so excited but then comes that sickening feeling of doubt. I picked up this book just two days ago & look forward to the changes to come! Thank you so much for your inspiration!

  9. Hanifa says:

    luv it! Thanks Me Ra as usual u really know how to pick em-good luck this week!!! πŸ™‚

  10. Laura Hanis says:

    This quote was exactly what I needed to hear today. Perfect timing Me Ra. Thank you πŸ™‚

  11. denise karis says:

    awww love! entirely reassuring πŸ™‚

  12. ali anderson says:

    samantha – i LOVE that analogy. me ra totally IS fertilizer although not the stinky, smells-like-a-barn kind of fertilizer πŸ™‚ doubt is the friend i love to hate, but without her i’d be stagnant.