Artist Living

We Can’t Let Our Fears have the Last Word!

Me Ra Koh

I read this excerpt from Julia Cameron, and I couldn’t imagine a better way to leave you on this last Friday before your SOAR! applications are due on Monday (by midnight).

“Finding it hard to begin a project does not mean you will not be able to do it.ย  It means you will need help–from your higher power, from supportive friends, and from yourself.ย  First of all, you must give yourself permission to begin small and go in baby steps.ย  These steps must be rewarded.ย  Setting impossible goals creates enormous fear, which creates procrastination, which we wrongly call laziness.ย  Do not call procrastination laziness. Call it fear.ย  Fear is what blocks an artist.ย  The fear of not being good enough.ย  The fear of not finishing.ย  The fear of failure and of success.ย  The fear of beginning it all.ย  There is only one cure for fear.ย  That cure is love.ย  Use love for your artist to cure its fear.ย  Stop yelling at yourself.ย  Be nice.ย  Call fear by its right name.”

“The fear of failure and of success.”ย  Stuck in between the two is just that–stuck.

Fear has been a life long battle for me.ย  It especially shouts insults at my dreams.ย  Fear is so masterfully good at showing me the long list of everything that won’t or can’t work if my dreams were to come true.ย  Before I even take a baby step toward my dreams, fear let’s me know how silly and impossible I’m being.ย  Anyone relate?

I know for a fact that a lot of you are struggling with fear as you try to push past procrastination and get your video submissions done.ย  How do I know?ย  We’ve got a few hundred applications turned in but under twenty video entries.ย  The SOAR! application isn’t complete without the video entry.

So why a video?!ย  My purpose for SOAR’s video application is to give you a voice.ย  You have several voices that talk to you all day–the voices of fear, doubt, shame and regret.ย  But what about the voice of Courage that also lives inside?ย  That voice wants to be heard.ย  In past years, your voice has tried to express itself and sadly, it has probably experienced being ignored.ย  But that doesn’t have to be the end of your story.

Ladies, there are only three spots for three recipients.ย  But the heart of this scholarship isn’t for just three women.ย  It’s for all women who have a photography dream–to give them a place to voice their dream, experience being heard by your SOAR! Sisters (who are awaiting to connect with you online!), and feel surrounded by strength and friendship to go forward–whether you are one of the three or not…whether you fear not being good enough or not finishing.

But what if you lose?ย  What can be gained from losing?


In fact, on Monday, I’m going to show you a special video that one woman made last year after she found out she wasn’t chosen for the SOAR! Scholarship.ย  You will watch this video and be inspired at how powerful losing can be. Sound weird?ย  Come back Monday morning with Kleenex.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

If you are one of the many women who did NOT win last year but have a powerful story of how the application process and year changed you, will you share part of your story in our comment’s today?ย  I know hundreds of women could use the encouragement as they push forward to complete their applications and videos this weekend.

For now ladies, you’ve got today, the weekend and until midnight on Monday.ย  Don’t let fear of tomorrow and fears of failing determine today’s possibilities.ย  The future isn’t clear.ย  It does feel blurry when we try to predict what may or may not happen.ย  But blur isn’t always a bad thing.

When we step forward in faith, the journey often becomes more beautiful and magical than we could have ever imagined.

Start by loving you.ย  Be the first to hear your voice.ย  And then share it with all of us.

We are ready to listen.



CLICK HERE to Apply for SOAR!

p.s.ย  One of the video companies that has created promo videos for Jasmine Star and David Jay’s websites may be offering our three recipients their own custom promo videos when their SOAR! year is almost complete!ย  Just one more reason to let us hear your voice.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. I’m so glad you wrote this today because I’m about to go see a friend who is going to take the video of me! And I have lots of icky butterflies! How silly. But I’m doing it! I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and even if I’m not picked it shows me that I have courage and I need to know that right now! You’ll have my video by Sunday night once she’s done editing it…I know how to take pictures but not the first single little thing about taking or editing a video so I’m going to let my talented friend do that part for me. Woot! Here I go!

  2. kara says:

    Go SOAR sisters! Give it your best shot. I did, and I don’t have the foggiest clue about doing a video. I just did the best I could. I think the excitement overcame the fear at that point.
    Good luck!!

  3. Beth says:

    It sounds silly, but it was my daughters words of wisdom that pulled me out of the well of fear this video has me sitting in. She said “mom, so what if somebody in China sees your pictures and thinks they suck, you’re never going to meet them anyway. And if you did, you couldn’t understand what they said.”
    Blunt, to the point, and correct. I am worthy, I can do this.

    P.S. I am trying really hard not to take the fact that my video won’t upload as a sign. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Debi says:

    This fear of failure and success, WOW, that is echoing in my head right now. That place where you stand frozen with doubt. Rehersing over and over what could be wrong with eithier scenerio. Reminding yourself the times you thought you were making the right choice and it all blew up in your face. The things you did that seemed right to everyone else but left you miserable. So here I am leaping out for the thing that makes no sense but moves my heart! The choice that could actually make me SOAR!

    Beth- its not a sign. I tried that theory out too! LOL. Just take the spaces out of the name of your video and wait for the butterflies.

  5. I was one of the ladies that applied for the SOAR Scholarship last year. I wasn’t one of the 3 recipients of the scholarship but I definitely still benefited from the program. I have made some awesome friends because of applying for this scholarship. Something about this program creates a wonderful supportive community of women that encourage and cheer on each other. I have made one friend in particular that lives about 2 hours from me. We connected on Facebook and started chatting on a regular basis. One thing lead to another and we ended up shooting two weddings together this summer. I would have never had the courage to shoot my first wedding if it hadn’t been for her. She cheered me on and listened to me completely freak out about all the things that I knew were going to go wrong. She even volunteered her time to come here to second shoot for me. Then she invited me to second shoot with her in her hometown. We had so much fun together! We have communicated multiple times about the frustrations of trying to start our business. It’s awesome to have someone to talk to that is in the same place as I am in my business. Someone that truly understands what I am going through.

    So if you are out there thinking you shouldn’t apply because you think you will never win. APPLY ANYWAY! I promise you, even if you are not one of the 3 recipients, you will still win. I guarantee you that Jen, Linda, and Lindsay felt the same way this time last year when they were making their videos. And look what happened for them. You just never know.

  6. Sue Christianson says:

    Love you MeRa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Me Ra says:

    Yeah ladies!!! Just to hear your words, your feelings, the battles that you are NOT going to give into…already, you have changed the course of your journey. Hope, newness, possibility, the opportunity for magic to happen, it’s all in the air. There is such incredible power when you say your dream out loud. The thing you wanted may not happen, but I guarantee–OTHER things will happen. Whether it’s the beautiful, unexpected friendship that Billie talks about or something else that none of us have yet to experience–wonderful things come to you when you let your dream be heard.


  8. MeRa,
    Your last line hit me… “When we step forward in faith, the journey often becomes more beautiful and magical than we could have ever imagined.”

    Last year was the first year that I broke away from a VERY abusive parental relationship. It was at the EXACT same time that I found SOAR. When I applied I had NEVER allowed myself to be creative. I thought that my mother would frown upon that, and I was VERY fearful of upsetting a woman who lived 3000 miles from me.?!?! Crazy… I know. I was barefoot when I found SOAR… and had NO, and I mean NOOOO clue what that first step of faith would bring.

    Finding SOAR was like finding a GREAT pair of shoes.
    The “nervousness, unknowing, blinding fear” shoes were tied with these strings of “excited, exhilarating, blinding happiness. I hit submit last year wearing AN AMAZING pair of shoes. It wasn’t bad as it was the first time I had ever tried them on.

    My shoes are high heal boots… and they lace up to my knees! I have taken my SOAR boots and walked myself into my own little business this past year. I’ve walked into a group of ladies (around 20 to be exact) that are near me… support me… comfort me… and are LIFELONG friends…(oh and they wear some pretty killer shoes too!) Our group is now growing even bigger. We are finding more and more of us that either applied to SOAR last year or have spent the last year following the SOAR program. (they wear some wicked shoes too!)
    We walk forward TOGETHER yet at our own pace. One foot in front of the other. I’ve also walked into the NETWORK of women from across the country on the SOARority forum.

    This year as I watch videos go up… I remember back to that time. What a GREAT pair of shoes I had to wear… and I wore them all year. Amazingly enough… with time… the shoes don’t wear down! They get better!!! and the steps into the unknown blur become easier.

    I love ALL the women of this network. You have provided me a place to REALLY SEE that not all women are hurtful. You ALL are the most AMAZING support! and I say with tears in my eyes that my life has changed in ways I NEVER EVEN SAW from many women I have never personally met! Talk about life changing.

    THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! Thank you.

  9. DAWN DAVIS says:

    I say we kick fear in the ass! I think of fear as a gift from God that keeps us close to Him. What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger and I truly believe that. Bob and I used to have a saying “One step forward, ten steps back” and “If was easy, it wasn’t meant for us”. After reading a couple of really inspiring books that were a Dear Dawn to me, we decided to focus on putting only positive thoughts in our minds. Our entire lives changed that day. It’s not easy, and nothing good comes easy but I do have to say that all the negative thoughts we tell ourselves are TRUE! If we say it, we believe it. So, start saying good things all the time. If something is hard, say you’re currently challenged but you can get through it. God is good all the time Me Ra! I know you know this. There are always going to be people who try to drag us down. Let’s hang with the people who lift us higher. That’s why we love you and Brian so much!

    Love to you and your family!!!

    xoxoxo ~ From your little sparkler! ~ Dawn

  10. Michelle says:

    As I sit here having a day of self doubt, I sat and watched all the videos submitted so far. On one had it is nice to know we are not alone in our feelings, on the other, it is sad to see so many of us held back because of our lack of confidence and fear of failure. But really, what is there to be scared of? Even if you are not one the 3 SOAR recipients, you will gain so much just by taking the first step of applying. You will become part of a community of the most supportive women who will help you reach your goals. So take that next step..sit down right now with your video camera and talk from the heart. Tell your story of why you want to SOAR.

  11. I know what it feels like to risk your inner self and put yourself “out there” — to hope to be accepted and loved by others. But, really, the process of risking is more of a statement affirming how much you love yourself. When I let fear grip me and I feel its tendrils try and stop me, I remember what I am teaching my own children and then I grit my teeth and act in the way I would want THEM to act — with boldness, love, compassion, mercy and — most of all — self love.

    Get those videos in, Ladies! You WILL SOAR this year in Me Ra and Brian’s loving, gentle, and very capable hands, whether you “win” or not.

  12. Sharon says:

    JUST DO IT!!!! The waiting and anticipation makes things seem WAY worse then they are! Send in your video! You may not get the SOAR! scholarship… BIG deal! By entering you are taking a big step and it feels great!! Step out of your comfort zone! Take it as practice! Don’t let anything get in your way! YES! You may have seen other submissions that are better then yours… thats not what this is about! Practice pushing away all those nasty doubtful thoughts and enter!! You my friend, ( NO… I don’t know KNOW you, but I kinda do and you are my friend!) you need to enter. What you think is a road block isn’t. Show yourself you can SOAR over it and in that way you have already won!

  13. Rhonda says:

    Ladies, If you are questioning and doubting – stop it. There is a reason you have a longing to apply that you need to not ignore. Your video doesn’t need to be perfectly put together. No one is judging the quality of your video production. It’s about you expressing your heart and dreams. And I want to tell you from experience, that even if you don’t “win” you will win. I was one of last year’s applicants who didn’t “win”. But when I first read about the Soar scholarship the thing that stuck out to me is that, even if I wasn’t a “winner”, I was still going to get resources and be empowered if I followed along during the year. And when I didn’t win, I remembered that. My dream wasn’t based on or because of a Soar scholarship. And even though I wouldn’t get the fancy new gear, I was still going to get what I really wanted from this scholarship anyways – guidance in growing my photographic skill, business advice, encouragement, and a community to support me in my journey. I also knew that I would only get out as much as I was willing to put in. So I decided to be a winner along with the 3 recipients of the scholarship. I have read every blog post, done all of the photo and business exercises and now that we are at the end of the year, I have gotten all I wanted and more out of the year. And this year, I feel like I have grown so much that I don’t even need to apply this year. So all that to say – submit your video and Soar.

  14. Genie says:

    Okay, if you’re waiting because you’re scared of so many things for so many reasons. As Helen Keller said, “There are so many stories of suffering. And so many stories of overcoming it.” It’s time to stand up to whatever ‘reasonable’ reasoning voice that’s in your head, call up that warrior you didn’t even know was in there and keep moving forward until you get the message that you’ve uploaded your video.

    You’re not too old, too new, older than the rest, and yes, we do understand. I’ve read so many of your emails too, and we’re really all so similar. Women with big hearts and dreams. So keep clicking those mouses and move forward. You’ll be so darn proud of yourself it won’t even matter if you win! ๐Ÿ™‚ (Because if you do, that starts a whole NEW cycle…but don’t go there yet. Keep your eyes focused straight ahead and get this first part done.)

    Okay, deep breath – now go to work. See you soon!

  15. Jen Armstrong says:

    I remember reading that excerpt from the artists way and it shouted to me. Unfortunately fear has controlled so much of my life. In fact, a year ago fear convinced me I could not compete with any of the SOAR videos that were submitted. I figured a good reason why I couldn’t make it happen and that was that. It was my support–mother in law and husband–who convinced me I had to try. There was just nothing to lose. Now, I know there are only 3 winners. And I am unbelievably aware of how amazing it is to be speaking as a recipient. But that’s just it. There will be 3 winners! And if you don’t apply, you definitely won’t be one of them. But if you do, you’ve opened the door to possibility so very wide!!! Whether you have opened up to new friends, new lessons, new info, or even being a recipient!!!! With everything i have I want to encourage you and be your support. Apply friends. Look fear in the eye–be afraid if you need to–but don’t let it control you. You call the shots. Let the fear propel you. From one fearful girl whose life completely changed. Go for it!!!!! Love to you!!

  16. Ladies…what happened last year after not winning the SOAR scholarship FAR EXCEED my wildest dreams. I knew when I submitted my video that I didn’t have a shot at winning. I was pregnant, I had a full-time job, I was trying to figure out this thing called a “business” and here I have a woman challenging me. Challenging me to look inside myself and figure out what I wanted from not just my business but from what life brings you. I mumbled and fumbled though my video because I was nervous and scared. I was scared of saying my hopes and dreams out loud. However, after reading the blog and watching a few videos I knew that if I was going to ever make it (in anything really) I needed to push myself…just a bit more.

    I am so glad that I did! Once the winners were announced various groups started forming of other “sisters” that entered. They finally had someone they could connect too that wouldn’t judge them and a solid support network. To this day, these same women that didn’t win have become some of my best friends. I look to them for guidance and they will tell me I am crazy or will give me a virtual high-five when I am doing great.

    So SOAR is so much more than a 2 minute video where you are trying to wow the judges about why you should be a recipient of the scholarship. It is a membership to one of the coolest sororities out there. There isn’t a cost to join, there isn’t a pretentious vibe and you can finally be yourself for once.

    So apply…because I can’t even begin to count how many women I have met in the last year have profoundly changed my life.

    Thank you MeRa & Brian, Sony, Adobe and all the vendors that pushed me this year. Your vision has undoubtably changed my life

  17. Delanae says:

    This was great timing. I had my video done, then decided I needed to re-do it. Grrr. I just need to let go of the fact that I’ve gained 50 lbs in the past 4 years while I’ve been recovering from trauma to my knees and several surgeries. I don’t let my new wobble stop me but seeing my new plumper self stops me cold! I look at myself and I can’t avoid the reality of what’s happened. Trust me, if I knew how to edit video like I can edit photos, I’d put my face on my old body and I would have been one of the first videos in. Sigh. Me Ra, why didn’t you do a Nate Show on “How to Make Yourself Look Thinner in Videos!” LOL!

    Okay, Okay, Okay, I will not procrastinate any longer because procrastination does not make me look thinner either!

  18. Sue Christianson says:

    Feels like hitting a wall sometimes and the fear of moving on or pressing forward holds us in bondage. I feel like I am at a crossroads right now with what to do!
    Genie, Thank you for stating what you did. The too old thing rings in my ears often. To old to start something new! I hate that voice!!!
    Rhonda, so true, thanks for the reminder!
    Love you guys and love the encouragement!

  19. Linda Baylis says:

    Seriously ladies – listen to all this amazing advice and don’t let your fears get in the way! I stumbled across this opportunity randomly last year and in my wildest dreams never imagined I would be a recipient. I remember calling my husband at work to see if he thought I should apply and I remember how scared I was because I’d never considered the possibility of photography being anything more than a frustrating hobby. Other than a few very close friends (that I roped in to sing my theme song) I didn’t tell anyone that I’d even applied because I was worried they’d think ‘who is she kidding’ and was so scared I was setting myself up to fail. I have two friends who are professional photographers and it wasn’t until well into the year that I gathered the courage to tell them about SOAR. I was scared they would be offended that I thought I could do what they do. How wrong I was.

    I just want you to know I was scared too but I was determined to give it my best shot. My life didn’t change the day I found out I was a SOAR recipient, it changed the day I committed to applying. The day I became part of this community and began to make friendships I will treasure for life. I remember feeling sick to my stomach after hitting ‘submit’ then overjoyed by the support I received from the other ladies applying. Me Ra’s vision is not just about helping 3 women – it’s about building an empowering community of women to help each other.

    I encourage you all to submit that video and become a part of it!

    What are you waiting for?

  20. Linda Baylis says:

    Sue – I can’t wait to see your video because I know your generous spirit and sweet personality will shine through. Too old schmoo old. Get to it girl!!!


  21. Delanae says:

    Yep Linda, I just hit submit and I’ve got that “sick to my stomach” feeling too.

    Man that was tough! Talk about making someone stretch out of their comfort zone! Wowzers! I’m a former Radio DJ… I am very comfortable speaking, behind a mic where nobody sees me. It was natural for me to make the transition to photography, again, behind the camera not in front of it. Anyway ladies, if I can do it, anybody can do it. I’m still breathing, so I know it must have not been too traumatic. ๐Ÿ™‚

    So Linda, when does the “overjoyed by the support” part kick in? LOL! My husband said he’d take me to a movie tonight to try to get my mind off of it.

  22. Last year, I applied for SOAR! and it was a decision that profoundly changed the trajectory of my life and of my photography. It changed my life, because I found the courage to say my dream OUT LOUD. Let me tell you something, there is SO much power in that one brave step. I was not one of the recipients of the scholarship last year, but MANY opportunities of business and friendship have come my way as a result of that step and I now am seeing my dreams and visions come true.

    Don’t be afraid about making and submitting your video. You are a unique and wonderful being – and there is no one else like you in this whole world – just be yourself, where you are right now in your life – it is enough and you are worthy of this opportunity.

    Who knows, you could be one of the three recipients! And even if you are not, you will become part of an AMAZING community and you will meet other women with similar dreams who will help lift you up and SOAR! baby!

    Do it! Come on, we can’t wait to meet you. ๐Ÿ™‚


  23. Sue, if you’re reading this, I thought immediately of this passage in The Noticer by Andy Andrews when I read your comment:

    “Incidentally, this proof [of hope] is genuine regardless of a person’s age, physical condition, financial situation, color, gender, emotional state, or belief. Now, listen closely…
    “If you are breathing, you are still alive. If you are alive, then you are still here, physically, on this planet. If you are still here, then you have not completed what you were put on earth to do. If you have not completed what you were put on earth to do… that means your very purpose has not yet been fulfilled. If your purpose has not yet been fulfilled, then the most important part of your life has not yet been lived. And if the most important part of your life has not yet been lived…” Jones paused, waiting for Willow to follow his thought to conclusion.
    “That is my proof of hope,” Willow said softly.

  24. When I go to upload my video the page says, “File Upload Temporarily Unavailable. Please try again later.” I sure hope it’s fixed by the deadline. My video is ready and so AM I!!!

  25. Delanae says:

    Rebekah, Brian (Me Ra’s Husband) posted this as a fix. Worked for me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good luck!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Maryanne says:


    Actually, my video link would not work either and I did not have any spaces in my file to start with. So the “fix” is not applicable for all. Somewhere on the troubleshoot page someone posted a different link. It said my video submitted, but it has not been posted yet, so I’m holding my breath. Hope this link helps someone…

  27. You are capable, beautiful, and wise. We want to hear your story! The world needs your voice, your skills, your unique perspective.

    It’s like we’re weaving a tapestry together and any color hiding in the corner means the whole tapestry looks faded, less vibrant, the picture is not complete.

    These are the wisest words that a mentor said to me once to get me out of my fear and into my excitement and being a “go for it girl!”.

    All I can say after all these years of going for it is that it is a whole lot more fun than sitting back wishing I’d gone for it!

    Can’t wait to see your videos and all your beautiful photographs ladies! I celebrate the beauty of your life, just as it is! (you should see my office! ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Jill O'Hanlon says:

    I’m so glad I checked the blog today while editing my video. I really needed the encouragement not to make excuses and go for it. I have a raging perfectionist in my head and given the fact that I just gave birth 1 week ago (she came 10 days early) and have a newborn to attend to, I have plenty of “legitimate excuses” to fink out. But if I do, I know I’ll sorely regret it. My new daughter is my inspiration and I’m going to do this! Thanks you all the women who have commented with their hearts. I needed to hear your words. Thank you, thank you!

  29. Ariane says:

    Words CANNOT express how much applying for SOAR last year has truly changed me. It showed me a strength I never knew I had. It let the impossible become possible. No, I did not win the scholarship last year but I am so very grateful for having even participated. I am the type of person who never thinks that I could actually win let alone do what it takes to prove that I should be selected. Those voices of doubt and fear always got the best of me. But for some reason, I applied for SOAR and although I did not win I was made a better person in so many ways. And to me, that is winning.

    In case you’re interested, here was my SOAR video from last year ( #251. If I can do it, I know with all my heart, that you can too. Best of luck to all of the applicants this year :)!

  30. Brianna says:

    Whew. I finally did it! I clicked the upload button and I’m so relieved and excited! And let me just say, my husband totally rocks! Already he has been such an amazing support. Love him!

  31. Hooray! Thank you so much Delanae and Maryanne for redirecting me to the right link! It’s finally uploaded and now the pins and needles waiting begins!

  32. Lakeicia says:

    What inspiration and motivational fire in the posts here. I have known since I got this message I needed to submit and I will, in spite of fear. Thanks ladies for all of the kind words, stories, and love. You are all SO amazing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. Me Ra says:

    I am so honored to be a part of this community of powerful, courageous women. Each of you inspire me beyond words. Beautiful, beautiful you are!


  34. […] you watch these videos, scroll down to the comments in Friday’s blog post “We Can’t Let Our Fear have the Last Word”. Over 30 women left comments full of strength, courage and wisdom.ย  These women are from all walks […]

  35. Sue Christianson says:

    Thanks so much for the encouragement ladies! I did not get my video in this year. Life has been so crazy and I didn’t have time to do it. I did enter last year and I cannot even begin to tell you the feeling I felt when I hit that submit button! It was total freedom and feeling like a huge success in just sending the thing. SO amazing. I was surprised by what I felt. Although I did not send in an entry video this year, I am determined to push myself more this year in photography, set new goals and take my goals and dreams off the shelf and begin to SOAR with the rest of you. You are all amazing and I am so encouraged by reading your posts!

  36. Michelle says:

    I have been wanting to comment since I saw this post, but could not figure out exactly what I wanted to say. Now, I think I know. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    When I first found out I did not win, I cried. I submitted the video on a whim with not too many expectations. I was surprised by my feelings after the announcement was made because it made me realize just how much I wanted the opportunity.

    That day, I also had a new realization – more of an awakening, I guess – that since I put my dreams out there and already told the universe what I wanted, I needed to act on it. Not winning didn’t mean I didn’t have to succeed – it just meant that I had to do it on my own.

    More than anything, SOAR provided me the motiviation and courage to just take a leap of faith and trust myself that I could make something out of a photography business. Seeing all those women pour their hearts and dreams out on video gave me a motivation that I didn’t have before.

    SOAR also gave me a new sisterhood of photography friends all trying for the same goal to really succeed. ๐Ÿ™‚

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