Artist Living


Me Ra Koh

I know we all have tons to do, but if you’re in Seattle the weather is AMAZING today! I decided to do something I don’t ever do. I took off from work and did a 20 mile bike ride in the middle of the day.

You may not have time to do a bike ride, but try to step away early today and do something for yourself. You deserve it! I know we just had a three day weekend, but we still deserve treating ourselves! 🙂


  1. Mike Larson says:

    love the glasses. I love to bike and we are training for another triathlon (my wife &I), see you around!!!

  2. Me Ra says:

    That’s fantastic Mike! Are you doing a Sprint or one of the longer distances? I’m hoping to do a sprint or some bike races this summer. I started training for Sprint Triathlon’s a year ago, and wow, it’s made all the difference in my endurance for those 12 hour wedding day shoots!

  3. Hydrocodone. says:


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  4. Celebrex. says:



  5. Acyclovir. says:



  6. Ambien. says:

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  7. Xenical. says:

