Artist Living

Prayer Request

Me Ra Koh

Today is here, and I would love your prayers.

A couple weeks ago, I went in for a check up on my ovaries. For the last four years, I’ve had a combination of growths, tumors, and cysts growing on them. So frustrating because I feel totally fine, exercise regularly, eat well, but these things keep growing. We’ve had to do two emergency surgeries and been through the scare of ovarian cancer. I’m so thankful it has not come to that.

I went in for another check up, feeling great and healthy. But to our dismay I have another growth. It’s mainly my right ovary that is always acting up, so we’ve decided to remove it all together. Surgery is at 2pm today. There is no guarantee that this will help, but rather be a preventive step.

I would love your prayers. I’ve been feeling pretty good overall, but my first emergency surgery was also tied to when Aidan, our second baby, who died while I was pregnant. And even though that was four years ago, the surgeries tend to press on those places of grief.

Yesterday, I went for a 17 mile bike ride by myself. It was a divine ride. The wind was stronger than I’m comfortable riding in, and I felt tempted to call Brian and have him pick me up. But then I had to smile because I thought this is a perfect description of my heart these last couple weeks. I feel like the wind is stronger than I’d prefer, but it’s as if the wind is God and if I could just lean into Him I’d see I’m not falling but being held up. It was so real while riding because I was terrified to lean into the wind with cars going by! The ride was just what my heart needed. I cried on the bike, laughed and yelled (and no one could hear because the wind was howling so loud! :)).

I feel so blessed to have your prayers and our friends and family. My neighbors have already planned a weeks worth of meals and even had us over for dinner and lemon drops last night! 🙂 I’ve also waited 2 years to see this particular surgeon, and it’s good to feel like I’m in such great hands.

In the midst of my processing, I’ve found myself in our new garden a lot–meditating on a favorite quote, “Every flower has to push through dirt.” Could it be worded any better?

Thanks for praying this week as I push through my dirt. Much love, Me Ra


  1. Valerie White says:

    Me Ra, I am praying now, as we speak. Please keep us updated. So glad you have a great surgeon, that is worth everything. We leave Wednesday for Hawaii but I will be checking your blog while gone. When I come back I would love to come get the kids for a playdate.
    Take care of yourself.

  2. Me Ra,
    I don’t know you, but I am praying for you.

  3. Kate says:

    I am praying for you.

  4. Steve DePino says:

    I am and will be praying for you. God bless.

  5. Me Ra says:

    You guys are so great! Thanks so much! It means the world to us.

  6. Jillian Kay says:

    thinking of you! i know you’re strong enough for whatever happens, but hoping for the best anyway.

  7. rach says:

    You are inspiring,…even as you “push through your dirt.”
    Lifting you up in prayer!

  8. Kevin Keith says:

    “blessed are those whose confidence is in the Lord…” Jerm. 17:7-8

    Me Ra, we just met at PartnerCon Chicago but I already know how strong of a woman you are. You never let anything get you down and you have such a joyful spirit. I will be praying for you!

    Kevin Keith

  9. Kay Beaton says:

    My prayers and thoughts are with you today – thanks for sharing so much of both your photography life and your personal life! You are such an inspiration to all of us!

  10. Alison Bynum says:

    Me Ra,
    You will be in my prayers today. This verse has comforted me over the past week and I thought I would share it with you now. It is Psalm 40: 1-3

    1 I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
    and he turned to me and heard my cry.
    2 He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
    out of the mud and the mire.
    He set my feet on solid ground
    and steadied me as I walked along.
    3 He has given me a new song to sing,
    a hymn of praise to our God.
    Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
    They will put their trust in the Lord.

  11. Paul Eaton says:

    Laura and I will have you in our thoughts! Please do not hesistate if you need anything.

  12. World Famous says:

    I do know you, :), and I’ll be praying for you as well…in fact, I have already said my first prayer of the day for you! 🙂

  13. Todd K says:

    Blessed are those you trust in the Lord… prayers are with you and your family!

  14. Sarah says:

    Me Ra! I’m praying for you and your family!! God is always so faithful.

  15. David Burke says:

    God Bless Me Ra! I know He will hold you tightly and take care of you and yours. Can’t wait to see you back in action.


  16. Me Ra:
    Just was checking back and saw your post, it’s 5:00 eastern, and I’m holding you in my prayers as I type.

  17. Jessica says:

    You, Brian and the kids are in my prayers. May God give you strength, comfort and healing as you go through this “dirt”. I pray you recover quickly – but also get a chance to relax 😉

  18. Kari says:

    Me Ra, I never really liked dirt… but I guess it is good for growing beautiful things, and there is none more beautiful than you. You are in my prayers.

  19. daria bishop says:

    You’re in my thoughts, Me Ra!
    xo daria

  20. Amanda says:

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Much love,

  21. Erin says:

    Me Ra, I have been sending love your way all day long.You are such an inspiration! Hang in there.Love~Erin

  22. Penna says:

    Me Ra, you and your loved ones are in my prayers.

    I thank the Lord for your shining light. You are a strong exanple of His glory in our world. The beauty and inspiration, fear and frustration, hurt and healing; all things that we experience as part of humanity are made a little easier (and a lot more entertaining) because you are not afraid to “bare it and share it”.

    Thanks for inviting us into your world, and may you, continue to enjoy abundant health and happiness.

  23. Me Ra, we’re both praying for you and your family.

    God Bless

  24. kris says:

    Me Ra, I will lift you up in prayer. May He watch over you & your family and supply you with His everlasting peace and joy.

    – Philippians 4:6-7

  25. Airika Pope says:

    Me Ra,

    You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. I trust that God will give you overwhelming strength and confidence in Him.

    Thanks for constantly pursuing all that you’ve been created to be. You are an inspiration to all of us.


  26. You and your family are in my prayers…
    Your doctors hands are in my prayers…
    Everyone on staff handling your care are in my prayers…

  27. Pam says:

    I will keep you in my prayers.
    take care and keep pushing thru
    that dirt!

  28. Liza says:

    I will be praying for you, Me Ra!

  29. Crystal Goss says:

    Praying for you, Me Ra.

  30. erwinw says:

    Me Ra,

    you will be in prayers …
    God bless ~ erwin w

  31. Carrie Young says:

    Gosh Me Ra…. I hope all goes well – know that I am thinking of you.
    Much love.

  32. Mary says:

    You are such an amazing woman! Your strength is an inspiration. I’ll be praying for you…we’re all in this with you.


  33. Jen Stewart says:

    Me Ra, I will be praying for you today! This must be so scary. And I can relate to what you said about things hitting that pain from the past. I will be praying for both a successful surgery and quick recovery, but also peace for your heart and mind.

  34. Bumatay says:

    Hi Me Ra

    Stay strong and always look up to God. I’ll pray that the surgery goes well, that God will fully heal you, and that all your needs are provided. Get well soon!

  35. Mia says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you right now.

    Soon, you will be feeling better, sitting in your new front yard with the sun on your face, family around you and a BIG lemon drop in your hand!

    Here is to a quick recovery!

  36. david baxter says:

    our prayers are with you. may God watch over you and your family. much blessings 🙂

  37. raya says:

    Me Ra,
    I’m reading this a bit late, but our prayers for a swift and easy recovery will be with you. Looking forward to our visit next week : )


    Forest and Raya

  38. Intisar says:

    Praying for your speedy recovery!

    And I’d also like to let you know that I was really encouraged by the quote you left and also the story of your bike ride. Thanks 🙂

  39. ron storer says:

    Me Ra- you are so loved…and you are in our prayers

  40. I just discovered the prayer request as to even though I visit your site regularly, I don’t follow the blog….good thing I read cause I want to offer my prayers to your full recovery. I will pray for you to awake each day filled with the Spirit of Gods grace and favor. Understanding he asks you not to worry about yesterday or tomorrow because he will provide you with all the blessings you need for today. Peace be with you Sweet Pea!

  41. Trish McCaw says:

    Me Ra,
    I am thinking so hard about you. I will say many prayers for you. I’m just sorry I was so late finding this out. You are strong and beautiful and I know you will be fine. You have much more beauty to bring into this world. My best to Brian and hugs to the kids.
    My love, thoughts, and prayers are with you always,
    Trish McCaw

  42. […] So I’ve been complaining all summer about how I trained all winter and didn’t get to do one race b/c of our shooting schedule and my surgery. And then look, an opportunity presents itself, and Brian gives me this look of here’s your chance. (gulp! ) We had plans to take the kids camping one last time, but at the last minute, and I mean last, we decided to stay for the race and then go camping later that day. Thus, a serious last minute sign up! […]

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