Artist Living

Super Pretty and Super Pink!

Me Ra Koh

Before I went to San Fran for my women’s business workshop, I got something super pretty!!Β  I can’t believe I forgot to show all of you!Β 

Want to see!!!

It’s the Sony VAIO CR Series in PINK, in PINK, in PINK-PINK!-PINK!!Β  oh so pretty pink, laptop!!! I LOVE IT!!!

Sony Pink Notebook

Look at this keyboard! It’s a brushed pink with a brushed silver keyboard. Women were drooling over this at the airport! I drool over it while Brian is embaressed to carry it for me. πŸ™‚ I even got a matching pink laptop case.

And can I just say that working on a pink laptop is way more fun and inspiring than a black or silver one!! πŸ™‚

(for more close up images of this beautiful thing, click here!)

Thanks for indulging my excitment over pink laptops.Β  Can you imagine how crazy I’d get with a pink DSLR!Β  πŸ™‚


  1. Lauren says:

    How CUTE!! I got a laptop for Christmas. I wanted pink but it was a really naseating bubble gum pink, so I got the pretty spring green!

    Won’t our pink and green laptops be so cute together in Chicago?? It will feel like spring in November!

    ♥ you, Me Ra!

  2. Michelle says:

    OH so jealous! I am a pink fanatic!!!

    I can just picture Brian walking around with the pink laptop case! Oh so pretty. πŸ™‚

  3. Amanda Mays says:

    Sweet! My best friend got that same one and its even cuter in person! I’ve been thinking of getting the blue one.

    Did you feature it so you could write it off? Hahaha πŸ˜‰
    We need to talk more about stuff like that I get so lost on the tax and write off stuff!

  4. Michelle says:

    So pretty and fun! I have a pink dell in my shopping cart, but this looks like more fun. Is this a good computer for editing photos or is the screen to small?
    And yes a pink SLR would be fun. I think we talked about that in sonoma.

  5. Liza says:

    Cute! My cousin actually has that exact one and it is so cute in person!
    Pink SLR…not a bad idea!
    OMG, that is actually a bad idea…I would go crazy choosing over the colors!

  6. jeramy says:

    oh me ra…..oh me ra….i’m so, so sorry…..if you were feeling this way i certainly could have spray painted a macbook for you….but this is just not ok. i need to log off now….i’ll talk to you have after i see my therapist.

  7. maya says:

    that’s what i said! a pink dslr!!

    a pink dslr to go with your pink laptop would be fantastic! go sony!

  8. sharon says:

    It is super cute…. even though it’s not a Mac.

  9. Kristin says:

    Way too cute. I’m going to need to upgrade my laptop soon and may have to get an adorable pink one too! Hmmmm, pink dslr???? Maybe, at least a really cute pink case!

  10. So Pretty in PINK…Now if Brian can upgrade to BROWN… you’ll have your company colors going on! What a fashion statment the two of you could be! Very Cute!

  11. Susanne says:

    I love ya Me Ra, but I agree with Sharon and Jeramy… it’s cute… but it is not a Mac…..
    forgive me…. πŸ˜‰

  12. Denise says:

    mmmmmmmm, i love pink – pink laptops, pink garage doors… next we’ll be seeing Brian dancing around in a pink thong πŸ˜›

  13. Susanne says:

    OMG Denise!! LOL

  14. Lauren says:

    As much as we loved Brian In Boudoir… I thinking pink boxer shorts might be the safer option! LOL!

  15. Heidi says:

    I love pink~ hot pink mostly! Pink surrounds me~ from folders to post it notes, to my book bag~ right down to the pink superball sitting right in front of me, ready to bounce. I love pink.

  16. Me Ra says:

    Brian in a pink thong! Oh, you are all so bad!

    And I really feel the grace from all you Mac users. πŸ™‚

  17. Jeramy says:

    now i feel bad…. πŸ™
    I just want you to be as happy as I am….that’s all! πŸ™‚