Artist Living

The Principle of the Fork! and How It Connects to the New Photo Contest!

Me Ra Koh

It was Blaze’s 4th birthday. He sat down for breakfast like he did every morning, but this time he picked up his fork instead of eating with is hands. Brian and I were speechless. We had been trying to get him to use his fork for the last couple months. It was not happening so we forgot about it.

“Blaze, what makes you want to use your fork this morning?” I said. Brian and I tried our best not to look surprised.

“Simple mama. I woke up this morning and God said, ‘Blaze, now that your four years old, it’s time to start using your fork.'”

And that was that. Blaze has never looked back.

I have recalled this sweet memory a number of times over the last few months. Every time I put the silverware away and separate the big forks from the little forks, I think about that morning. Blaze was so “matter of fact”. There wasn’t any questioning in his mind; “Did I really hear from God or was that just my imagination? Did God mean for me to start this new way of life right now? today? or when I feel ready?”

Nope, none of those thoughts were going through Blaze’s mind. He had an absolute certainty of what to do.

Forks will never look the same to me again.

The theme for the new photo contest is Inspirational Objects. We are going to step away from capturing people and pets, and step inward to see what objects strike an emotion in us. Is it your guitar propped up against the window with the morning light behind it? Is it a childhood blankie that you still have after all these years? Is it a piece of jewelry that carries a certain promise? Maybe it’s a special book sitting next to your bed.

This photo contest requires you to slow down, breathe deep and look at all the detailed objects you surround yourself with. Pick one object that stirs up emotion inside you. Do a photoshoot of this one object. Still life can be much harder to photograph verses portraits. Especially when the object is NOT smiling back at you. So get out of the box, put the critic’s voice away, and have some fun with this.

Three simple rules for this photo contest to make it even more enriching.

1. Your Inspirational Object can’t be a person or a picture of a person.

2. Your Inspirational Object can’t be your pet or any other animal.

3. Your Inspirational Object can’t be a flower or some other living thing inside or outside.

Your Inspirational Object must be something that is NOT living but gives you life.

What do you think?! I’m so excited!

Submission Guidelines:

1. Email your Inspiration Object image to

2. Make sure you’ve attached your image as a small JPG. Do NOT put your image in the text of your email. Attach it to make it easier for us.

3. Since this is an Inspirational Object that connects to you personally, we invite you to write a couple sentences on why this object is inspirational in your life.

4.SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Sunday, October 26th 2008 at Midnight PST.


For more fun photo exercises, check out our popular Instructional DVDs Refuse to Say Cheese (see the downloadable version available if you live outside the US!), our 101 Kits for starting or expanding a business in photography, click on the words of your choice! To read a great review done on our DVDs, click here!

The Chicago Workshop is sold out. But the Seattle December Workshop is still open for registration with only a few seats left!! Click HERE to register!


  1. Lauren says:

    What a darling Blaze is!!! That’s such a great story!! ♥

    What a great photo contest idea, too!! I have a few ideas, but I’ll keep them to myself. I’m still wishing that I had been able to do the pet contest. I was going to photograph a friend’s falcon, but the opportunity didn’t come up in time. I am DEFINITELY taking the time for this one!!

    Have a great Wednesday, Me Ra!

  2. Amanda says:

    Fun fun fun!!!

    Blaze, what a sweetie! That story is adorable!

  3. What a sweet story, kids are amazing with their wit and charm! What an interesting idea for a contest. I love seeing what you come up with for these, it reminds me of coming up with assignments for my photography students when I was a teacher. I love this concept, it will be interesting to see where it goes!

  4. jeramy says:

    congrats on the utensil front.

    i really like the idea of the photo contest. it will be cool to see what people come up with….have a great day!

  5. Me Ra Koh says:

    oooohhh! I’m so glad some of you are liking this idea! thanks for posting your comments and letting me know!

  6. Kari says:

    is it okay if I take a picture of you blog for my entry? xxoo!

  7. amanda says:

    Aww that is a precious story! I love it. And the contest idea is interesting and challenging for sure! At least for me… 🙂

  8. Susanne says:

    ooooh, I REALLY like this month’s contest… I am curious to see what people come up with!

  9. Katie says:

    I love it! Think think think…hmmm (finger on chin)

  10. Very Cool! It really makes you think and look around at the details in your life! I love that!

  11. How fun! I just love this story w/ Blaze. You guys are such awesome parents.
    I am also very excited to see what people come up w/ for this particular contest. Very cool idea.

  12. Pam says:

    …so, today, I went to a friend’s house to watch her kids (so she could teach 3 kindergarten classes about the scientific method). she tells me that my son was confused why they ate so much finger food at their house. (they have a 5 yr. old, a 2 yr. old & a 1 yr. old). he told her, ‘don’t you guys use forks around here???’ so i told her your story & she commented how her kids have no inhibitions about what they hear from God, as well. totally uninhibited. anyways… look forward to meeting you in chicago…to get out of the green box! blessings, pam strohl

  13. Denise says:

    oooooooo, sounds interesting!

  14. Dana F says:

    i’m in!

  15. ron storer says:

    love that story!

  16. Paula says:

    I’m brand-new to your site, just found it today through Jodi at This Handmade Life, and wondering if I can join in on this contest? I have just the object in mind…

  17. I haven’t tried out the photo contests before – but does it have to be a new photo? Or can it be from your archives?

  18. great story. I’m sorry I missed your pet contest — spending more time at Shutter Sisters and finally clicked my way here, from there. But now I definitely plan to send in a submission for consideration in this contest.

    Thank you for this great opportunity.


  19. […] you haven’t heard, our current photo contest theme is an “Inspirational Object“. This means your picture has to be an object that inspires you. It cannot be a picture of […]

  20. […] It’s all about Photography Tips When Shooting Objects. Our current photo contest theme is “Inspirational Objects”. Some of you have expressed this theme being a bit tougher than other themes we’ve done. So […]

  21. Oooo… I can play this time around. I just emailed you my first image submission!

    What a great idea and thanks for sharing your story!

  22. […] there! I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Just wanted to post a quick reminder that the Inspirational Object Photo Contest ends tonight at midnight PST. This means you have to email us your submissions to […]

  23. […] Hand, Open Heart Submitted by renee on Mon, 2008-10-27 13:58. I decided to take up this challenge on Me Ra Koh’s blog this month. Man, this was hard. I’m not used to taking photos of non-living […]

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  25. […] back when, we opened a photo contest for the most Inspirational Object. Remember that, feels like years […]

  26. […] info on our next Photo Contest Theme, click here. I’m so glad you all like the new […]

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