Kellie’s Rising Phoenix Story is about choosing to get up despite everything in life telling you to live in fear. Meet the warrior in her!
Kellie’s Rising Phoenix Story is about choosing to get up despite everything in life telling you to live in fear. Meet the warrior in her!
For every woman who secretly struggles with feeling like she’ll never feel good enough, Jen Mango shares her story in a powerful, transparent book, Rescued Heart.
Standing tall at 6’8, a college graduate playing semi-pro basketball, and married to the love of his life, Jajuan’s future was full of endless possibilities. And then he was diagnosed bipolar.
Oma is the heart of their family and lived eighty plus years as a rising phoenix. I want to take a moment to honor our oldest Rising Phoenix by sharing parts of her inspiring story and legacy.
See 23 plus poses from our Studio Lighting and Posing with a Purpose Workshop! The attendees were given six attributes to capture, see how they did!
Life completely changes in endless ways. Women over 40 require courage. Carley’s story inspires every mom feeling lost.