Photo Contests!

The Running On Empty Winner is…

Me Ra Koh

Announcing the Seattle Workshop Running on Empty Winner!!!

Adrienne, you are the WINNER! You were nominated by your wonderful friends Gina and Lisa!

Adrienne, we are so excited to have you join us! For those of you who didn’t get a chance to read her nomination entry on the blog, this is what her friend Gina wrote;

on 02 Dec 2008 at 12:08 am Gina

Dear Me Ra,
My dear sweet friend Adrienne has been running on empty for quit some time now. If you think of major life changing events, she and her family have experienced all of them. In the past five years her family has dealt with the suicide of a loved one, death of a father, 5 job changes, relocation, and the unexpected addition of their third child. Through all of these challenges she has remained positive, strong and a blessing to her family. She has taken care and thought of everyone else but herself. A woman who has been there for others through such adversity truly deserves a weekend to revive her spirit.
Adrienne has always been able to capture beauty through a lens. Recently she has taken her love of photography to the next level. This weekend would bring her much needed rest, and help her to focus on someone whom she hasn’t in a long time… herself.

Brian and I also feel bad that this has been so last minute. Our lives have been crazy these last few months, and we can’t believe we are announcing the winner when the workshop starts on Saturday! Insane of us. To make it up to you, we reserved a room at the Villa with your name on it Adrienne. If you’d like, you can stay free of charge Friday night and Saturday night. It’s on us! Hopefully that will help make up for how last minute this is! You can either come to the Meet and Greet at the Villa tomorrow night at 7pm and stay the next two nights. Or you can join us Saturday morning at 9am! Totally up to you. Whatever most recharges your batteries is what we want you to do. (If you do take us up on staying at the Villa, oooh, you won’t regret it. It’s the most beautiful B&B ever!)

If you would post on the blog today or email us asap so we know you can make it this weekend–that would be AWESOME! And if for some reason you can’t, we’ll announce the runner up today! Email:

Much love! And see you very, very soon!



  1. Me Ra Koh says:

    I have no idea why half this post is hyperlinked! But I think it’s okay b/c we have to jet right now. Congrats Adrienne!

  2. Michelle says: happy for you Adrienne!

  3. Amanda Mays says:

    Super Congrats Adrienne! How you are able to make it!

  4. Michelle says:

    I was so excited, that I forgot to mention that I was lucky enough to do a little photo shoot for Adrienne & Gina who is such a great friend for nominating her. You can see the pics the second post down at

  5. yvonne l says:

    Congratulations Adrienne! Hope you get some well deserved rest and recoup while hanging out with awesome photogs! I hope to see what ever pictures come from the workshop 😉

  6. Gretchen says:

    Congratulations Adrienne! You are in for the time of your life. Enjoy.

  7. Dinea says:

    Yay! Congrats to you have a blast!

  8. Lauren says:

    Congrats! This weekend will be awesome! I’m still riding my post-Chicago high! 🙂