Photo Contests!

Vote and Win! Top FIVE FINALISTS for the Simple Gift Photo Contest!

Me Ra Koh

We’ve got a Photo Contest for you to vote on today, AND the winner of the Mother’s Day story!

A big thanks to all the moms who shared their Mother’s Day stories. I loved reading them all! Some had me laughing so hard and others made me cry! Some were down right inspiring, and wow, some of you need to take a day off after working so hard on YOUR day! Do you know how amazing and beautiful you all are?

The one story I still can’t get over is by Katie Jordan . Did you read her story about how they had to take the oven apart to get their artichoke frittata out of it? It’s HILARIOUS! The woman needs to take her, her hubbie and mom out for a latte after that craziness! Katie, thanks for sharing! Email Genie, at, with your address, and we’ll get the Starbucks card off to you! To read Katie’s whole story (and it’s so worth it for a good laugh), check out yesterday’s blog post.

On to the Photo Contest Finalists! Time to VOTE!!

Some of you forgot. Some of have been waiting. Some of you have no idea what I’m talking about! But here we are! It’s time to start doing our Photo Contests again!

Your about to see the TOP FIVE FINALISTS for the Simple Gifts Photo Contest!!

Does everyone remember how to do this?

You have a couple ways to win! If your a finalist, you can win be receiving the most votes. You will have THREE, not two, (I added a new prize) but THREE prizes to choose from! See details below!

If your a Voter, you can win by voting! It’s that simple. Because we cherish our voters and their feedback, we will pick TWO Random Voters to win prizes too! AND, if we CLEAR 500 VOTES, one of those Random Voters gets to claim Lightroom 2.0 as a prize! Nice huh! All you have to do is post your vote and give the photographer some positive feedback on why you liked their photo the best.

You can check by this Monday to see if you were one of the TWO Random Voters!)

But for now, let’s welcome these talented photographers and their inspiring work.

The theme was Simple Gifts. You were invited to submit an image that somehow conveys the theme of Simple Gifts. A theme that is this open can be good and tough at the same time. Check out what our finalists submitted!

Finalist #1, The Wedding Gift, by Laura from Grand Rapids, Michigan

Laura submitted an image of an incredibly touching Simple Gift. When she and her husband were married, Laura’s dad gave her this heart shaped box. For a dad to “make” a gift for his kids, wow, that alone is moving. Her father took the time to cut out images of his favorite father/daughter moments throughout the years. He cut each image out in the shape of this heart box and wrote notes on the back. Not only did Laura receive one of the most amazing wedding presents in the world, she did a wonderful job at capturing the heart shaped box.

I love how her dad’s inscription is lit on the heart shaped box. The sepia tone adds to the timeless that the gift possesses. And I love how she created drama with the blurred background of the bottom half of the heart shaped box. Laura, thank you so much for sharing such a special part of your life with us. The gift and the image you captured are both beautiful!

Finalist #2, “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out!” by Michelle Sidles, Washington

Michelle and her family were headed to California for Christmas when the Blizzard of 08 hit. Their flight was canceled last minute, and they had zero food in the refrigerator and zero gifts for under the tree. That night she and her husband scrambeled to find something they could wrap and put under the tree. She said her son would have never dreamed of asking for his own BB gun b/c of the whole thing “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out”, but they decided to surprise him. I can’t imagine how surprised he must have been. Some of my younger brother’s best memories are when they would hike with our grandpa through the trees in Eastern WA practicing their aim with the BB guns.

The image can be a bit startling at first if you didn’t grow up with BB guns. But I love how striking it is. It is so obvious that this boy is in love with his BB gun. It may have been the only thing under the tree, but I think he’s okay with it. I love how the target practice is set up behind him. I love how the image is horizontal, almost square shaped, and every thing in the image adds to the story. There isn’t any thing we see in the image that shouldn’t be there. Michelle, great job! Thanks so much for submitting! Check out Michelle’s blog too!

Finalist #3, Siblings, by Denise from Arizona!

Denise said her Simple Gift was siblings. She has recently been reflecting on how much her brother means to her. In her submission, she wrote; “No one on earth lived my childhood with me, and saw things that I saw at that time–except my brother.” It’s so simple, and yet so true. Her submission is perfect for the Simple Gift Photo Contest. Denise also said that since she wasn’t able to take a picture with her brother, she decided to submit this image. Here are four brothers with their dogs in the back of the truck. And I want to add, “without a care in the world”.

Denise, I LOVE how all four brothers have different focal points. What a great story you have captured! Yes, they are brothers and growing up together, but they all have different views of their childhood. I also love how you composed the shot with the different places they are each sitting, standing, leaning, etc. The dogs are a great touch. Way to go. Adding pets isn’t always easy! And Denise has her own beautiful website! Check it out! There are two shots of mom pregnant and then holding baby that are priceless. Beautiful work Denise!

Finalist #4, F 2.8, by Michelle from Wisconsin!

Michelle said that her Simple Gift idea is photography. And the way she has created this message is incredibly simple but striking. In her email she wrote that she wanted to portray the gift of photography “simply but with a little whimsy”. I think she pulled it off beautifully!

She used her daughter’s blocks to spell out her favorite aperture: F 2.8. (Can I get an AMEN everyone!) The lighting is great on this image with the white tile floor and the blu
rred wall color behind. Both of these elements add to the clean feeling this image gives. Michelle, did you shoot this image at a 2.8? 🙂 Thanks so much Michelle for submitting your image! Your gift was one that so many of us can appreciate, but your idea of how to portray this was so original! I just love it! Michelle also has an awesome website and blog that you must see, especially her Public Enemies gallery. That is super fun to look through!

Finalist #5, Daily Treat, by Katie from Mississippi!

Katie submitted this image of her son feeding his horse a carrot. She said that every day her horse gets to look forward to this Simple Gift. What a great idea for a photo submission. I love a number of things about this image. I love how the little boy is centered in the bottom half. I don’t often center my subjects, but for this image it works so well because of how it shows us perspective. What do I mean by perspective? I love how we see the size difference between the horse gate and the big horse itself! I love how the little boy is reaching up. I picture him being on his tip toes, even though I don’t see his feet. The energy is still moving upward enough for me to fill in the blanks. And the black and white toning helps add focus to the little boy and horse. Wonderful job Katie! You caught a great moment, and I love that you shared it with us! Thank you so much!

All five of these women are so talented AND totally going for it with their cameras and creative eyes! We applaud them all.

There you have em’! The Top Five Finalists for the Simple Gift Photo Contest! Now you have the tough job of voting for ONE!

FAQ #1: How do you vote?

Answer: Just click on the pink word “Comments” at the end of this blog post. Put the # of photo your voting for first (it makes counting the votes way faster), and then add a few words about why you like their image the most. Remember, your comments and feedback give to the Five Finalists more than any prize from us. Please be kind, encouraging, and share all that you can with these wonderful Five Finalists! Your feedback on their images is priceless! That’s why we do the Random Voter Awards, because we appreciate your voting and feedback so much. So spread the word to family and friends! And ask them to vote!

Please vote one time for one image. Thanks!

FAQ #2: Is there a new Photo Contest happening right now? And when is the Deadline?

Answer: After we announce the Winners for this contest, we’ll start a new one! And it won’t take me four months to post the finalists! 🙂

FAQ #3: What are the prizes for the Random Voters and the Finalist?

Answer: Scroll on down!!

Prizes for the Winning Finalist and the Random Voter Winners!

In our last photo , we had over 586! We broke our record again! It was amazing! You all spread the word, and the votes came rolling in! If we clear 500 votes AGAIN on this , we are going to pick a Random Voter (not necessarily #500, but a RANDOM Voter) to win a copy of ‘s software again!! And then we’ll keep going and pick one more Random Voters to win a $25 customized, cool looking Starbucks card! So that’s one Random Winner of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and one MORE random winner of $25 customized Starbucks cards, if we clear 500!

Deadline for all voting is this Sunday night, 4 days from now, 5/16, at midnight PST!! That means we have to clear 500 votes by that time for two Random Voters to be picked and win !

Prize for being the Winner of the Five Finalists!!!

Now what about the finalist’s prize! What will they get?

Great question! The finalist will get their choice of one of our 101 Kits or the downloadable version of our Refuse to Say Cheese/Beyond the Green Box DVD series. And then, and THEN (we’re hooking our Finalists up for 2009! :)), they also get to choose between one of two MORE things!

1. Their own copy of Adobe’s Lightroom 2.0 Software

2. Or a copy of the newly released DVD “See the Light” by Carlos Baez! Watch the trailer by clicking the title. Carlos is not only a dear friend, but he is also a PHENOMENAL photographer who has years experience in the fashion and wedding industry and is now sharing his knowledge on lighting with the wedding and portrait world. This guy is loaded with tips and strategies on lighting. We just got our own copy of his DVD, and I can’t wait to watch it. Carlos is a master with lighting, and on top of that he has a HUGE heart for teaching people. Just watching him work with his clients is amazing. Your business can’t help but go to the next level with this new DVD. Check out his blog! To purchase Carlos’s new DVD, check out the Photography Mentor store. Retail Price for “See the Light” is $175.

3. Or, a NEW PRIZE !!! Since so many of our finalists have their own websites and/or blogs, I’d like to offer a third choice. As I was looking at the Finalists websites/blogs, I had so much feedback to give. I’d like to offer a 45 minute, private, consultation phone call to the winner to talk about how to strengthen their websites/blog for their business! Please understand that ALL their websites and blogs are AWESOME. I’ve just learned a few tricks over the years that I’d love to share with them. It’s a fun option if the winner already has prizes
1 and 2! And best of all, I would love to chat with the winner on the phone! (If you choose this prize and find it would be more helpful to talk about photography, juggling business/family as a mother, going to Thailand :), your business strategy, marketing tips, etc. You let me know! I’m yours for 45 minutes!) Value: Private 1 hr. Consultations are $500.

So get all your friends and family to jump on here and vote before Sunday at midnight!

Enjoy! VOTE AWAY!!!


Sony Camera Contest Winners will be Announced NEXT WEEK !!! Stay tuned!!! (boy, is this contest week or what!)

For more fun photo exercises, check out our popular Instructional DVDs Refuse to Say Cheese , our 101 Kits for starting or expanding a in , click on the words of your choice!



  1. Dan says:

    No. 1

    Simple, beautiful, yet strong…I am a dad and I love my daughter with all my life.

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful picture.

  2. Linda says:

    # 3

    It is a great pic, love the calmness and togetherness in it.

  3. Ryann says:

    Number 1 is my favorite! She captured such a beautiful picture of the box her dad gave her. It is such a special gift in and of itself, and yet it symbolizes so much more – the gifts of love and support that parents give. I love how she worked a photograph into the picture, and I love her arrangement/composition of the photo. GREAT shot!

  4. jenn says:

    love them all
    but #3 is my favorite. It looks timeless. I love the composition. I am sure these brothers will grow up and cherish this photo, as will their parents. It captures a wonderful moment in time.
    That picture makes me feel good.

  5. No. 3

    being only 16 months apart in age from my brother, the words she spoke about how no one else could have gone through life the way she went through life except him…it made me happy and sad all at once…and reminded me of how much i love that kid for all we have been through.

  6. Christina says:

    I agree with Jenn, loved them all.
    #3 is my favorite though. Something about it touched my heart. I feel like when those brothers are older and look back on that moment it will trigger a memory of a really great moment in time. Yea, I feel like she captured a part of who they were as brothers. I love it!

  7. AmandaD says:

    #5- I think it best personifies a simple gift, great candid capture, good PP. I think this (and the photo of the boys) will be the photos that people will treasure the most 20 years from now.

  8. Amanda says:

    They are all lovely, I vote for #1.

  9. Amanda says:

    I agree with everyone- this one is so tough to vote on. I love them all…what great talent everyone has! I have to say #1…simply perfect and emotional. I had tears in my eyes thinking of my own dad.

  10. Kim S says:

    1. I really love how it speaks so many words. Beautiful!

  11. claudia says:

    #3,although they’re all really good!

  12. erin says:

    I love how the brothers all seem so content to just be near each other… I can just imagine what happens next….

  13. Freida says:


    I feel like I am right there in that moment with those boys. With one photo… a whole story is told… really fantastic!

    All 5 photos are all very inspiring and appreciated… thank you for sharing them! Off to check out each of their websites now! =)

  14. lora says:

    My vote goes to #1 Good job everyone though!! 🙂

  15. Sunshine Morgan says:

    #3 I love that it is black and white and has that older look to it. I like that because she couldn’t capture her own brother she captured something that represented her feelings about her brother. The angle frames the pictured just right and the timing is superb.

  16. Jamie says:

    #5 – This picture really strikes me because of the size difference in the subjects. A young child and a really big horse but yet this picture shows the horse as such a gentle giant and the child is not afraid. Amazing picture.

  17. Michelle says:

    I have to vote for #4. I love how graphic it is and the color and, of course, PHOTOGRAPHY. So creative to come up with a way to say that in just one picture. Nice job!

  18. Cara says:

    This was a really tough one. I wishe I could pick them all!! But #3 is so touching in so many ways. I love that the 4 of them are just there with each other,relaxing, comfortable, probably planning their next adventure!! This represents so many things. And the composition is perfect!! Great job!!

  19. Kelly says:

    I love how creative that was! And I love the COLOR… not to mention I agree with her – photography is the perfect gift 🙂

  20. Dianna says:


    I think all of them are really good shots! I picked this one because it’s an intangible gift, the love of a sibling, sharing your childhood with someone, which is difficult to photograph but is captured beautifully in this photo.

  21. Debbie says:


    How CREATIVE!!! AMAZING!!! LOVE THE COLOR and the DOF!!! Fantastic Job and I think the vignette ads to the image. 😉

  22. Rebecca says:

    #3 for sure!

    I have two brothers and husband has three. We adore our brothers! I’d love to have something like this of either family!

  23. Melisa says:

    I really loved them all but I pick #1.

    Great job everyone!

  24. Allison says:

    #5 – it reminds me of taking care of animals when I was little and remembering how big they were!

  25. Sarina says:

    #2 – but I, too, love them all. Way to go Michelle!

  26. #1 is a wonderful example of what “simple things” can do to a person’s spirit. Not only for Laura and her dad, but also for us who get to share that special gesture. Let us all be reminded how a simple act of giving a sweet note can make a heart swell. Try it!

  27. Carmalee Farn-Baker says:

    #3 Such a challenge to choose between the photos, they all have their own story. I love the coloring and timelessness of the photo. I have boys of my own and this captured something that I personally see everyday; each boy is an individual with their own personality, ideas and expressions, this was captured beautifully!

  28. Annie says:

    I like the contrast in textures. The softness of the batting on the wall compared the “harshness” of the gun. The softness of a boy’s hair along with the manliness of him holding a BB gun. I’m not alarmed by these contrasts, I just like how they play off of each other. Very good job, Michelle.

  29. Kim says:

    I have a picture of my son that is very similar to this. I am a sucker for a boy and his horse. The other pictures were wonderful too, I was just particularly drawn to this one.

  30. Katie says:

    All of them are amazing, really! Not sure how to pick! But, because I have that kind of relationship with my dad, #1 resonated with me!

  31. julie says:

    #2 It takes very little to make a boy happy!!!!

  32. Yvonne L says:

    #1. The image grabs me. I don’t read the stories until afterwards as to not sway my vote but once I did, wow! Straight through the heart!! I want my husband to do this for our daughter one day!!

  33. Jen from Oz says:

    #1 – I love the composition and the tones in this one. Fantastic!

  34. donna says:


    The boy and the BB gun is DEFINITELY my favorite.

  35. Anne says:

    #1 – very beautiful and touching. What an amazing gift for a dad to give to his daughter

  36. Matt says:

    #1 what a great shot! What a great gift!

  37. steve deckrow says:


  38. Tim says:

    #1 – Very cool

  39. #3

    Yay Denise!! I remember when I saw this image on her blog, I fell in love with it. The spirit of boyhood, brotherhood and just capturing a great moment in time…
    congrats to ALL of the finalists!

  40. Matt S. says:

    Go Laura!

  41. Matt S. says:


  42. Bev says:

    #1 Great photo Laura

  43. #1- A great photo with a great story to boot. Great job!

  44. michelle s. says:

    Now I know what an Oscar nominee means when they say “It is an honor just to be nominated!” 😉 I love ALL the shots.

    Is it wrong to vote for my own picture? Really, it’s a vote for my little boy! 😉 He was SO excited to see himself on YOUR blog. He’s been following your Thailand adventures and now wants to be homeschooled more than ever! 😉


    Thanks for the kind words! 🙂

  45. Carl says:

    #1. A picture is worth a thousand words, but this one is worth a lot more.

  46. Misty says:

    #1 – beautiful!

  47. Mike says:

    #1 is great

  48. michael m says:

    #1! Great use of lighting! Could look at it again and again.

  49. Lauren B. says:

    I love everything about #1! How creative, dramatic and touching! Way to go, Laura!!

  50. Kasey says:

    Wow-#1 speaks volumes on the importance of fatherly love! Takes your breath away!

  51. Laura says:

    #1 – Father’s Gift!

  52. Virginia says:


  53. Greg Scott says:


    Great lighting and message. Very artistic. Great photo!

  54. Sondra says:

    #2 I have seen the joy that a bb gun can bring to a boy…and my 5yr old would also love one. He doesn’t get one till he is at least 7 though! 🙂

  55. My vote is for #3! I can almost hear all of the brothers in the picture and love the way that it’s composed!

  56. ron s. says:

    #1 Amazing and Priceless

  57. Kristin Befus says:

    I vote #1, most original simple gift… beautiful!

  58. Jayne says:

    #1 without a doubt! It is one in a million…talented Laura; incredible Dad.

  59. Lennon Bolle says:

    Great job, Laura. It’s a lovely picture of a lovely gift that I think every girl would love to receive from their father. Good luck, Laura!!!

  60. Genevieve says:

    #1 – I want my dad to make me a heart box.

  61. Jessica Stokes says:

    #1 its a beautiful gift.

  62. Steve says:

    #1, simple and elegant!

  63. Jamin Stokes says:


  64. Peter N says:

    MMmmmmmmm Soo hard to say……. but i guess ill pick #1

  65. Joy says:

    #3 – for sure!

  66. jen flake says:

    …I chose this picture because of the feeling it conveys…I don’t know if it was “staged” or not, but you get the feeling that it wasn’t…that these guys are hanging out and enjoying eachothers company and THAT is the simplest gift there is…having someone to talk to, laugh with and make memories with. I can only hope that when my kids are older…they will want to spend this kid of quality time TOGETHER….plus she’s from AZ and so am I! 🙂

  67. Calvin D says:

    I am a dad of 5 kids of which 4 are little girls, the story of Laura’s dad giving that gift my eyes tear up…er…I mean I got something stuck in my eyes!

  68. Lauren says:

    #1 – I would have voted for this picture even if I hadn’t known who it was taken by. I think the composition and light are just stunning, absolutely beautiful.

    I’ve known Laura and her wonderful family for a very long time and the gifts that her parents have given her are things that I hope I can give my own children – faith, love, compassion, adventure, fun, and a thousand other things.

    Great job, Laura! I love it! (And great job Ray! What a beautiful wedding present!!)

  69. candice says:

    #1 very warm and sweet. love the sepia tone!

  70. Betty says:

    #1, Beautiful story, beautiful picture

  71. Maureen says:

    #1–I love the message, the sepia, and the composition. Just beautiful.

  72. Donny says:

    #1 – I hope to leave that kind of impression on my daughters someday! Beautiful and very moving photograph.

  73. Dori says:

    #4. Because 2.8 IS a GIFT! I guess because I could relate to it.

    I was impressed by all of them! Especially touched by #1 too.

  74. robyn says:

    I vote for 1!!! Wow, what a great picture and thoughtful gift.

  75. Sandy says:

    I love them all, but my vote goes to #5.

  76. Janessa says:


    Love the image, love the composition, love the color and the idea!

  77. Kyle says:

    Go Laura #1

  78. Jill says:

    #1, Beautiful

  79. Lori C says:

    I whole”heart”edly vote for #1

    Every daughter should have a dad like Laura’s!

  80. Ray says:

    #1–“Yhe Wedding Gift” gets my vote. What a great picture! It tells a story that stirs deep longings in all our hearts–to be known, loved, and respected by a father. Laura must be a special young woman.

  81. Rebekah says:

    Loved the message from Laura’s dad! What a neat thing to cherish!

  82. Tina says:

    #3 is my favorite! I love the PPing on this picture. It really makes me wish I were there with those boys. I imagine lots of laughs, boys egging each other on…….and somehow I can picture them in their 60’s just the same way. It’s a beautiful photo!

  83. Samantha says:

    #1 What amazing love, such a heart felt story, made me cry. What a beautiful picture of a cherished memory.

  84. Chad says:

    Vote for #1

    The tone of the picture gels nicely with the content. Well done.

  85. Laurel says:

    #1 Beautiful, Laura!

  86. Cassie says:

    #1 is truly beautiful! Laura gets my vote. 🙂

  87. Suzi says:

    Finalist #1, The Wedding Gift, by Laura from Grand Rapids, Michigan

    I instantly had a lump in my throat without even reading the explanation to the photo. Lovely!

  88. Bree says:

    #1- What a beautiful gift and story

  89. Jessica says:

    I vote for #1 great job Laura.

  90. Molly says:

    I love #5 – maybe it’s the juxtaposition of sizes, or the impression that both baby and horse look forward to this every day or the B&W which gives it a timeless quality…or all of the above.

  91. Jen says:

    All are fantastic photos, but #1 is captures the essence of a simple (and wonderful) gift.

  92. Krista says:


    Love the color and composition!

  93. Tanya says:

    Laura’s ability to capture the tenderness of the message while lending strength to the memory is not something that can be “learned”. She seems to have an “eye” for layered depth.

  94. Carol Nykerk says:

    Love the picture and the special gift

  95. Tiffany says:

    #5–Absolutely adorable, could be a Hallmark greeting card!

  96. Amanda H says:

    #1 Simply beautiful — the photo and the story 🙂

  97. Laura O. says:

    #1 The simple gift is truly beautful and the sepia tone gives it a nice warm feeling! Love it!

  98. Nicky says:

    #1! I love the special bond the father has with his daughter. So important!

    So many homes are broken and without this.

    This picture made me smile!

  99. Michelle says:

    Since I can only pick one I will have to pick #4! Love the creativity and color of this picture. To all other finalist great job too!

  100. Georgia says:

    #1 I like how at first I didn’t even notice the pictures, but later couldn’t stop focusing on them. There’s a lot of depth in such a small frame.

  101. Sharon says:

    It should be the cover of a book! I just LOVE IT!!!!!

  102. Mark says:

    #1. Thought the contrast was beautiful. Also liked that I continue to pick up details every time I look at it.

  103. Laura says:

    #1 I love how simple the box is but it’s detailed. The shot is timeless and captures the sentiment of the gift. Lovely.

    But to have to choose. So tough. I loved the others as well but #1 gets the vote.

  104. Julie says:

    #1!!! I love how simple the picture is with the focus being totally on the heart. I also like how the picture inside is just barely visible. It makes it both romantic and private.

  105. Paris Parfait says:

    #3! It captures a carefree moment in time and a glimpse of Americana that we don’t see nearly enough these days. Wonderful image! The other shots are great too, but this one seems like a little slice of history with which most of us can identify.

  106. Kari says:

    I love photo #5. It reminds me of my daughter and I on our daily walk to the horse barn to pass out treats to our horses. I’m not sure who is receiving the better gift, the horses or my daughter, who is getting the gift of loving an animal and having their affection in the end.

  107. Tina B says:

    #2…I love it all! The darling boy and over the awe of his present, the hair, the insulation target against the wall, the flannel pj’s, the gun, the eye protection. Not to mention the great composition of the photo! You are great Michelle!

  108. Cindy H. says:

    Number 1. It evoked the strongest emotion and connection of all the photos for me. What a beautiful gift. It shows that the best gifts aren’t expensive, but from the heart. A beautiful beautiful heart… the form of a box. Well done Laura.

  109. Dawn B. Ada says:

    #1 Laura’s heart comes out in this beautiful pix. Her Dad is awesome.

  110. Andy says:

    #1 – What a perfect wedding gift beautifully captured. I think #3 is amazing too, both pinpoint beautifully the importance of family. Great work everyone!

  111. Michelle T. says:

    I had to vote for #1 , they are all great pictures. However the first one really stuck out to me. The emotion it captures, the lighting and pp are wonderful. I lost my Dad almost a year ago, and I find myself clinging to everything of his that was left.. and I think this wedding gift is the best a Dad could ever give. Amazing!

  112. owlhaven says:

    Love #3– I’ve got 4 boys myself and would love to have a picture this fun and relaxed of them!

    Mary, mom to 10

  113. Ryan says:


    Touching. Love how it shows a small object from a perspective you might never view otherwise. Gives it the weight of its meaning. Beautiful.

  114. jay H says:

    #1. It is a great photo…both simple and deep at the same time. Nice job

  115. Gayla says:

    #3 – I have 2 boys and the simplicity she captured in this picture is exactly what I hope for my sons…just being together.

  116. abbey says:

    #3…. siblings…. we are all blessed to have siblings or friends just as close!!

  117. Leslie W. says:

    Love, love, love #1. The picture and the story!

  118. Shannon J says:

    Definitly brought out the most emotion for me…beautiful.

  119. Shannon J says:


    Definitly brought out the most emotion for me…beautiful!

  120. Danielle says:


  121. Becky says:

    #1 though all are beautiful. I love the emotion it creates for me to look at it. It makes me want to go give my own father a hug….

  122. Michele says:

    #5 – just love it!

  123. Nicole D. says:

    #1 … love the message from a dad to daughter…priceless:)

  124. Jen says:

    #1- I love the story this photo conveys!

  125. Noelle says:

    #1- It’s a beautiful gift- beautiful story- and I imagine the lighting and such was really hard to achieve in order to get the box to “come alive”- great work!

  126. Carlye says:

    #1 – I’m a complete sucker for tight detail shots and this one is just awesome! And the sepia toning completely enhances the emotion.

    I don’t even know the dad or the daughter, but this image makes me feel like I do! For a Dad especially, to create something tangible for his daughter that expresses every wish and dream he has for her, gives me tingles! She will be able to look back at this image always and feel that love and support from him! Awesome job!

  127. Sarah Alston says:


    I love the depth of field. I also love that the picture gives enough detail about the box that we know what it is but keeps some of it private. Very touching.

  128. Carol B says:

    #1 is my favorite! It shows a special gift for a special daughter from a dad who wanted to make a memory for her that would last a lifetime. The photo is original and intriguing and shows Laura’s great artistic ability!

  129. Molly says:


    I have two daughters, and I can only pray that my husband is able to express such love for his little girls when they take their wedding vows. To capture this with strong simplicity was truly amazing.

  130. Carol Lynne says:

    I vote for #1. Not only is the heart box from her dad a keepsake and a treasure, Laura’s photo is a keepsake!

  131. Gwynn says:

    I would pay for #1. If it was framed or on a greeting card. It has a very warm and quite message.

  132. Bree says:

    #1 – the wedding gift! I just love the mood it exudes!

  133. Teresa says:

    They are all great, but I pick #2.

  134. Julie Watts says:


    P.S. Her dad’s handwriting is BEAUTIFUL. I’m a sucker for beautiful cursive.

  135. denise karis says:

    oooooooooooh goodness – MeRa, Thank you so much for choosing mine as a finalist – I almost fell out of my chair. Is it horrible to vote for yourself? Because I totally am. #3 😛

    As soon as I opened the post and saw #1, I thought, “These are gonna be GOOD!” I love the fathers handwriting and the sepia tone – all four of them are so so so good!

  136. #1 I totally cried. I love this image soooooooooo much. Being a Daddy’s girl it totally resonates with me. Nice coloring too.

  137. Geneva says:

    #1…love the heart of a Dad for his dughter

  138. #1 because I’m a sucker for love, marriage and daddies and their girls

  139. Stephen says:

    All of the pics are great though!

  140. Holly Forrer says:

    #3 I love this one because I’m kinda partial. They’re my boys! I am an only child and hated it growing up so I always wanted to have more than one child. Who would of thought I would end up with 6 though – I have two younger daughters besides the four boys. I will forever treasure this picture. Denise did such a great job capturing their personalities!

  141. Joy says:

    #1, Laura. This picture fills me with so much emotion! I love that her dad’s face is blurred in the shadow of his hat. It’s an incredibly personal gift, but the picture sets it up like a message from any good father to his daughter.

  142. Janice says:

    This was definitely a tough decision. All of these photos were wonderful. I chose #1 mostly because of the story behind it. My father is 95, suffering with Alzheimers, and he used to make things for me. They meant so much to me. I treasure them still.

  143. Gerrie says:

    #1 Beautiful picture to go along with the beautiful message. Way to go Laura.


  144. Sherrie says:


    Although all of them were really good, I liked #1 because I am so sentimental and love things that really trigger that emotion in me.

    Good Luck to you all!

  145. Ali says:


    My Gosh why did this have to be so difficult?!?!?! I have two boys 14 months apart and so this hits home for me…You can just see through the image that these boys are having a good time just hangin’ out…also I just love the post processing she did on the image. Gives me nostalgic warm fuzzies all inside 🙂

  146. aaron says:

    #2, Because that is me!

  147. Eric Karis says:

    Number 3 Good job, Denise!



  149. LOREN says:


  150. Chelsie says:

    All of these are so good! Great job everyone! My vote (and heart) go out to number 1. Seeing this picture melted my heart and made me cry! The gift itself is so terribly emotional and adding the beautiful photograph of it… wow! Amazing job!

  151. Marilyn says:

    #3 wow!! photo reminded me of my childhood riding in the back of my Dad’s pick up on a hot Hawaiian summer day with a huge rainbow flavored shave ice in my hand, my memory tells me it was huge because I had to use both hands to hold it!! your photo took my breath away, made me want to hug them boys!!!

  152. Nicole Kooiman says:

    #3 for sure!!!!!

    It’s classic and timeless and Denise does awesome work!!!!

  153. natalie says:


    I love the picture of my brother. Good pic mom! 🙂
    Vote for no.2.

  154. ken says:

    I vote for #2. (not just because I bought the gun!)

  155. Terri says:

    #1 was great. I love the unusual composition of the piece and the choice of sepia tones. It speaks of a timeless beautiful love of a father for his daughter, definitely simple yet priceless gift.

  156. Mariah says:


    This picture combines an old-fashioned timelessness with modern subjects. I think family is the best gift of all, and having someone to experience life with is why I want my children to grow up close together!

    Good work everyone!

  157. Melanie says:

    #1. The photo really captures the essence of the gifts. I love the DoF and how your eyes go directly to the heart with the hand inscirption. Then you focus out and see a photo. Very, very well done!

  158. Leslie Marshall says:

    Number 3!!!

    Way to go Denise!! As usual, another awesome picture!!

  159. Jessica B says:

    #1 – This photo moved me immediately and the message on the box really touched me. I didn’t even need to read the story. The color, lighting, composition is so powerful yet so peaceful. I love how my eye is drawn to the top where the two pieces of the heart come together. Nice work.

  160. Jen says:

    #1. The relationship between dad and daughter always tugs at my heart!

  161. Sarah says:

    #3- simple and “old timey”

  162. Kara Lee says:

    #2 – love the emotion captured !

  163. Wes says:

    #3 very real and alive!

  164. beeger says:


    I remember my first bb gun! although I never got to shoot in the house.

  165. Jen Sutton says:

    #1 because of the lighting, the layout and the message behind it. So lucky to have a special dad like that. May we all learn from that experience. So perfect!

  166. #1 is my vote. What a beautiful story and a sweet, sweet message of love from Daddy to daughter. Simply beautiful!

  167. Carolyn says:

    I vote for #3. What a beautiful moment!!

  168. maria says:

    #3 I can totally relate to Denise’s sentiment about having only 1 person in the entire world that has shared your childhood experience, I love how she captured that feeling in this image. The image is timeless, beautiful and tells a story anyone can relate to about the wonderful, worryfree, happiness of youth and the joy of just being when you are a kid. That’s a simple gift. 🙂

  169. #3

    I really love this photo! Family is the most important gift you can possible have. This photo makes you feel like you are right there. You can really feel emotion and a story when you see a photo like this and it is everyday life! What a wonderful moment captured in time. Great job Denise capturing this timeless image.

  170. Tina Ryan says:

    I am voting for #3 Siblings

    This image just spoke to me. You can just see their relationship come through in the image. Classic.

  171. Beth says:

    Oh man; what a tough vote. I think I’m going to have to go with #3, though. I love the fact that every person who looks at it is probably giving it a different “story”.

  172. Michael shanley says:

    Laura Grate photo , super Dad ,Great Idea

  173. Keith Longcore says:

    #1 – I love the wood look and the lighting/reflection makes the heart glow!


  174. Marty Plautz says:

    Number 3… Its raw memories for me raising my boys. Its the essence of soon to be manhood.

  175. Addie says:

    #1. What a special Dad to think of this. We all need someone to let us know they believe in us!

  176. Linda says:

    I vote for #3…it is a timeless image…could be anywhere USA…with any group of boys..either brothers, cousins or just friends…has the look of
    days gone by..summer…and carefree fun.

  177. Samantha says:


    This really touched me – the photo of the brothers and what Denise said about her own brother. I think I’m going to send my sister a link here, just so she can read that!

  178. I vote for # 3. I love the timelessness captured in the image. It makes you dream, imagine and want to be there. Images that provoke the imagination like this one are what makes me so passionate about photography.

  179. Sue says:

    #1 Simply the best. What every daughter needs to know!

  180. Ashley says:

    my vote goes to # 1
    I just love the way the light is hitting the box. Sepia was definitely the right choice!

    I do love how in # 3 the boys look so natural. It seems like you caught the shot right before any of them saw you and may have looked away or turned on their CHEESY grins!

    ALL great entries! congrats everyone 🙂

  181. Feuza says:

    wow, this is hard but #1 and # 3 totally speaks to me, the story of #1 is beautiful and so is the image, love how you do not totally understand it but you see a heart, a photo and you can see dad so you can tell it’s a gift from dad and the sepia made it timeless. but my vote will be with #3, reminds me of great photography back in the day where people rode bikes and drank root beer, reminds of the south, of the good old days and the position of the boys is awesome! it talks to me, makes me thing, congrats to all, my vote is #3 siblings

  182. Pamela S. says:

    #4 please, this cute shot from a WI photographer is excellent.

  183. Juston G says:


  184. Anita says:

    #1 is perfect!
    Great idea for my daughter’s wedding this month

  185. Kelly N says:

    #1. I love the details, and the message from Dad.

  186. Alex says:

    Wow! #1 definately

  187. […] Have you voted yet for one of the Top Five Finalists? If not, CLICK HERE or see […]

  188. Caron V says:

    Beautiful story, beautiful image. What a lucky daughter!

    #1 #1 #1

  189. Wendy says:

    #3 This photograph reminds me of when kids could be kids, family unity and mans best friend. I could capture this as “The Good Ole Days”.

  190. margaret says:

    #3 is timeless; it can appeal to anyone. That could be 1950… good job honey, mom

  191. Merri Van Houte says:

    My vote is for #1. What a beautiful permanent reflection of the relationship that a father has with his daughter.

  192. Amy says:

    My vote is for #1. Love the way it was captured.

  193. judy says:

    #3, I love the simplicity, with all the complex happenings in this world, reminds us of a more peaceful time.

  194. Tim McNinch says:


    Great shot. Cool father/daughter sentiment. Plus I know both father and daughter–great way to capture a meaningful gift!

  195. HLB-T says:

    #1 gets my vote!

  196. judy says:

    #3, has a peaceful quality about it

  197. Heather says:

    # 1 is great!

  198. Adam says:

    # 1 Gets my vote.

  199. Julia says:

    # 1 is my favorite

  200. I am torn between 1 & 3. Both are beautiful. I am going with #1.

  201. Melissa says:

    I vote for #1. I love the sepia color and the script of the writing. It is a small and simple gift, yet is very meaningful and this photo caputred the meaning of the gift and the relationship between the dad and daughter. I love it!

  202. Jenn says:

    #3 without a doubt!

  203. mirela says:

    #1 is sensible and beautiful; such a emontional and calming effect!

  204. peter says:

    # three. when i first looked at the picture, i remembered my child hood. i realy liked how the picture showed how relaxing life should be as a child.

  205. Jame says:

    #3 – Denise takes the most amazing pictures, she has the ability to catch the moment and tell a story in one shot. She is a very talented woman!

  206. beck says:


    Simple, unexpected, clean, crisp… and this coming from a non-gun-lover! 🙂

  207. jo says:

    simple yet needs no explanation.

  208. Sarah says:

    #1 is my favorite!

    I love the gift itself – how very touching. And I love how Laura photographed it. It has such a warm, fuzzy feel to it. I can feel her dad’s love in the warm sepia tones, in the selective focus that shows off the box’s inscription, and in the peek of photo inside the box. She did a great job at capturing a single image that lets the viewer discover what a complex gift it really is.

  209. Betsy Jo says:

    #3. So retro. Even the boys’ features look like something out of the 40s. Composition is stellar!

  210. Katie says:

    #4 – Photography allows you to keep your memories clear and I love that she thought of it!

  211. Whitney Aymar says:


    A beautiful photo that any parent would cherish for a lifetime!!

  212. Kate says:

    Wow, they are all great…how can I Choose???

    My Vote is for #1. It pulls at my heart strings.

  213. Christie says:

    #3 – I wish I had taken this picture! It says so much to me. I love the boys relationship to each other and you can see the men they are going to become. Beautiful job!

  214. bill says:

    I vote for 3

  215. bill says:


  216. #1 This is a beautiful image. It conveys such a gentle strength. It tugged at my heart stings in such a powerful way. Thanks for sharing.

  217. cathy says:

    I vote for #3. What a wonderful way to catch brothers, they will never forget what they were doing at that time. Beautiful!

  218. Linda says:

    #1 I love the coloring and the rugged strength the gift and the photograph conveys. Beautiful!

  219. Augusta Verschoor says:

    No. 3
    The Picture is absolutely beautiful. I love my brother and my sister they have always been there for me when I needed them most. Especially my baby brother.

  220. Nicole says:

    My vote if for #3! I love how the brothers relations ship is shown. They are all together but seperate in their own thoughts

  221. Nicole says:

    My vote is for #3! This photograph shows how close these brothers are even though their thoughts are seperate! Great job Denise!

  222. Kari says:

    #3 — It gave me chills. I just love the obvious connection between the brothers and it feels very simple and innocent — boys in a truck drinking soda with their dog. It could have been taken in any era. Love it! (If I had to pick a runner up I’d pick #5 for the same reasons…)

  223. Melinda says:

    I love them all! I think #3 is my favorite though, primarily for the theme of siblings. I love the expressions on their faces. I love the composition with the truck bed serving to frame out and define the bottom half of the image. Great job to all of the finalists! So many lovely images it is hard to choose.

  224. Melissa says:


    I grew up not knowing my biological father and while I had a step-dad that was 100% present with me, I’ve always felt like I missed out on a special bond. That picture evokes the same emotion in me that I feel while watching a dad dance with his daughter at her wedding. Beautiful picture.

  225. Steve Magrum says:

    #1 Reveals the heart of love between a father and daughter. Absolutely the best!!!

  226. Lily says:

    Such a pretty picture that conveys so much. There’s a story behind that picture that every girl dreams of having.

  227. Lily says:

    #1 – Such a pretty picture that conveys so much. There’s a story behind that picture that every girl dreams of having.

  228. Soupy says:


    I know my dad loves me more than anything but he would never say the words. Something like this from my dad would just mean the world to me.

    It has it all, beautiful toning, compisition, lighting is perfect, it sends such a strong heartfelt message and brings you (ok me) to tears. I love it.
    great job!

  229. Amy says:

    #2 Love it!

  230. Kara says:

    I love #3. Recent circumstances in my life have also made me realize the past and present value of my sisters in my life, and that picture captures the childhood relationship of siblings so well.

  231. steph says:

    I just can’t help but LOVE this image and the way the picture was taken and edited makes the message even more so impacting! Great Job!

  232. Jessica says:


  233. Sarah says:

    I choose #3. Beautiful.

  234. Amy P. says:

    My vote is for #3!!! I have 4 brothers myself, so i could relate to her image and her words on a personal level. My brothers have always been there for me on a different level than how are parents are there for us. Through divorce of our parents, through remarriage, through high school, through weddings and babies, my brothers are always there, by my side, making me feel so loved and ALWAYS making me laugh.

    I love how the boys look so…chill. I find myself in awe about how the men in my life are always so laid back, chill, relaxed, with a smile on their face. I could really learn something from that attitude, I bet my life would feel instantly less stressed! Great job Denise from Arizona!!! Aren’t brothers the best?

  235. Tacey says:

    I vote for #1…But it was a touch call between 1 and 3! I’m inspired by all the photos, so thank you for that.

  236. Ann B. says:

    I vote for #1.
    My father sent me a small gift many years ago and wrote a beautiful note of love for me which I still have and treasure. He’s 86 now and going strong.

  237. Colleen says:

    #3, I come from a family of 5 girls so I understand the closeness that is shown in the picture.

  238. Colleen says:

    #3, I come from a family of 5 girls so I love the moment that was captured with the family of boys.

  239. Skohsel says:

    #1 with out a doubt. It is an amazing shot.

  240. jakob says:

    #1 It will bring a tear to your eye.

  241. Ingrid says:

    #1 – Beautiful!

  242. Scott says:

    #1 Everyonce and a while a picture will hit you like a turkey leg to the face. This is one of those shots, what an incrediable image.

  243. Tami says:

    #3.. I love how this picture captures the carefree moments of childhood!..

  244. Tami says:

    # 3 ..

    I love how this picture captures the carefree moments of childhood..

  245. James says:

    #1 – Fantastic shot.

  246. Channing says:



  247. Tammy says:

    Beautiful ambiance.

  248. Sonia Carano says:

    #3 has my vote. Very Talented

  249. Brian says:

    #1 Great pic Laura, it made me think of my kids and how much I love them and what I would do for them.

  250. Carol Summers says:

    #1 Laura, this is beautiful. It really shows that special bond between daughter and her Dad

  251. kathy says:

    i like number 3

    its the family and nice to see the childern all together

  252. Carol Summers says:

    #1. This is beautiful !! Shows that special bond between father and daughter.

  253. kathy says:

    i like number 3

    its so nice to see all the childern all together. its not somthing you see every day

  254. Kristy says:

    # 1–it’s beautiful and a great gift!

  255. taylor says:

    #1 thought it captured the meaning beautifully

  256. Denise says:

    #3 – Treasurable family photo – peaceful and calming

  257. Sandi T. says:

    #1 gets my vote….beautiful.

  258. Kevin Keith says:

    #1 is awesome! The note says a lot and the photo just amplifies what the note says!

  259. Christen says:

    #3. I love the comraderie of the four boys sitting in the back of the truck on a warm summer afternoon. I also appreciate the work the photographer did on this photo after taking it – giving it that ‘timeless’ feel.

  260. Todd says:

    #1. I lost my dad just over a year ago and this photo makes my heart ache. It’s beautifully shot and invokes emotion – just what a winning photograph should be.

  261. Maureen says:

    I love #1…what a great idea and great photo!

  262. Emily Aiton says:

    #3. Denise… beautiful. Whenever I have kids I’m tracking you down so you can take their pictures 😉 there’s something so sweet and peaceful about this picture, I love it.

  263. Jenny says:

    #1–captures the love of a father. Love the nostalgic feeling.

  264. natasha says:

    very touching and a beautiful picture

  265. Carol says:

    #1 Very beautiful, simple, elegant.

  266. Liz says:

    #1 Beautiful picture and what an amazing, yet simple gift. I love the sepia coloring that gives it a timeless feel.

  267. luis says:

    #1 is my favorite.
    I liked them all, but number one is definitely my favorite.

  268. DougG says:

    My vote is for #1.

  269. Mary S says:

    All are wonderfull, but #1 is my favorite.

  270. Jasen says:

    I have to go with #3. Evokes an emotional response for me. Wonderful.

  271. Kendra Wright says:

    #1 is my vote. It has so much depth and the story behind it is beautiful.

  272. deb says:

    #1 – The tight view and angle draws you into the sentiment expressed in the carving on the box creating a sense of intimacy. Good job!

  273. Shannon says:

    #1 FOR SURE! The vulnerability captured for both daughter and father is very moving. What a wonderful gift, obviously to the daughter, but a special gift as well to the father because he is that close with his daughter to create something like that for her! Truly amazing!

  274. Seth says:

    #1 – A touching gift, and I love the extreme closeup and narrow focal length.

  275. Sara C says:

    I am going to vote for #5 because of how “full” of simple gifts it is. A simple gift to the horse of a favorite snack. A simple gift to the child in teaching him to care for animals. A simple gift to the mama in watching her child grow and seeing him blossom. Finally, a simple gift to us, reminding us how everyday occurrences can become lifelong memories if we will only take the time to really SEE them. Thank you for the reminder to really look at my children’s every day activity.

  276. Tom says:

    I vote for #1, by Laura from Grand Rapids.
    All the photos are great, but I especially like the composition of the object with the photo of the person, combined with the effect of the wide aperture in number #1. The rich tones, depth of field, lighting, and subject are composed thoughtfully. Very effective!

  277. missy says:

    #1 – a beautiful gift and picture

  278. Carol says:

    #1 – It’s beautiful!

  279. #3 I just love this image because it really tells a story. It makes me yearn for my own childhood with my brother. Lastly, I love the post-processing- it just fits the image.

  280. Jessica W says:

    #1. What an amazing picture!

  281. Judy says:

    #1. A simple object, but you were able to capture so much meaning and emotion!

  282. Liz says:

    I vote for #3. I like that she used the image to convey her message, without notes or words. Even if you didn’t hear the background of her submission, by looking at the image it would conjure up an idea of four boys at such a priceless time in life, and so content with each other’s company. A great job by everyone though!

  283. Heather says:

    #1 I love. It’s elegance is just magical and captures the warmth of the words. There is nothing like hearing loving, supportive words from a father, and having them written down is even better.

  284. Ma'ele says:

    #3. I love the story of siblings as I have ELEVEN of my own. Love it!!!

  285. richard says:

    number 3 was my fav

  286. #3 The picture really has a wonderful feeling to it. Just a beautiful moment captured that will be surely be appreciated for years to come

  287. Vicki says:

    #3’s my fav. It’s a current photo of a simpler time.

  288. Ryan says:

    Number 1!

  289. Ryan says:

    Number 1!

  290. Tori says:

    #3!!! is my fave!!! Brings me back to the days with the boys.. Great memories come with it.

  291. Mary Brown says:

    I love photo 3 it is beautiful! Great Job Denise!

  292. Kristin says:

    I love number 1, just beautiful.

  293. Roxanne says:

    #1 – An object that clearly holds a lot of significance for the photographer. Not overly-posed.

  294. I love #3. IT has a feel to it like no photo I have seen. I feel like I am back in the 1940’s and just got back from a ride into town (where I got a cola…which was a real treat)! 🙂 I love the message even more. A sibling as a kid is your best friend and you will always understand each other!

  295. CA says:


    I love them all. They are so beautiful and telling, but the first one just touches me.

  296. Patrick says:


  297. joe says:

    #1 – really wonderful. And the boys in the truck make me think of the “gang of friends” from the movie STAND BY ME.

  298. Heather says:

    No. 1

    This picture tells such a great story. It’s a great picture Laura!

  299. #5 made a connection with me.

  300. Debbi says:

    #3 – what a timeless photo. I don’t imagine it was easy to get this photo of 4 boys and 2 dogs but somehow she made it look like they didn’t even know the photographer was there.

  301. ksenija : ) says:

    beautiful entries… however i pick #3. love the feeling & story behind it!

  302. Matt says:

    #1 nice elegance!

  303. Christine says:

    All the photos are wonderful! All so inspiring! Since I can only pick one, my vote goes to #3. It gave me warm fuzzies…it feels timeless and you can feel the simple gift of companionship — siblings, friends. I think this photo will tell that story many years from now.

  304. Debbi says:

    I vote for #1, beautiful and touching!

  305. Rose says:

    #3 – It’s just beautiful, composed well, timeless. It need to be framed in a vintage frame and hanging on this mother’s wall. It speaks to strong bonds that these brothers have, their expressions look truly authentic.

    And they make me desire a cold Root Beer!

  306. BJ says:

    #3 Without a doubt.

  307. Brad J says:

    #1 is my choice. I know my wife would have been blown away if she had been given that memory box from her dad.

  308. Lana says:

    #1 is my pick. What a simple treasure.

  309. Suzanne says:


    But… I loved them all. Having had three sons I am partial to little boys and since they’re all grown, there are times when I miss holding a little boy about that age. There is such a sweetness about them and that photograph screams it!

    Thanks you for showing them to us.

  310. Jake says:


  311. Rhonda says:

    My vote is for #1.
    But if there was a 2nd place I would vote for #3 too.
    It was really hard for me to choose between the 2. GREAT JOB!!!!

  312. Barbara says:

    Reminds me of my brothers over 60 years ago; relaxing, hanging out, after a long hard day in the hayfield in Vermont. Precious memories.

  313. Ellissa says:

    I vote for #3. I think it’s just a beautiful picture and reminds of times that I spent with my siblings. I wish someone could have been able to capture a picture like this for us when we were younger. Great job Denise!

  314. Kristin says:

    I really love them all! But I choose #1. I love the story behind the image, but mostly I loved how she tilted the box but we were still able to read the message from her Dad! Simply beautiful.

  315. #3

    This picture is awesome, I love that they are just hanging out! You can just tell how much fun these guys have together!


  316. Pamela says:

    Oooh, it’s so tough to choose! All entries are great, but I’d have to vote for #1. (But #3 is such a close second!)

  317. beth says:

    #3 What an awesome picture! i love the looks on the boys’ faces…not a word needs to be said but you can tell they are all on the “same page”. i come from a big family and looking at this picture makes me feel like i am looking at my own family. Good Luck!!

  318. Matt says:

    Gotta go with #3! What a great shot. It brings me back to my childhood…

  319. Nicole says:


    She captured a beautiful natural moment!

  320. Adrea says:

    Love #3, the four brothers. As the mother of four boys, I see the sweet, lifelong friendship that is being cultivated in their hearts even now. They have their rough moments, but they will be best friends for life.

  321. Jeri says:

    #1… It brings back memories of riding to my wedding with my Dad….beautiful and touching!

  322. #3

    Seems beautifully evocative of their relationships as brothers. Reminds me of my cousins!

  323. Leslie says:

    Wow, this was a hard one, but I have to go with #3, not only because of the wonderful lighting, composition and gesture of the photo, but because the simplest of gifts are those that are not really given but are inherent. It takes a special heart to really see those things as gifts.

  324. Alaina says:


    I have watched my 2yr old daughter feed our horse a carrot just like this. I love how the photo shows the details of the horse’s mane, you can feel how soft the nose of the horse will be. I especially love how detailed the horse’s eye is. He is watching the little boy advance with the carrot and the camera at the same time. The little boys hair is soft and looks like it smells good just like babies do. The little boy is fearless of the big horse and even though we can’t see his face we can feel his joy at the carrot being eaten out of his hands! Great Photograph! And good job everyone. I loved looking at them all.

  325. Heather says:

    Touching. Lovely. Endearing. Thanks for sharing!

  326. Amanda H says:

    I vote for #1

  327. Heather says:

    I’m talking about photo #1. Amazing!

  328. Victoria says:

    #1 #1 #1 for sure gets my vote!! What a touching gift. The photo also paints a thousand words – it says ‘love’. This is amazing photography! Way to go Laura!

  329. Dixie says:

    #3 absolutely. As Grandma of those 4 boys I know the love in their hearts is real. Wish all kids could grow up in such a loving family & relaxed rural setting.

  330. I just love picture #1. It’s deeply personal and probably resonates with many women on a deep, daughterly level. I like the way it’s photographed, so subject + composition = my personal favorite.

    Although they are all great photographs!

  331. carol says:

    #1 is my favorite. I love the story, the photo, AND the daughter and dad! #1 all the way!

  332. Beth Morgan says:

    #3. I love the carefree spirit of these brothers. I think this is an image that will be looked at when these guys are 70 and it will take them back to that very moment. Lovely!

  333. abby says:

    #1 is an amazing picture!!

  334. sandra says:

    #1 is the best!

  335. Bruce says:

    It has to be #3. I am their “papa”. These guys are for real. The picture is awesome and captures what these guys are all about. I am so proud of each one of them.

  336. lauren says:

    #1 is awesome -both the story and the photo.

  337. adrienne says:

    #3 definetly. the boys appear to not have a care in the world, the essence of childhood.

  338. #3, I love the feel!!

  339. gina says:

    #1, just awesome

  340. Emma Dobson says:

    #1 What a beautiful picture. A father’s love can be so wonderful, I would love my dad to do something like this for me. It’s wonderful Laura, love to you all.

  341. Laurie says:

    Photography is not what feeds my family, it is what fees my soul.

  342. Amy says:


    Denise, this is an awesome photo.

  343. mailyn pickler says:

    #3! I have 2 boys and my most prized pictures as a Mother are pictures of my boys hust hanging out,without a care in the world.

  344. Brittany says:

    I vote for #1 !!!!

  345. Gina Colenzo says:

    # 3 I love her inspiration for this picture. Definitely a classic. Brings you right back to your childhood.

  346. Cathy M. says:

    #1 is simply amazing! What a gift…and what an image.

  347. I vote for picture #1. First of all, this photograph is beautiful as soon as you lay eyes on it! Your eyes just effortlessly glide across the page. There is great movement to this piece though it is captured as a still. The photograph also seems to capture the warm coziness of home, marriage, and family love. The colors, the angles, the clear message on the heart shaped box–all contribute to this feel. The photo seems almost musical actually. I love this one!It also captures something of the heart that inspires you and makes you want to take it home.

  348. Jenn H. says:

    #3 Timeless treasure!

  349. Sarah says:

    # 3!!!!!

    It captures the essence of childhood and all its simplicities. Beautiful work!

  350. lindy says:


    Love the capture of brothers simply enjoying each other’s company…what a treasure for the mom of those boys!

  351. Chris says:

    My vote goes to #3 because it captured a simple moment and is truly simply photograghed.

    #4 is my runner-up. Nice simple clean photo.

  352. Don says:

    #3 – great carefree shot.

  353. Therese says:

    #3 – love how the photographer captured “brotherhood” in their eyes! Good job.

  354. Raymond says:

    #3- the simplest gifts are not given but captured.

  355. Danielle says:


  356. #1. It’s so whimsical.

  357. Valerie says:

    Gosh, they are all so good but my favorite is #3. It’s so hard to get such a candid moment with siblings, boys especially! I also love the mood and tone. It’s perfect!

  358. Definitely #1. I am a Dad with two kids; a son and a daughter. Over the years I have chosen to give them gifts I have made out of wood but none as beautiful as this.

  359. melody says:


    Being a mom to 4 sons, this image resonates with me and I love the nostalgic mood.

  360. Aaron Ayers says:

    #1 – love the notes… notes like that are meaningful forever.

  361. Jennifer says:

    #3 I just love the moment that was captured. Family is everything.. this is a photo that can be cherished for years!

  362. #2. Just love the moment. 🙂

  363. Jb says:

    I like #3, its the best compositionally.. =)

  364. Tamm says:

    #1, I love my Dad..

  365. Kelly says:

    #1 Love it!

  366. Nicholas says:

    #3 is like a frame from a movie…well done!

  367. Ceci says:

    THey are all great, but I vote for #1.

  368. Ann Brakob says:

    I love how spare this picture is. There isn’t any clutter and it would seem staged except that her son’s pose is so honest and relaxed-communing with his dream gift.

  369. Greg Coates says:


    This is a great capture of boys being boys. It’s very real. Plus, it reminds me of my days working on my grandfather’s farm.

  370. Melissa says:

    Reminds me of my Dad…love the feeling of it.
    They are all wonderful in such different ways!

  371. Jen Hester says:

    I love the simplicity of the gift and the color of the photograph. By having it in sepia your mind goes straight to his message instead of the color. What a thoughtful and touching gift from her dad.
    -Jen Hester

  372. Colleen says:

    I vote for #1. What a wonderful way to share memories.

  373. Lori says:


    Beautiful sepia tone, nice capture of a very small yet complex and emotionally powerful object.

  374. #5 —- ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!

    a little boy and his horse! this photo captures everything that makes a picture of one’s child completely priceless! the hope and determination displayed in the that little carrot-holding hand is so heart-warming! i LOVE this picture! kids and animals – can’t go wrong with this mix!!!!!!!!!!!

  375. Margie says:

    #1 This is an incredible photo of a priceless gift – no money could buy the gift Laura received from her Dad – his love, time, thoughtfulness, etc etc – it speaks of such an unbelievable relationship of a Dad and his daughter and her photograph of the gift is beautiful.

  376. Margie says:

    #1 – this is a beautiful photo of an unbelievable gift – no money could buy the gift Laura’s dad has given his daughter – his love, time, thoughtfulness. It’s a gift that will never be forgotten and speaks of such an amazing relationship of a Dad with his daughter.

  377. Stephanie says:

    This photo is so amazing! To see something so big be so gentle with something so small. Beautiful moment!

  378. Kim says:

    I vote #1…the picture makes the story even more touching.

  379. Matt Alvarez says:

    #3 is the best!!!!! from denises brother.

  380. kbkmcginnis says:

    #5 – Could not keep from going back to this one. The content,the amasement, the love. Good job.

  381. Tim says:

    I vote #1! It has a beautiful feeling of warmth with its rich sepia style, giving you a sense of the love of father and daughter. Wonderful!

  382. Jon says:

    I pick number one. An exquisite photograph, ten or twelve steps above fabulous. I’m not a photographer or know much about photography. But I know what I like! I like the use of color here. The photograph is evocative of a close relationship between a woman and her father. Wonderful.

  383. Cindy says:

    #1, because sometimes there is the most power in simple pictures and simple sentiments.

  384. shawna says:

    #3 siblings. i just love the sweet summery feeling i get from it, and the vintage look.

  385. Kristin H. says:

    1. Honestly brought a tear to my eye thinking about a fathers love for his daughter. Beautiful, absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing.

  386. dave says:

    #5 for my pick. It’s simple and it’s cute.

  387. Kate says:

    Number 1, timeless, thoughtful and touching.

  388. Maggie says:

    I was born ad raised in Austria but at 16 I spent one year in Southern Alberta. This picture brings back memories of driving across the prairie in a pick-up truck with friends, hunting for gophers. It still ranks up there as one of my favorite after school activity.

  389. Love #3, Wow that is great! Wonderful composition, set up and perfectly aged.

  390. Colleen says:

    UGH…this is ALWAYS so hard!!!
    My vote is for #5…I love the simplicity of it, the sincerity…I can imagine the little boys face, looking up to that big ole horse!
    But I LOVED #1 too…very precious! Man, this is always such a difficult decision!!! Good luck to all!

  391. Carolyn says:

    #1 gets my vote, touching, words mean so much.

  392. dodi says:


  393. Patricia says:

    I love # 3. I have a large family and I don’t know what i would do w/o them. The picture takes me back to when i was younger and the times we spent together.

  394. Linda says:

    #1 It’s beautiful, and to see a heartfelt gift that her father put a lot of thought into just makes me smile. It’s better than anything you can buy.

  395. jesssica says:

    #3 I am voting

  396. Michael McDonnell says:

    Vote for #1

  397. Mac says:

    #1 gets my vote.

  398. Carol S says:

    I vote for photo #1.

  399. steve says:

    #1 gets my vote!

  400. berti says:

    #1 gets my vote

  401. berti c says:

    #1 is my favorite!

  402. naomi says:

    #1 #1 #1 way to go!

  403. bob c says:

    I’m voting for photo #1.

  404. Erica says:

    #3 So classic like out of a movie!

  405. Amy B says:

    Definitely #1. The simplicity of a beautiful gift. Very well done.

  406. jan says:

    #1 gets my vote

  407. kenny says:

    I’m voting for #1

  408. Jenn D. says:

    #1! What an amazing wedding present!

  409. Kellie says:

    #3 – Siblings

    This is a great photo, I love it. It just makes me wonder what they are all thinking and what each one will remember. I also love the two dogs in the photo….what simple gifts those dogs are as well. What a great moment in time.

  410. gary says:

    #1 gets my vote

  411. Anri de Klerk says:

    #1 – It beautifully captures the crux of a parent/child relationship. Knowing the people involved makes it even more special – It is not just words, it is who they are.

  412. Roberta Smith says:

    #3. I love the lighting, the setting and the way that each brother has their own personaliy, but they are comfortable together. Family is important and this picture really exemplifies that!

  413. Carol Wicke says:

    #3 – Boys with their dogs and a cold soda on a warm summer day without a care in the world. What could be better. We should all wish for the comfort and companship of such a day. Plus the photography is just beautiful.

  414. annie says:

    #1, cause it’s what i’ve always wanted to hear from my dad, but never have and never will.

  415. Deb says:

    #1. Wonderful shot, and beautiful sentiment.

  416. Bob Blankenship says:


    I love teh serenity and sense of timelessness. Great photo Denise.

  417. Sarah Moan says:

    #1 gets my vote. There is something about being daddy’s little girl that never leaves your heart. I love the sentimental meaning of this photo & the light & bokeh is beautiful!

  418. My vote #1. I just love the whole idea of the heart box. Firstly, I love the composition, and the colouring. I love that thought that the dad went so far out of his way to do something that took so much time and attention. I love the thought that comes to mind when I think how I’d feel if my father did that for me, how I’d feel looking at each photo, reminiscing on old times, then reading his comments on the back. I think the way the photo was made conveys warmth and a lovely mood. My parents divorced when I was 12, that was over 30 years ago now, and my dad never recovered from the heartbreak. He drifted away from my sister and I as well. But when we were a family, he did a lot of things for us and with us, and I’d like to think that he would have done something like this for me. I haven’t seen him in 18 years, and he lives on the other side of the world and hardly ever writes. One never knows what they will get in life, but throughout all the ups and downs, a gift from father to daughter such as this, would have been a treasured possession of mine, and no doubt is for the recipient of this gift. Very well done, very creative, very nice.

  419. Sally says:

    The subject matter is beautifully encapsulated in this photo. Very emotive

  420. Jan says:

    Simply the best

  421. Andy says:

    Great picture Laura

  422. Mark says:

    Gets my vote….great picture

  423. Gale says:

    #1 – Beautiful picture and story

  424. D. says:

    #1 – Love it

  425. Patty says:

    #1 Laura, that is a beautiful picture!

  426. Jill says:

    All entries are great! No. 1 gets my vote!

  427. Kim T. says:

    I vote for #3! I love it!!!!!

  428. Amy C. says:

    #3 for me. as the mother of 2 boys, this one stikes a cord with me. I love the timeless appeal.

  429. Larissa says:

    Beautiful picture, great art: it appeals to the senses and communicates a beautiful, powerful message.

  430. Larissa says:

    #1 (Sorry!!)

  431. danette says:

    love them all! but my favorite is #3. with three boys of my own, i know that there is part of their world where i am an outsider-you captured this and really highlight the bond between the boys. Great Job!

  432. #1 gets our vote!

  433. Patty says:

    #3 “most excellent”

  434. Matt says:


  435. Josiah says:


  436. Challah says:


  437. Kristen Sando says:


  438. Miranda says:

    No. 3

    Coming from a large family, I think it’s important to remember the people who share your earliest memories. so many of us seem to grow apart as we get older.

  439. K.J. says:

    #1 – Love it!

  440. Shannon W says:


  441. Kris says:

    #1 – great picture

  442. Derek says:

    #1 – Great Picture

  443. Kelli says:

    #1 – cool picture

  444. Michelle Leigh says:

    definitely number 3. it reminds me of being a kid again when I did not overanalyze everything and just let it be…I love how real the image is with each boy (and even the dog!) living in the moment. beautiful.

  445. Brett says:

    #1 gets my vote

  446. Brad says:

    #1 – Good job Laura!

  447. Sarah says:


  448. Matt says:

    I vote for #1

  449. Quinn says:

    #1 is my vote

  450. Ian says:

    My vote goes to #1

  451. Alicia Gleason says:

    #1… great!

  452. Sue Gleason says:

    #1 ..

  453. Paola Herrera says:


  454. Sarah says:

    Definitely #1

  455. Carolyn says:

    #1 a great shot and a great memory.

  456. Emily says:

    I love #1!

  457. Simon says:

    #1. I like the perfect tone of sepia.

  458. Amelia says:

    Number 1 is the one I keep going back too. #1

  459. Chris says:

    #1. Timeless!

  460. Elisabeth says:

    #1 – it’s beautiful

  461. Julie Gleason says:

    #1 – awesome pic Laura

  462. Diane says:


    Beautiful lighting.

  463. LaVerne Blickley says:

    #1 has a lovely story and a lovely photo

  464. From a dad’s perspective, #1.

  465. Laura says:

    #1 When I read the story behind it, I burst into tears. What an incredible,priceless gift! I love sepia. It suits it perfectly.

  466. K. says:

    #1 – My favorite

  467. Jane M says:

    #1 reflects the fathers love so well

  468. C.S, says:

    #1 is such a sweet story between a dad and daughter

  469. Karen says:

    What a great collection of finalists! I choose #1!

  470. Ella says:


  471. Larry says:


  472. HJ says:

    3 wins my vote, but 4…love yours too! so creative!

  473. Blake says:

    #3…very nostalgic.

  474. Ann says:

    #1, but really loved #3 and #5 too. What I loved about #1 was not just the photo, but also the gift of a father taking the time to make something so special for his daughter and the affirmation that was stated so clearly. Great photo and great simple gift!

  475. Jim Brennan says:

    I love #1

  476. #3 – I love this picture because it shows that the support and love from a father to a daughter is something that cannot be described. This picture is so touching and meaningful because it does an amazing job of showing that emotion and the strength that can come from this relationship. Great picture!

  477. I totally meant #1. 🙁 sorry!

  478. Michelle says:

    It is always so hard to select from the images as they are all BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations, ladies, on becoming finalists!!!!

    My vote is #1. As a daddy’s girl, I appreciate this image! =)

  479. Apryl Brennan says:

    Beautiful Photo!

  480. Apryl Brennan says:

    My vote is for #1

  481. Erica says:


  482. Melissa Pawlanta says:


    Beautiful Photo!

  483. Renee Denne says:

    My vote goes to #3 very nice photo & really captures brothers being boys

  484. beth says:

    # 1…the simple photo relays a message that totally pulls on my heartstrings.

    Excellent work everyone!!

  485. #1 – such a strong photo! Has so much emotion!

  486. erin guedry says:

    Number 1!!!!!! Love it!

  487. Ruben Parra says:


    timeless photograph.

  488. lar says:


    captures people and a feeling in one moment. feels authentic and true and very sweet.

  489. #1

    The lighting and the angle are perfect. Great capture.

    My second choice is #5.

  490. Erika says:

    Wow, these are all great. #1 & #4 are my favorites, but I am going to have to vote for #1 because of the lighting and how detailed the photo is. I love that you are able to read the message from her dad and the lighting is perfect and almost dreamy. Seeing this pic, makes me want something like this from a parent. 🙂

    Even though I am voting for #1, I loved the comp and feel on #4. That could be featured in a magazine! Great work!

  491. Angie says:

    #1 is my favourite!!! I vote for that one.

  492. Valerie says:

    #3 Reminds me of a much simpiler time, like when I was growing up. No problems, just kickin’ back.

  493. nancy m says:

    love #3! good luck to all!

  494. Sarah says:

    #4 is my fave.

  495. Lilianna says:

    #1- so sweet

  496. Nicki Burleson says:


  497. Kyle says:

    #5 – love the little boy with “his” horse aspect of this photo! very sweet! also, the way the photographer was able to catch the horse’s big brown eye glancing to the camera adds a super touch of sincerity and humor. nicely done!

  498. Kate says:

    #3 is so classic! the fade of a border gives it just the right “aged” appearance. this is a very well done photo!

  499. Kim says:

    This was a hard one. But my vote is for # 1. What a heartfelt gift. You can feel the love that her dad has for her. I love it!

  500. Paula says:


  501. I like #5. The awe of the child is palpable.

  502. Lauren says:

    They’re all really great but I vote #1. I want to see all of the images her dad cut out.

  503. Ziv says:


    I love all the photos, but #5 has the most emotion, in my opinion. #1 is also great.

    Making #5 into B&W really added to the photo.

  504. sarah says:

    I love #5. I just adore the fearlessness of the little boy in being with the horse. And the B&W is perfect.

  505. Tina S. says:

    I love that the father took the time to make something special with his own hands. That is something I would treasure and she did a beautiful job with the photo. Very nice.

  506. Meg says:

    #3….Something about this image appealed to me, maybe the simple, fun loving, carefree nature of brothers hanging out….bringing me back to simpler times. To further add, I LOVE my brothers and couldn’t imagine life without them!

  507. Renee' says:

    I select #3. It brings back so many memories of our Summer Vacations spent with my cousins.

  508. Christine says:

    I definitely vote for #3!! Awesome contest you’ve got going on here 🙂

  509. debra says:

    3 is great love siblings

  510. Karin Guadagno says:

    I love #3. I am from a large family who grew up on a farm and this photo takes me back to those innocent years and carefree youth.

  511. Deena says:

    Love #3

  512. there is somthing really speashil with picture #2 it has value to it.the way it portrays boys as being tuff but yet so inocent
    gr8 photo

  513. Michelle says:

    Me Ra! Oh my goodness, I am humbled and embarrassed at the same time! I have no idea how I missed this thread at the time, 6 month ago… but thank you SO much for choosing my photo as a finalist photo. As they say, “it’s an honor just to be nominated.” I came across this tonight while following a referral from here on my blog, and was so pleasantly shocked! If you ever emailed me to say I was selected, I never received it! I’m so sorry about that. Thank you again for your kindness. You are truly one of the good ones out there. Your ability to inspire and connect through this blog is a gift. Thank you for all you do.

    Michelle (#4, f2.8)

    P.S. And yes, I did indeed shoot it at 2.8!

  514. #1 is my vote…I just love how she shows off this special gift from her father. It was creative and simple as a gift to her, but as full of love as any gift could be. My late father learned calligraphy in his later years and i have a copy of Desiderata framed and hanging on my wall that he did for me..I totally relate to this image.. Love the sepia tone and shallow dof..really wonderful shot!

  515. Lori Wyler says:

    … is my favorite. Being the youngest of six children the photo tugged at my heart. I loved the composition and the color tone, but most importantly I loved the little smiles of the two boys on the left, like they have a little secret. I think the photo speaks of another gift, and that is one of stress-free, hanging out, just being a kid kind of feeling. Family is a gift and I believe she captured that feeling.