Artist Living

Born to Love, Born to Laugh!

Me Ra Koh

The novel we sit down to write, and the one we end up writing may be very different, just as the Jesus we grasp and the Jesus who grasps us may also differ. –Walking on Water: Reflections on Art and Faith by Madeleine L’Engle

This morning I woke up to my five year old running in the bedroom, jumping on the bed, and yelling, “Happy Valentine’s Day!!!” It doesn’t get much better than that. 🙂

But Valentine’s Day is also a day of mixed emotion for me. If you read my About Me page, you know that before photography I wrote a book about date rape. Today is my fifteen year anniversary of when I was raped. It’s been a long road of pain, healing, restoration, and in the end finding I was born to love. I was born to laugh.

This family slideshow is made up of images that Bradley Hanson (an incredible photographer in the Seattle area) recently did for us. We are up to our elbows in producing this DVD series for parents, and Bradley was kind enough to come and shoot some promo photos of our family. The song in the slideshow cannot express any better how I feel today. Click here to watch.

If my life was a novel, this is not how I would have expected it to read. But thank goodness I don’t always know what to expect and things often turn out different than I expect.

Wishing all my readers, friends, family and especially Brian, a wonderful Valentine’s Day. (and thank you Bradley for bringing more joy then you’ll ever know-the photos are perfect)

Much love, Me Ra


  1. That was so beautiful.. the song , the photos I loved it!

  2. themistified says:

    Absolutely beautiful! Love you guys!

  3. Candy says:

    Me Ra,
    These are wonderful, You are blessed to have such a wonderful family! That song is beautiful, so is your laughter!

  4. Thanks ladies! It was so fun to be on the other side of the camera with the kids and Brian. I’m so glad you enjoyed it too!

  5. Raya says:

    Me Ra it has been such a joy to read your blog. You sure are a special lady : ) Thanks for sharing your story with all of us and have a wonderful Valentine’s day!

  6. Jacqui says:

    You guys are a beautiful family and your love for each other shines.

  7. Me Ra, This has me crying tears of sisterhood. While I can not know of your recovery, I see a woman of much wisdom and love who lives NOW. It may not be a perfect recovery, but one many have longed and even died for. Thank God your walking with us and making this a grander place for us all. Happy Valentines Day. Forever!

  8. Gina says:

    MeRa, what a song! That slideshow just brought tears to my eyes. The ones of you and brian are my absolute favs! I love you guys so much!! Good luck with all the craziness this weekend! 🙂

  9. Brooke Kasper says:

    Me Ra,
    Saw you in Dallas and loved you and your husband…this was an incredible slide show, it really captured you and your husband from what we were priviledged to see during our class.
    I have lost six people in the last two years, my mother, my grandmother being the two that killed me….my father spent 87 days in ICU trying to fight for his life after a serious surgery just two months after my mother died a horrible death. My father is here by the grace of God.
    I understand your passion and how photography found you. I have always loved it….but it has truly found me again…very healing. Loved your song.

    Your class was wonderful…you made things so simple that had been difficult. You are both such a blessing and I wish you blessing beyond what you can imagine.

    Please let us know when you are coming back to Dallas.

  10. Betsey Rodgers says:

    Aloha Me Ra, I am so happy for you and your family. I see that God has blessed you tremendously for your perserverence. You children are gorgeous. I love your photography, and the way you write. You captivate me. Praise be to God for all that He has done. Keep in touch sister. I never forget what your family has done for me. Think of you often, and would love to keep in touch. Love Betsey and family

  11. Amanda says:

    AMAZING! Beautiful pictures, beautiful song, beautiful family & beautiful women! You are so amazing my god continue to pour his blessing on you and your family!

  12. […] ideas. Do you remember us talking about this? I had posted last year about how hard my birthday and Valentine’s Day are b/c of painful trauma from my past. A number of you sent me emails and posted blog comments […]

  13. Elly says:

    Call me wind because I am absulotely blown away.