Instructional DVDs!

Dane Sanders and His Daughters Refuse!!

Me Ra Koh

Yesterday we wrapped up our Seattle Photography Workshop for Women. It was an AWESOME three days!! This week I’ll post the photos from the weekend, and wait till you see what these women captured! Just awesome!

After a full weekend, I decided to sleep in this morning (very nice :)), and now I’m off to hang out with the kids and catch up on mommy/kids time. But as I checked emails this morning, our friend Dane Sanders had sent a link to his blog. It made me want to cry!

Dane is a wonderful photographer, speaker, writer (the list goes on and on). He called on Friday and said he watched our Refuse to Say Cheese DVD and had one of the best times with his daughters while putting the DVD photo exercises into practice. Then he emailed me his blog today with the results. His call and email meant the world. You can’t ask for a better endorsement among your colleagues than the one he gave on his blog!

Check out Dane’s photos!

This one is my favorite!

Dane took a lot more than these three images. To see the rest, check out his blog. And while you’re there, take a look at the new project he’s got going. It’s called Fast Track Photographer. He read Brian and I the first chapter this summer, and it’s amazing. For those of you wanting to break into wedding photography…you want to be hooked up with this project.

Thanks Dane! We love you!

And Happy Monday everyone! Full week ahead, and hopefully we’ll have the okay to make a BIG announcement soon! 🙂



  1. Jen Sulak says:

    awwwwwwwwwww those are so great.

  2. loricoulson says:

    Hi Me Ra-
    I wasn’t sure where to leave you a message but I took your class last March and learned so much. I haven’t logged into your blog for a while and was disappointed to have missed the last contest. I know you are super busy but I have a website now and if you get a chance to check it out, it is I would love feedback if you have a minute. I also have a quick question…is it possible to use Photoshop to add that “catchlight” in the eyes if you have a great picture but the light was such that you didn’t get that nice catchlight effect?
    Thanks again!

  3. Sara says:

    Those are great shots! It was fun to look at his site! Thanks Me Ra!

  4. Jess Niles says:

    Aauurgh! Big news? The suspense is killing me…

  5. Sue Christianson says:

    These are sooo cute. I swear I am going to make it to a workshop some day. My heart sinks everytime I see people taking such great shots. I want to get to a workshop! 🙂

  6. Amanda Mays says:


    There is a way to add that catch light. I have read through many photoshop books some have tip’s on how to do it. But the easiest why is buy purchasing an action.

    Check out the website address below. Jodie is a mom that sells her photoshop actions. They are great time savers for editing your photo’s.
    The Eye Doctor/Dentist has the eye catch enhancer as well as a eyelightner/darkner, and a super fast tooth whiten action. Cost is $38 but worth it when you consider how much time it takes to learn and execute your own actions.

  7. Michelle says:

    What a great testimony on just how wonderful your DVDs are!!!!! But I already knew that! LOL 🙂

  8. Wendy says:

    My son Cooper just got done watching the movie “Sandlot” and all I can say to you and your big “announcement” is—
    “You’re killing me, Smalls!”
    I get butterflies in my stomach everytime you say you have a big announcement coming. I am so excited for you. By the way, love Danes website and blog, thanks for sharing. Can’t wait for pics to see what this workshop stuff is all about-and April is still too far away!!

  9. Dane says:

    You guys are too awesome! I love “refuse” and I’m telling everyone I know to buy it! I can’t believe you sell it for so cheap!! You must be close to selling out.

    We love you guys!!

  10. J Sandifer says:

    Everything looks great guys…Congrats!!

  11. Paulo Jordao says:

    Hi Me Ra…
    So, How does it work? (refuse to say cheese)
    And you are right… Dane is a great photographer.
    Great post…
    Paulo Jordao