Instructional DVDs!

DVD for Parents is Bringing Smiles!

Me Ra Koh

It’s been a little over a week since the first big shipment of DVD 1 went out to people! I have to share some of the responses we’ve been getting! It’s so exciting!

Pam from the Midwest wrote;

LOVE LOVE LOVE Refuse to Say Cheese!!!!!

Me Ra,

You are incredible! I got home after a long day of running errands with both of my grandchildren in tow to find the DVD in my mailbox. Got them settled and sat to watch.

The presentation, materials, outline, ideas, even the music is on-target perfect!!!!!!

Half way thru my grandson, who is eight, asked me if he could get my camera. I’ve been letting him take pictures with my cameras since he was old enough to understand to put the strap around his neck.

Tammy from the Northwest wrote;

last night instead of renting a movie we spent time together watching your BEAUTIFUL family. James and I had a BLAST and we were laughing and smiling the whole time! IT was so helpful and fun to watch. You have inspired me to remember to capture more than I had already been doing. Just the other day prior to this, I had driven up to my driveway and there was Ellyanah with a bright hot pink skirt on, no shirt, sitting next to her 11 yr old brother where they were both fully enjoying a popsicle together sitting on the base of our basketball hoop. I quickly ran into the house to grab my camera to capture the sweet moment with popsicle streams dripping down her tummy and her red hair an absolute mess hanging in her eyes. I love this!!

I am definitely going to order the next DVD, when is it available? OH ya, I forgot to mention that we watched every single part of that dvd and we were laughing so hard at the part where you and Brian answer all the questions. What fun it is to laugh!

Dori from Northern CA wrote;

Me Ra and Brian, Y’all ROCK. Thanks for all the writing, effort, sweat and life that went into making the DVDs. Looking forward to the next one. (It arrived today and I actually squealed with glee!) Just finished watching the chapters – eager to watch the bloopers and interview stuff next.

It was so fun for me to finally get to hear your voice on screen; I feel like I know you from the blog and exercises; you have taught me so, so much already! Just wanted to say thanks from a Mom down in Nor Cal – I am grateful you’re helping me capture little Pete while he’s still little (just turned 2).

I am definitely beating down a path to your door for a workshop as soon as I can stand to leave him overnight.

Rebecca from TN wrote:

I LOVE the DVD that I got in the mail on Saturday!  I started a photography business just under 2 years ago, and I learn so much by reading and following people like you who are so willing to share.  The DVD was awesome because it just made sense.  It wasn’t about rules and jargon, it was about capturing the personality of our children…I am excited to watch it again and put some of this into practice!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EMAILING US!!!!!  You have no idea how much it means to get your feedback!  The week we started shipping I couldn’t sleep at night.  It’s so scary when you put your heart and soul into something.  You just pray people are going to connect with your message.  Your many emails are showing Brian and I that you are more than connecting!  You are totally catching the message behind Refuse to Say Cheese!  I’m on the edge of my seat for us to finish up DVD 2, Beyond the Green Box! 

And FYI, Brian and I spent some time this weekend mapping out the upcoming year.  It looks like we’ll be doing another SEVEN workshops for moms!!  Email me if you’re interested!  

 And keep the feedback coming! Stay tuned for a couple cool things this week!  One is a funny, funny photography exercise to do with your kids!  You’ll get a kick out of this one!  Two, a fun announcement that some of you moms having been waiting a couple years for!  (do I have your interest peaked? :)) 

p.s. please excuse the crazy formatting today!  I can underline and then I can’t…the font sizes are crazy…I have no idea what the problem is…must be monday! 


To learn more about me visit About Me Ra.

For information on Me Ra’s popular photography workshops visit “Documenting a Child’s Life.”

To see our day job, visit our website. :)



  1. Jen says:

    that you have workshop dates makes me giddy! when, when, when?!

  2. Me Ra says:

    you’re so great Jen! I’m getting good response today from moms about the workshops! I’ll be posting the first one soon! 🙂

  3. Sue Christianson says:

    Hey Me Ra,
    I had to order the DVD because Tammy couldn’t stop talking about it. I stayed up late last night and watch it with my 17 year old son. He now wants to buy a really nice camera. Needless to say, I loved the DVD and can’t wait to order the next one. You and your family are amazing!

  4. Valium. says:

