
Photo Recipe for a Pregnancy Shoot – 11 poses to try!

Me Ra Koh

BONUS:ย  When you think ALL your natural light is gone, and you simply don’t have enough light to work with–consider what story is waiting to be told.ย  This was our last shot, long after the sun had set.ย  I didn’t think I had enough available light to pull it off, but I thought about the story being more about the quiet, almost covered, innocent moment then simply getting a photo that has enough brightness.ย  Sometimes we are so focused on having bright enough photos, we can miss the beauty of photos that hold their story in the fading light.

With her blue top, argyle socks, and low-low lighting…this is my favorite of the day!

Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom, shares her photo recipe for a pregnancy shoot with 11 poses to try

My DSLR Setting: Aperture was f/1.4, 1/60th of a second Shutter Speed and 800 ISO


  1. Sara Arrigoni says:

    Beautiful pictures as always!

  2. Judith I says:

    Always gorgeous!!!!

  3. Sarah Nguyen says:

    Me Ra, these photos are BEAUTIFUL!!!! What a stunning mom-to-be!!

  4. Carrie says:

    Beautiful photos and even more beautiful mama-to-be!! I, too, love the last one of the day.

  5. thanks for ALL your feedback!! @Sarah Nguyen, I saw a couple of your comments pop up today–you are like my fairy today! spread comment fairy dust everywhere! Thank you soooo much! comments always mean the world!

  6. Jen S says:

    Yay!! I am 37 weeks pregnant and tried to coach my mom to take some photos of me the other day!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I might see if I can get my hubby coached up to take a few more with your notes in this post!! Wish me luck!!!

  7. BreAnna S says:

    These photos are stunning! I keep going back to the circular pattern one…it’s so beautiful. What a lucky mama to be! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Louis Blythe says:

    Love them all but really like the black and whites! What process have you used?

  9. One for friend Tam??? What great ideas. Lovely.

  10. No prob, Me Ra! I love spreading comment fairy dust! ๐Ÿ™‚ Your photos are gorgeous!

  11. Natalie says:

    MeRa oh goodness your gift inspires! BTW. Did you still need a family or two for your TV show/ :)>? I know a few!