
Cyber Monday is LIVE!

Me Ra Koh

Woo-hoo!!ย  Throw some leaves in the air ladies! It’s officially 12:01am EST!ย  Cyber Monday is LIVE!

For the next 24 hours (as long as spots are available), register for the CONFIDENCE Workshop at regular price ($999) and bring a girlfriend for FREE! Yes, a 2 for 1 Deal just for the holidays! AND…**Special Seattle Note!ย ย  You asked and we granted!ย  Seattle Workshop dates are officially 1/21 & 1/22!

Slice and dice this deal anyway you want!

-Give the surprise of a lifetime by giving CONFIDENCE for FREE to a girlfriend when you sign up.

-Split the $999 with a girlfriend!

-Split your half, the $499, into two monthly payments of $250!ย  (use coupon code: 2PAYMENTS)

Grab your girlfriend and follow these steps to register 2 for 1 to a Winter CONFIDENCE Workshop!

#1. CLICK the Winter City of Your Choice.ย  SEATTLE, WA or Tampa, FL or Orange County, CA.ย  (Below I clicked on Seattle as an example.)

ย #2.ย  Bringing a Girlfriend for Cyber Monday!ย  Hit the drop down arrow that says “Confidence Just for Me” and choose “Bringing a Girlfriend”.

#3.ย  Enter Your Girlfriend’s Name in the Next Box.

#4 What’s my Quantity?ย  If you are paying for both you and a girlfriend at the same time, your Quantity is 2.ย  If you and your girlfriend are paying separately, your Quantity is 1.ย  Your girlfriend will need to do this same process and put your name in when she registers so we can cross reference our records.

#5ย  Add to Cart.ย  If you are done shopping, click the pink button Add to Cart

#6ย  I Need to Make 2 Payments of $250.ย  Where do I enter the Coupon Code and What is it?ย 

If you are going to make two payments of $250 (one payment now and one in December), you will need to enter a special coupon code.ย  Please note, if you are going to set up this payment plan, we cannot accept Paypal. Enter the coupon code 2PAYMENTS at the bottom of this page where it says “Redeem a Discount Coupon”.

#7 Finding the Coupon Code Page.ย  Click the Checkout button, and you are on your way!ย  BUT, if you did not get this page because you had to register with our shopping cart, the top of your page should list four steps; Your Cart, Personal Details, Shipping & Payment, Place Order (see image below).ย  The first one on the far left is called “Your Cart”.

After you register, click “Your Cart” to get the above page to enter your Coupon Code.

Now you should be good to go!

Trouble?ย  If you run into any trouble, email us at!

Can’t wait to meet you AND your girlfriends!

Wait!ย  Having trouble finding a girlfriend?ย  Ping me on my FB page ASAP, and we will match you up with someone else who is looking for a girlfriend to get this special!

Happy Holidays to you and all your girlfriends!ย  2012 is a year for CONFIDENCE!


Me Ra




  1. Wow! 7 sign ups in first 7 minutes!!! So exciting

  2. Jennifer Leigh Tacbas says:

    MeRa & Tampa…here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Christmas came early to me! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Yeah Jennifer!!!! Can’t wait to finally hug you in person!!!

  4. Yeah Gina Petersen, I SEE YOU SIGNED UP!

  5. Sue Christianson, should we go again?? ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Idie Mawby Atencio and Sue Christianson that would be a party all by itself!!!

  7. Kim Curran says:

    Hello!! I need a buddy to split LA with me…..any takers? I’m going to buy right now & cross my fingers.
    e-mail me please. so exciting!!!

  8. Kim Curran says:

    Hello! Hello! anyone want to split OC with me????
    I’m fun!

  9. Carla says:

    Hoping I can make it to the Tampa Workshop!

  10. Freida Hall says:

    Kim Curran – I will be your friend!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ Yay! I just emailed you! going to purchase now!

    side note: overwhelmed with emotions this morning. thankful. very thankful me ra & brian. (& kim) ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Kristy Unton says:

    I would love to be someones friend in Tampa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. barbara says:

    I neeeeeeed someone to split with me in seattle

  13. barbara says:

    I would like to split with someone in seattle orange co or tampa

  14. Jill says:

    I’m already going to the Tampa workshop, but I’d be happy to split with someone if they can make it work for someone already registered…


  15. I’m willing to sign up if I can find someone to split with for Tampa.

  16. Joyce, your new friend is Suzanne Hamels

  17. Shew! I am so glad the time is up. This tortured me! Have so much fun Ladies! I will make it one day… ๐Ÿ™‚