Photo Tips

First Year: A Season of Wonderment

Jennifer Tacbas

Jen here with a First Year post about the season of wonderment this Christmas has brought.

First Year: A Season of Wonderment by Jennifer Tacbas

I have always been a sap, but since becoming a mom, I have turned into a sap of epic proportions. With Logan’s first year coming to an end in less than a month and the Christmas season in full swing, I really don’t know what to do except make the most of every single minute of this very special time…and perhaps stock up on Kleenex.

The day after Thanksgiving, our family broke out the Christmas decorations and put up the tree. Jason and I love this time of year. The Rat Pack croons Christmas carols, we brew peppermint mochas, and we watch Christmas classic movies as we transform our home into a winter wonderland. (Or as wintery as we can get for living in Southeast Georgia.)

But this year’s holiday season is an extra special one for us. Everything about this Christmas feels new, as we watch Logan experience it all for the very first time.

First Year: A Season of Wonderment by Jennifer Tacbas

Every day, she wants to be held up to touch every twinkling light. She points out each and every decoration with an inquisitive “Hmm!” Her eyes widen and she grins ever so slightly before moving onto the next new thing. All is shiny and bright.

First Year: A Season of Wonderment by Jennifer Tacbas

Seeing Christmas through Logan’s eyes fills my heart with so much warmth and happiness in a way I can’t quite put into words. Something about her innocence and her wonderment reminds me there is still good in the world and creates in me a feeling of hope. She is simply magical and breathes new life into this Christmas. She breathes new life into my heart.

First Year: A Season of Wonderment by Jennifer Tacbas

It seems every Christmas wish I ever made has come true this year.

First Year: A Season of Wonderment by Jennifer Tacbas

There are only a few First Year posts left to share with you. I can hardly believe it! I hope you will meet me here next Monday, as I share a little insight as to how I created the images in today’s post, as well as tips you can use to capture your own children with Christmas lights this holiday season.

First Year Cheers!





  1. Cherri says:

    Hi Jen, your photos were amazing and I loved how you captured your little one’s awe and wonder with light! It’s a fascination which I believe only grows as we get older . . . may His light shine brightly this blessed Christmas season!!!