Photo Tips

Tweet, Tweet, Twittering Away!

Me Ra Koh

I have resisted for months. The idea of Twitter just frustrated the heck out of me. It felt like one more thing to do on the never ending list of things to do. But I think I’m finally getting the “why” behind it. And now…I’m officially Tweet, Tweet, Twittering Away! ๐Ÿ˜‰

What is Twitter? (

I think they answer it best on their home page;

“Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?”

Just like updating your Facebook status, you update your Twitter status, and then you connect the two so every time you update one it updates the other. Does that make sense?! ๐Ÿ™‚

But why the change in heart for me?

It started with Dane’s CRAZY twitter story from being in NY. The blog post is called “Me, Seth and the Power of Twitter”. Read about that here.

And then I got to thinking. There’s lots of fun little things I want to share with my blog readers, but they aren’t really blog post size. Yet, I could Twitter these fun little things in one line and you’d still get to read about it. Right?

For instance, one of my recent Twitters was this;

I slept with butterfly antennas on all night to see if I’d feel different when I woke up. I woke up to Brian smiling at me. ๐Ÿ™‚

I didn’t have time to write a whole blog post around why I slept with butterfly antennas on all night, but it was fun to twitter it. The responses I got on Facebook were great!

If you are self employed and wanting to reach out to your clientele even more, Twitter and Facebook are worth looking into. The more 3 dimensional you can become to your clients or future clients, the better they will feel about committing to you. You have to ask yourself, “How can I get people to know who I am, what I represent, what I’m like, with as much dimension as possible–even if we’ve never met in person?”

We all know blogging does a great job of this. I’m seeing how Twittering is a little bit of icing on the cake. My brides will read my blogs, but they’ll also smile when they read my twitterings about sleeping with butterfly antennas. Or they’ll have compassion when they read what my Cross Fit Training entailed today. ๐Ÿ™‚ Or they’ll picture where I live when I Twitter about loving the Northwest after taking the dog for a run in the rain.

My mom and I were talking about all this over dinner this week (twittered about that too! :)), and she liked the idea of twittering because she feels overwhelmed by the thought of blogging daily, but the one liner of Twitter, she can totally handle that. Good point.

If you want to sign up for Twitter, check out their website. It’s super easy to sign up.

And if you want to follow my crazy twitterings search for me under: merakoh. I’m finally official as of last week. ๐Ÿ™‚

If we aren’t friends yet on Facebook, we should be! Search for me under MeRa Koh. (fyi: Don’t put a space between Me and Ra or your asking for serious trouble with Facebook’s search engine.)

Off to the next thing on my list today! What is it? Follow me on Twitter and you’ll find out! ๐Ÿ™‚



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  1. Lauren says:

    Twitter is fun if you remember to check it often. I wish I had text plans for my cell phone so I could get other people’s twitters and send my own more frequently.

    8 more days until Chicago! I need to do laundry and find all my camera accessories and pack and get on a train and then it’s Me Ra and Brian time!

  2. Denise says:

    ooooo, ill definitely follow you – if you want to, you can follow me too – im under denisekaris

  3. Dane Sanders says:

    So cool friend! I’m stoked you joined us twitterbirds! Now I can know what Brian is doing from your perspective. So much more helpful!

  4. Dane Sanders says:

    … and entertaining.

  5. maya says:

    i’m on facebook, but i hardly go there. twitter? i’m there all day, baby!

  6. bwaa haaa haaa. Beware of the addiction.

  7. Genie says:

    oh,fine! i just got on facebook (i’m slow, ok? and how come we’re not friends yet? huh?) and now, JUST b/c i had the question about twitter in my head, you go and blog about it! @%#@! so now i have (triple underline) to join it!! i already have 5 email addresses, f/b and now i’ll really look like a twit! :p

    tanks a lot….see you there! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Airika Pope says:

    I love twitter! I’m glad that you joined–I just added you too! ๐Ÿ™‚ Here’s me:

  9. Lauren says:

    Me Ra!

    We need a Chicago update!! ♥