The Nate Berkus Show

Call Out for Babies to be on TV with Me! Respond ASAP!

Me Ra Koh

My heart is so full after reading ALL your comments yesterday.Β  I spent a lot of time writing last week and over the weekend, pushing throughΒ  my own walls of limitations.Β  It’s a honor to share with you pieces of what shakes out for me.Β  You must know that I’m talking to myself in that post as much as I’m writing to you.Β  πŸ™‚Β  Are we in this together or what?!Β  And the week is just getting started!Β  Lots to watch online and on TV this week!!Β  But let’s look at Thursday specifically!Β  Thursday is going to be INSANE FUN!Β  If you are a mama in the greater Seattle area, I’d love to meet you on Thursday!Β  We can even meet on TV!Β  πŸ™‚

Looking for THREE BABIES for TV this WEEK!

Do you have a sweet baby that you would LOVE to show off on TV?Β  Do you live in the greater Seattle area?Β  If so, email me a photo of you and your baby ASAP!Β  I’ve been invited to talk about my new book, “Your Baby in Pictures”, on King 5’s daily program “New Day”.Β  I’m so excited for this show because we are going to demonstrate a few of my favorite photo recipes from the book!Β  But I need three sweet babies to make it happen!Β  That’s where you and your baby come in to the picture!Β  πŸ™‚

I’m looking for three specific age groups;

1.Β  A sleepy newborn that is less than two weeks old.

2. A 3-6 month old who can push themselves up on their hands and knees (like they are going to crawl) but still to young to crawl.Β  Instead, they just rock back and forth.

3. A 6-9 month old with CRAZY BIG CHUBBY LEGS!Β  πŸ™‚Β  If your baby’s got some serious thighs and ROLLS, email me today!

This is going to be such a fun experience.Β  I promise to walk you through the whole thing.Β  And what a wonderful memory for your baby to always have and watch when they are older.Β  They were famous from Day One!Β  πŸ™‚Β  If your baby fits the description, email me today at WITH a photo of your baby, plus their name and age.

Bring Your Baby and Girlfriends and be in the Audience for King 5’s New Day Northwest!

Want to mix up your Play Date routine or have a special morning out with your girlfriends?!Β  King 5 has seventy tickets for all parents and babies to be in the audience!Β  We want to fill the audience with all of YOU!Β  Call your play groups, gather your girlfriends, and join me on set at King 5 in Seattle on Thursday morning!Β  I can’t wait to meet you and your sweet baby!!Β  RESERVE YOUR SEAT by emailing; with Thursday, 3/31, Your Baby in Pictures Show in the Subject Line. (It’s going to be so fun!!!)

Set Your DVR for The Nate Berkus Show on Thursday!!

I’m back on, and this is one of my favorite shows yet!Β  I’m so excited because the topic is Turning Your Passion into a Paycheck!Β  It’s a full hour of women bringing you their inspirational stories.Β  My stories are going to be a bit embarrassing (but also inspirational!Β  LOL!).Β  Keeping it real.Β  πŸ™‚

So…tell me that we will see each other on Thursday in one way or another! πŸ™‚



p.s.Β  We just found out that Your Baby in Pictures is going into a SECOND PRINTING!!Β  It’s two weeks today since the book was released!Β  Wow!Β  Can you believe it!!



  1. BreAnna Schumacher says:

    Hooray for ALL of these things! Since I don’t live in Seattle or anywhere near it, I’ve never heard of the “New Day” program, but it sounds like it will be a blast. It’s always fun to see you on the Nate Berkus show and I can’t believe “Your Baby in Pictures” is going to a second printing!! (I mean, I can believe it because it’s that fabulous, but in its second printing already? BRAVO!)

  2. Rhonda says:

    Wish I could be on set with you, but I’ll definitely be seeing you on NB on Thursday morning. Hopefully “the people” behind New Day will also be encouraged to show your clip online. And I absolutely CAN believe that Your Baby In Pictures is going into its second printing in only 2 weeks. xoxo

  3. Sarah C says:

    Let us know who we can pester (I mean kindly ask) to see the New Day clip. Loved seeing GM AZ’s today. Thanks for my mailbox surprise, gave me a proud smile all day. : ) Look forward to NB Thurs. Woot on the quick need for 2nd printing. Cheers!

  4. I’ll be watching!

  5. Genie says:

    Stopped at Barnes & Noble yesterday – asked for a copy. They were out, the warehouse is out and the woman said “This book only came out March 15! What’s up with this one?” Of course I smiled and told her to check it out. πŸ™‚ Looking forward to Thursday!

  6. Karen says:

    My copy has been delayed or lost in shipping! After reading these comments I think I’ll be making a trip to Barnes & Noble tomorrow morning, and hoping that there is still a copy left. I can’t be patient until a second printing arrives!! Way to go, Me Ra!!

  7. Idie A says:

    This is all so exciting! CONGRATS on the second printing!

  8. Sara says:

    Congratulations! It’s a wonderful book. Thanks so much for speaking to our Mamas with Cameras group, too–it was great to hear more from you. You’re an inspiration!

  9. ali anderson says:

    second printing?! – SHUT UP! yahoo!!! grinning from ear to ear over here on the east coast!

  10. How exciting! 2nd printing!! Congratulations!

    I bought 2! Kept one for myself and gave one to a friend who is GOING to have a baby shower in a few months. I couldn’t wait to give it to her so I wrapped it and gave it to her early!

  11. Courtney says:

    Can you let us know once you’ve found all three babies for the show tomorrow? Some of us (OK, me) are anxiously waiting… πŸ™‚

  12. Susan B says:

    I will be in the audience tomorrow at the taping of the New Day Northwest show! I can’t wait to finally get to see you in person! Congratulations on the wild success of your book! You continue to amaze and inspire me! I’ll see you tomorrow!! πŸ™‚

  13. Kandi says:

    Just this past year have discovered the Nate Berkus show and you on there. Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge and ideas. I watched you today turning your passion into a paycheck and I came here to your site, I have decided whether you know it or not YOU will be MY mentor…LOL What I mean by that is that I will be regularly stopping checking in to your website and blog, gleaning from your tips and suggestions. I would love it if you could take a moment and check out my po dunk website, and tell me if you think I should give it a GO! I dont know what to charge for sessions…right now I am wanting to build a portfolio. Anyway, thank you, you are refreshing to watch and you just shine!

  14. You are such an inspiration! When I first started seeing you on Nate Berkus, I didn’t know who you were. But You Go Girl!!!
    I did miss Thursday’s episode due to a storm here cutting the TV off. Is there anywhere we can view this episode?
    I have a dream of a photography business, but don’t have a clue where to start or what to do. I have taken so many classes, I need to make some income off of this to take anymore! πŸ™‚

  15. SECOND PRINTING ALREADY!!!! WHAHOOOOOOO!!!!!! AMAZING…So thrilled for you guys and all that is blooming out of all your hard work! Hold on tight and let go when you need to MeRa! Breath and know that you are loved and so appreciated. Soar on Girl…Soar on!!!!!

  16. Deanna Whynott says:

    You are truly an inspiration…. I love watching you. You seem like a VERY genuine person …. Before seeing you on the Nate show I didn’t know who you were, but now… I watch your blog… I bought your book online… and I just think you’re a wonderful inspiration. Keep up the amazing job, I love watching in πŸ™‚ …..