
The Exciting Amazon Climb for “Your Baby in Pictures”! THANK YOU!

Me Ra Koh

Wow, yesterday was one of the most AMAZING days ever!

I woke up and had no idea what to expect. I’m still in shock at how high the book climbed on Amazon!Β  By the end of the day, Your Baby in Pictures was ranked #231!Β  (Is that even possible!)Β  #1 in Arts and Photography!! (serious?!)Β  Someone said yesterday if people keep buying and you stay in those rankings for a week, you have a chance at being a New York Times Bestseller.Β Β  Does anyone know if that’s really true?!Β  Ha!Β  New York Times Bestseller!!!Β  Wouldn’t that be INSANE!

We got so many wonderful emails yesterday.Β  Can I share a few?!

-A handful of you emailed and said that you got the book yesterday and loved it so much that you bought another SIX copies to have in stock as your new “Go-To Baby Shower Gift!”Β  (YEAH!! Wow!!)

-Some of you wrote about this being your new gift to clients, especially the excited moms who want to learn more about how you take the pictures you do!Β  (I am totally honored beyond words!)

-Some women emailed and said they didn’t have kids, but they are always the ones with the camera and are excited to try all the photo-recipes on their friends, nieces, nephews–whatever babies they can find!Β  (YEAH again!)

-So many of you said that the Tips on Finding Great Light, Common Mistakes to Avoid, etc were helpful for kids of all ages!

-One husband wrote how excited he was to know how to help his wife look thinner in photos!Β  (YES!Β  I got your back husbands!Β  :))

-Twenty six of you have wrote Amazon reviews that I…simply come up short on finding words that will do justice on expressing how much each one means.

What an AMAZING day!Β  Brian and the kids surprised me with balloons, flowers and precious drawings.Β  Cathy Mores, an amazing photographer in Kansas with the most beautiful heart, who drove SEVEN HOURS from Kansas with her husband and four year old for a Mini Session in CO, sent the most BEAUTIFUL bouquet of flowers.

(Cathy, you are unreal!Β  I feel like I should send YOUΒ  flowers for driving seven hours for a mini session!Β  Thank you so MUCH!)

Clickin Moms surprised and overwhelmed me with the most amazing write up about Women in Photography.Β  What an amazing group of women photographers.Β  I feel so honored to be a part of their community.Β  You must check out their forum and resources if you haven’t before.Β Β  They are rich with encouragement and teaching!

When Brian and I got in bed last night, we were both in sheer amazement at how the day had unfolded.Β  We couldn’t stop smiling!Β  Thank you for being such an amazing community and supporting us with the passion you do.

To all of you who bought Your Baby in Pictures, spread the word on Facebook and Twitter, emailed your friends, wrote the most amazing reviews and are still spreading the word–wow–thank you so much.Β  I wanted this book to be all about empowering YOU–to break through even more sound barriers for those of you who long to capture the photos you envision–no matter what camera you have.Β  I can’t wait to see your photo-recipe results!!

Who knows, maybe we will hit the New York Times Bestseller list!Β  Crazier things have happened, right?!Β  πŸ™‚



p.s.Β  We have a new Ask and Learn tomorrow night on the SOARORITY forum!Β  The first one was such a HUGE hit that we are bringing it back tomorrow night!Β  Pencil 5pm-7pm PST on your calendars for tomorrow night.Β  More details to come tomorrow!



  1. Me Ra says:

    And one more thank you!! πŸ™‚ The blog comments and ideas you left were so wonderful! Thank you so much for celebrating with us again!!

  2. Dana Sensibaugh says:

    I purchased two & am purchasing four more today!
    What a perfect gift. Every new parent will fall in love with this book!
    You are amazing!
    Thank you for sharing your incredible talent with all of us!

  3. Kelly says:

    I’m so excited for mine to arrive tomorrow. I have a newborn session this weekend and am so looking forward to getting some inspiration! Huge congratulations to you MeRa! xoxo

  4. Cathy says:

    You deserve it ALL! πŸ™‚ Drink it in, enjoy these moments…you’ve worked SO hard to get to this point. Much, much love!

  5. Monica says:

    So completely thrilled for you!!! Can’t wait for my copy to arrive, my friend just had a baby and she will be my official model for the book. Best wishes to the whole family as you celebrate this amazing success πŸ™‚

  6. Claudia Constantino says:

    So honored! I was able to write the first review over at Barnes &!

    I needed extra copies and ordered them there! Congrats MeRa and Brian! And also, a huge THANK YOU for so generously imparting your knowledge & exertise! You are such a blessing and inspiration to so many people!

  7. Sarah N says:

    Congrats Me Ra!!! I pre-ordered the book and received it yesterday!! I couldn’t put your awesome book down and read more than half of it in one sitting while holding my sleeping baby. I only put it down because it was 2 in the morning and I really needed to sleep! I’m looking forward to finishing the book today and even more, I’m looking forward to trying some of your amazing photography recipes!!!

  8. Me Ra says:

    Claudia! Thanks for that first review on Barnes and Noble!!! You are so dear!

    Sarah, 2am in the morning?!! Wow, that makes me smile like you don’t even know!!!

    Dana! Four more today!!! Can I just KISS YOU!!! Thank you! πŸ™‚

    And Kelly, you better send me some of your Photo-Recipe results! so excited for your shoot!!

    Can’t wait to hear what the rest of you think!


  9. christen says:

    MeRa~ I hope you found a great way to celebrate. I think that being still in the midst of this crazy climb… maybe even going on a hike with your journal and favorite pen – could be a great way to enjoy this moment in your life.

    By the way, I showed how rarely I do a customer review since I started a ‘discussion’ about the book a few weeks ago… “Oh, THAT’s a customer review.”

  10. Julie Watts says:

    MeRa, I think it is going to be a New York Times Bestseller. Period.

  11. I’m with Julie…..It’s gonna got to the TIPPY TOP! ; ) xoxoxo

  12. denise karis says:

    I am totally gifting them to any mom who does a maternity+newborn shoot and definitely using them for baby showers – really, this is the perfect gift – its different and so so useful – i love it

  13. outlook 2010 says:

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