
The Hardwoods, Last Day Of Sale and Surprise Press!!

Me Ra Koh

You would have laughed if you saw us at 5:45pm last night. Our dinner guests were coming at 6:30pm, we had just returned the Uhaul, ran through the grocery store, and took light speed showers. By 6:15pm we were starting to make dinner, setting the table, attaching the bathroom door back to it’s hinges (which was never completed :)–good thing no one had to go!). When the doorbell rang at 6:30pm, I had wet hair (I never push it this far!). But I was so excited for dinner! The funny thing is that we could have rescheduled, but all the wives will get me on this. If there is a deadline to get the house put back together, deadline being that company is coming, my husband just moves so much faster on his “Honey Do” list. And Brian, moved SUPER fast down that list! He was a rock star for sure! πŸ™‚

So check out the hardwoods! Before sanding the main floor, the hardwoods were the dark color of our dining room chairs!

I can’t tell you how much BRIGHTER the whole main floor feels! I love it! And you know we need all the light we can get in the Northwest.

Quick reminder, today is the last day of the sale on all our products and the discount for the Atlanta Workshop!

Sale ends at midnight tonight PST! For details, click here!

Again, if your having issues with using your coupon code, email Brian at

And check this out!!

My publicist just emailed me and said the Sacramento Bee ran an article on our photo tips called “Take Perfect Pictures of a Newborn”. What a treat! I had to share it with you! To read it, click on the title!

But I almost forgot! Here is that promised peak of what I did with those 8 ft branches! I can’t show you a wide frame shot because I want to surprise my family this Christmas. But this gives you a small idea. We mounted the branches on the walls and hung photos underneath with glass balls hung by Christmas ribbon from the branches. The glass balls have candles inside, and at night the room glows. I love it! And the best part, Brian isn’t giving me any more grief about those branches. He’s a believer now too! πŸ™‚


The ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Sale is happening on all our products and the Atlanta Workshop!

It ends Wednesday at midnight PST!!! To see the details, click here!



  1. Misty says:

    Gorgeous Me Ra! I love the creative use of the branches! =) P.S. I’m sad I didn’t get to dance with you at the wedding, but I did see that you were having a fabulous time!

  2. Stacy T says:

    i registered for the atlanta workshop but would like to get some info about where everyone is staying. i found a wonderful bed & breakfast not far from laCour but if everyone is staying at a certain hotel, then i’ll stay there too. i’m a planner so kind of wanted to know what’s happening. would be happy to email everyone in the group if you wanted to send me their info so we could introduce one another, find roommates, shares transportation….please let me/us know when you have a chance. i can’t believe it’s almost a month away. it will be here before you know it. THANKS!!

  3. Amanda Mays says:

    Floors look really nice! I’ve always meant to ask you where you found that mirror? I love that mirror =)

    While i’m on that thinking trail I absolutely adore the picture of pascaline taking a bath in the sink sitting right next to the sink, sweetest idea EVER! I’m totally going to have to steal that idea on my next baby πŸ˜‰

    Where are the sock sliding pictures?

    Oooh the branch thing is cool!

  4. Julie Watts says:

    Ohhhh, your new floor is so beautiful!! Great job!

  5. yvonne l says:

    I absolutely LOVE the floors! They are beautiful, but you already know that, don’t you? I love the branch too… so simple and elegant. Can’t help but notice the pictures in the background, I’m working on making my walls as beautiful as yours (with my own pictures of course).

  6. Steve Smith says:

    The floors look great, I can only imagine what a huge project this was!

  7. Kari says:

    Now I want 8 ft branches! So cool!

  8. Kathleen says:

    Really beautiful guys! Great work. I wish I was that ambitious. I’d love to change the coloring of our floors, but I hate dusting. πŸ™‚

    Can’t wait to see the sliding pictures. Sock sliding is a favorite pastime in our house!

  9. jen sulak says:


  10. Kate says:

    Love it! Floors look awesome and the branch idea is fabulous.

  11. Dana says:

    Beautiful floors! Looks like home!

  12. Lauren says:

    Your floors look awesome!! I would love to be able to visit and see the rest of your beautiful house. What a cool idea with the branches, too.

    Still can’t get the coupon code to work, so I can’t wait to hear back from Brian (I did email him… I’m just so used to commenting here πŸ˜‰ ) so I can order and download my Portraits 101 kit.

    Now…on to Lightroom because I have a family session to finish!! Have a great week, I miss you guys!!

  13. Amanda says:

    Beautiful! And it sounds like at least you can laugh about all the mess and such that came with your “little project.” πŸ˜‰

    Your house looks cozy and wonderful; I love the curves echoed in the archway and mirror!

    I think I need to talk to hubby about your instructional dvds. Money seems to be flying out of hands right now though with holiday…hmmm…do you ever offer up such awesome sales at other times of the year?! Maybe a Christmas in July sort of thing? Ack, nevermind, I don’t want to wait THAT long. πŸ˜‰

  14. Pamela says:

    Darn it! That is about the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. The branches are amazing. What an fabulous space. Please post more after Christmas!

  15. Wendy says:

    Hey there! Love the floors! Thanks for the article in the Sacramento Bee. Great Ideas!

  16. jeramy says:

    great job! the floors look great. i LOVE the glass idea with the candles….super cool!

  17. Great newborn tips, I faved them for when I have my first newborn session πŸ™‚
    LOVE the floors, we put in dark floors and while I love the look, they show everything, every little dust particle πŸ˜› So kudos to you on your color choice!

  18. […] I have to admit that after typing this I do feel much better. You know what, I think redoing the hardwood floors did me in. I tend to tackle things head on and just do it. But having to unexpectedly move every […]