Instructional DVDs!

Today at 3pm on Channel 4 on Northwest Afternoon!

Me Ra Koh

Brian and I just got home late last night after being in LA for three days! It was a packed trip!

On Friday we had a couples dessert with some wonderful friends (and AMAZING photographers, Mike and Dane), on Saturday we had dinner with a new friend and inspiring woman, the handbag designer Gina Alexander (more fun stuff to share on Gina later that you moms will especially like!), and on Sunday we shot a beautiful wedding surrounded by citrus groves–the scent of the oranges was incredible!

AND, I just caught wind of the confirmed time for our first live interview on Refuse to Say Cheese!

If you’re in the northwest, tune in at 3pm TODAY on channel 4 (Komo/ABC) to Northwest Afternoon as we talk about our new dvd series! (You’ll die when you see Blaze! He had his Superman shirt with his blue blazer over the top–super cute!)


  1. themistified says:

    Oh my goodness! I will start calling everyone I know to record this for me! Yay! =)

  2. Sue Christianson says:

    I am super excited to watch today. I am quitting work early today! Don’t tell James & Tammy! Lol!

  3. tammy ludlow says:

    Woooo HOOOO!!!!!!!
    Thatwas so awesome to watch that Mera!!! It is so weird to think how fast your businees has taken off! You are amazing. Blaze did look cute scooting around in his seat.

  4. Sue Christianson says:

    This was so fun to watch. We are so excited for you guys. I’ll have to agree with Tammy, Blaze was adorable! Great job!

  5. Sharon says:

    I’m so sad… I wanted to watch! Can you play a tapped copy on your blog? I was praying that tons of parents and grandparents were watching! What an awesome opportunity for you guys!

  6. Me Ra says:

    Hi friends!

    Thanks for all the wonderful feedback about yesterday’s show!! Brian and I actually missed it, so they’re going to send us a copy to play on the blog! Yeah!!