Photo Tips

Tacoma PUG (our best ever!)

Me Ra Koh

It’s probably not fair to say that last night’s PUG (Pictage User Group) was our best meeting ever because they’ve all been a blast. But you know what, I really think it was! 🙂 We decided to take our group into the downtown area and work on shooting techniques with models. Being able to share tips with each other when you’re trying to help a bride and groom relax, dealing with different skin tones or different heigths, all these things were a part of our time.

Here are some fun shots of the night!

Courtney and Sam were the bride and groom models. Brian and I had the pleasure of shooting their wedding almost two years ago. They’re so much fun, we decided to see if she wanted to be a bride again (and Sam was such a great sport to get back in a tux!). 🙂 Bleu, our associate, caught this sweet moment of the two.

As our daylight faded we practiced doing night shots; blurring the cars, letting the city night lights glow, ooh it was fun!

Our second couple was Jujuan and Misty. They were such sports b/c we wanted to particularly practice shooting a couple with heigth difference and skin tone differences. Who could be better than Jujuan and Misty? They’re both beautiful inside and out, and he is a basketball player which gives us the heigth difference. 🙂

Another beautiful shot of Misty and Jujuan by Bleu!

(from left; Sam, Courtney, me, Misty and Jujuan)

This one was one of my other favorite shots pictures because of how Courtney’s looking up at Jujuan, and he’s totally a head taller than the rest of us. 🙂 And my favorite quote of the night was when our 5 yr. old, Pascaline, said “When I grow up, I’m going to be tall like Jujuan mom! Wait and see!”

The next morning I woke up to this email below, and I had to share it with you. It shows how wonderful the photographers are that attend the Tacoma PUG meetings. Brian and I have been so blessed to be a part of this, and we feel honored to call them our friends. If you’re a photographer, beginner or experienced, you are welcome to join us the last Wed. of every month. For more info visit our website at

Hi Me Ra,

I just wanted to send a million thanks to you and Brian for yesterday. That single evening probably did more for the two of us in terms of motivation and confidence than all of the books, conversations and research we’ve done combined over the past year.

There are a bunch of things I’m going to change on my site in the coming week to better position us in the marketplace and I’m confident that we’re going to get some traction and do well over time. I still can’t believe how much I enjoyed last night 😉 I just didn’t expect you and the group to be so open, candid and helpful. It feels so good to be filled with hope and thoughts of the possibilities that lie ahead vs the stress of ‘how’ I’m going to do this. And honestly, the ‘how’ is what has been dominating my thoughts. So thank you for helping to get my mind focused on the possibilities!


  1. jacqui says:

    I move all the way to America from England and then find I am miles away from the most talented photographers that I have ever had the pleasure of finding on the internet( I was actually checking out cinematic and came across a link to you), what a fantastic site you have, you totally desreve all the success you are having .I am loving your blog and if I can ever make it from Utah to where you all are I would love to have a chance to be at a pug meeting.
    keep on writing and shooting look forward to seeing and reading more, it’s inspiring.

  2. Me Ra says:

    Hi Jacqui!

    Thank you so much for you kind post! You made the sweetest comments, and I hope that our paths cross in the near future! Our door is always open to you, and wouldn’t it be wonderful if you made it to a PUG someday! We would have a blast!

    Me Ra

  3. butalbital says:


    fuob evaxeze…

  4. Me Ra- I met you at Pictage’s booth at WPPI- we talked about how inspiring you are for me as a working mother with 2 young children! I have to say the PUG (CT in the house!)meetings have been the best thing ever. While I get totally inspired attending seminars seeing speakers, etc. there is nothing that helps sustain my enthusiasm more than seeing my colleagues regularly like we PUGgers do! I promise also to start a thread on the forum about seeing more positive women photographers!