Introducing #SOAR! Recipient: Jennifer Armstrong from TX!

Me Ra Koh

You were all AMAZING yesterday in how you welcomed Linda Baylis.  I know first hand that she was blessed beyond measure. I’ve got two more beautiful ladies to introduce you too!

Meet Jennifer Armstrong from Yochum, Texas!

If you haven’t seen Jennifer’s video entry, enjoy!

Jennifer is a strong force of goodness and determination.  She and her husband downsized to a small two room home in the middle of Yochum, TX.  Together, they gutted the place and have turned it into one of the coziest homes I’ve ever visited.  To make something that is beautiful, warm, inviting and most of all puts you at ease the moment you walk in the front door—when this something was nothing before—that takes amazing strength, determination and vision.  And this is only a couple of the things I admire in Jennifer.  I’m so excited for you to get to know her a little more too.  Watch for her SOAR! posts on Wednesdays on the upcoming SOAR! blog.

Beginning Thoughts, by Jennifer Armstrong

I still have their empty Dr. Pepper bottles sitting on the table.

That is teeter-tottering on freakishly weird.  I am well aware. But Y’ALL, the bottles from which they drank are proof that Me Ra was at our home with Brian to tell me some of the most fantastic things I have ever heard. I have done nothing but float through the past few days; pinching does not help, ergo, Dr. Pepper.

I was looking at Me Ra’s beautiful, accomplished face against the backdrop of the Texas sky. Such a contrast. Certainly not that Texas or our little town are not beautiful, nor places of accomplishment.  Just that I was seeing two different worlds. As if, my right eye saw one world (my home), my left eye saw another (this amazing woman who has been to places I’ve never been), and no matter how I focused, I couldn’t make the two worlds match. I was completely, utterly, stunned as she stood before me, pink box in hand. Every part of my brain shut down except the exhilarated, dancing, joyful places.

And now? A few days after the announcement? Other parts of my brain are starting to wake up. My children have seen to that.  🙂  I am starting to be able to form intelligible sentences. And that helps, especially at the pharmacy. But the best part that has woken up is the part that remembers some of the hard, not-so-exciting things that have happened in the past year or two or three. I am deeply grateful for the hard, not-so-exciting things. I genuinely am. I love Jesus and those things have brought me closer to Him in every way. His love, in the hard parts of life, is the sweetest, most beautiful resting place. And His love in the good times? Well, I’ve got to be honest…this is just darn fun! He is using this to show me another facet of His love.

We all have a story. We are all working on something. Or lots of somethings, ahem. And while my news is wonderful, it has not always been and won’t always be. But that’s what makes life beautiful and isn’t “life” what makes pictures beautiful? We’re captivated by photos because they’re real. Like the Dr. Pepper bottles, they are proof that we really experienced the emotions we remember, be they good or bad. I am thrilled that I am going to be learning how to better record those pictures through this SOAR! experience.

So let’s talk about SOAR! First of all, how in the world do I write on the SOAR! page on twitter??!! And why can’t I figure it out? I have been trying to say hi and thank you to all of you but I am having some serious twitter challenges. Maybe twitter tutorials will be part of the scholarship? Mercy! 😉

But really, I have so many emotions right now. Sometimes my stomach is just in knots, sometimes I feel ready to conquer the world, and lots of the time, I feel small. Not a bad small, but the kind of small you feel when you look up at the stars (in small town in Texas-with no city light in competition). I have so much to learn and am so anxious to begin! My brain is running with questions…Will the companies who’ve given so many things feel like I am worthy? When I share my thoughts on this blog, will I sound silly? What will I name my business? Will I ever not have a child in diapers? Wait…diapers…what?!

I also ache for the sadness that you might be feeling. Y’all if there is one thing I can say and you believe, it’s this. As I write, people are reading who did not get to experience this amazing gift. And there is disappointment. Please know, these emotions are not lost on me. Not one inch of them. A great deal of my shock in winning stems from the fact that I watched your videos. I have seen what amazing women entered. In fact, after my first run at making my video, I told my mother-in-law basically, “I give up. There are just too many great videos.” That’s why I cannot say enough (nor loudly enough, nor sufficiently enough, nor deeply enough, nor…) that I have unutterable gratitude for what has just happened, for many reasons, but also because it happened in the company of such talented, capable women. And I will not take this position lightly. I am humbled to be doing this with you. I am scared. I am moved. I am loving this. And I am thankful. Oh am I thankful.

And I want to say one last thing in front of everyone. It’s to Me Ra and Brian. While we met for only one short part of a morning, your genuine love of others is evident. You are not just words on a blog, you are love in action. You are reinvesting all that you’ve been given. What an amazing team. What an amazing gift.

Alright SOAR! sistahs. We have lots of work ahead. I need to learn about, well, everything. I am so looking forward to it. Let’s do this y’all!


Jennifer, thank you for just being YOU in this first blog post.  I know it was scary, but your personality and goodness shined through.  And your honesty is so dear to all of us.

Will you help me welcome your Texan SOAR! Sistah Recipient, Jennifer Armstrong!



  1. Dawn Beirnes says:

    what a beautiful post. Congrats Jennifer!

  2. Lisa Acord says:

    Congratulations, Jennifer! You’re a fabulous writer and I look forward to getting to know you over the next year.

  3. lora says:

    Jennifer, I loved your video and I look forward to getting to know you!! congrats! Thanks for sharing your journey with us! ~Lora

  4. Addie says:

    Sweet Beginning Thoughts!!! Jennifer, you sound like the type of person that anyone would just love to sit down and have a cup of coffee and a good girl chat with. Congratulations and can’t wait to see you spread your wings and soar.

  5. marie says:

    Congratulations Jennifer…….I too look forward to sharing your journey……Loved the part about the “Dr. Pepper” bottles……sounds like something I would do…..

  6. Kelly says:

    Welcome Jennifer! As soon as I saw your video I said to my husband, oh she looks so at ease in front of the camera… I look forward to watching your progress this year!
    Have you filled up the entire memory card of the new Sony with pictures of the Dr Pepper bottles yet? 🙂

  7. Leslie W. says:

    Jennifer, I am beyond tickled for you!!! Your entry was far and above my favorite. You just seemed so genuine, at ease, ready to learn, and bursting with talent! I also fell in love with your sweet kids! The outake was my favorite. I’m am SO EXCITED to watch your journey unfold! Congratulations!

  8. Kim says:

    Congratulations, Jennifer. I can’t wait to follow your journey…you deserve the best and we are all rooting for you!

  9. Rhonda says:

    Jennifer. I’m so glad you won. I liked you from the minute I first saw your video. I’m so excited to be able to cheer you on this year. Congratulations!!! And here’s to an amazing adventure in 2010.

  10. Beryl says:

    Welcome Jennifer! What awesome candid and down to earth beginning thoughts. I think all of us SOAR sisters can realte to you and will be watching your progress as we all grow this year.

    I can’t wait to get to know you better through this journey!

  11. pamela says:

    Jennifer, You are a sweet, sweet woman. How lucky for all of us to get to enter your world. When I first watched the three winning videos, I told my husband how this one woman has a message that is so important in these times. How to make, capture and create beauty, how to simplify, how to be thankful for the amazing resources that we have. How to make special things out of so little. There is something very sacred about having a fine life without much. I am so proud that you took the time to make the video and that Me Ra recognized that what you have that is invaluable. Thank you, thank you, Pamela

  12. Jennifer –
    I ADORED your video the first time I saw it…your openess, your honesty and the simplicity of your message – not to mention the awesome outtake at the end. Memorable – like a good photo. I also really connected with your reaction in the announcement video – how you had to “step away” to take it all in – and allow it into your psyche. It is very easy to “connect” with you and that will be a great gift to everyone following your journey.

    This post is wonderful – the same openess and honesty I wrote about above is present here and I look forward to reading your future posts.

    Again, with much love and support.

  13. Oh good grief – “openness” – …the perfectionist gremlin wouldn’t let me let that go. 🙂

  14. What a wonderful story. Thank you for being an ambassador for Christ! I look forward to hearing more of your story and seeing pictures of those gorgeous babies of yours! too cute 🙂

  15. Freida Hall says:

    First of all… I hope you always say “Y’all”… I seriously love reading what you write… you are open… and I appreciate that about you. Really very excited to follow your journey this year.
    Many more blessings coming your way!
    Much love,
    Freida 🙂

  16. NataliaD says:

    I am so excited to watch how you will be soaring over the next year. Your first post is wonderful. As someone who can totally appreciate “recycling a home” I really admire what you and your husband did, especially with three young children in tow. It’s not an easy thing to do. Can’t wait to hear more from you.
    Much love,

  17. Michelle says:

    Jennifer, after watching your video and reading this entry of yours, I just want to come sit down and have a Dr. Pepper with you ; ). I love your candid thoughts and sense of humor and am so excited to watch you SOAR and hear you say Y’All.

  18. Feuza says:

    Yee haw~ Jennifer your writing is so fabulous, brought tears to my eyes~ I loved it and you so need to be you in your blog, cause it is witty and straight out great!
    I can not wait to see it up and watch your growth and your little ones were so cute, favorite line “I’m ok” and that is how we are that were not final receipts, it was like falling off the chair, not so much for not winning for me because after watching some great inspiring videos I knew I would not but waited til last minute in anticipation to find out then I did feel that I fell off that chair for how it all went down, not of who won but how it was a chaos waiting and all but just like your daughter, she fell and said I ‘m ok, that was my favorite part in video and I can say I am okay, we are all okay cause we are here to learn, and grow, so many great connections I have been making and I am excited for so many ladies~
    oh and if you need some twitter assistance, I am the #1 twitter user in my town as per twiiterholic statistics- haha

  19. Melisa says:

    Congratulations Jennifer! I can’t wait to watch you Soar!

  20. Sandy says:

    Oh Jennifer what a blessing you are! I am so happy for you! I loved your video and your precious children! I am excited for you! You soar girl!!

  21. When the winners were announced there was a part of me that wondered “I wonder why they were chosen?” Not in a negative way. I didn’t have the time during crazy December to watch all the videos so I didn’t know specifically who the winners were when they were announced. So my thoughts were “I wonder what it was that the judges saw in these women that made them know these were the ones to choose?”

    And as I read your welcome letter today Jennifer it hit me before the halfway point. I can see clearly why you were chosen. I want to weep for you! I watched your video and it’s so real and authentic. As I read your words about Jesus. About good times and bad times. About your struggle with wanting to give up when submitting. All of it just touches my heart. My heart leaps for you! So far both recipients have just shone with so much potential and so much caring for all the women who were a part of this process.

    I’m really proud of you. I’m really excited to follow your journey. And I’m really happy to say that I am a Mera Koh blog reader. I know that time spent reading her blog is not wasted time. It is inspiring beyond belief.

    Congratulations again! 🙂

  22. Bekah says:

    I am thrilled for you, and I look forward to seeing all the real life you capture…. in both your words….. “wait… diapers….” and in your photos.
    All the best,

  23. Marla-Dee says:

    Dear Sweet Jennifer,

    You are truly a gracious and genuine person who deserves this so much! I am so happy you were chosen and I know you are going to do a great job. I look forward to following your journey!

  24. Natalie Johnson says:

    Oh Jennifer, the word y’all soothes my soul. I am so glad you will be allowing your Texas culture to show through. I am a southern girl transplanted in Seattle, so I don’t hear that word very much.

    I loved your video and the first time I saw it I could not help but think this gal is a warm, authentic, passionate, person that I could see myself being friends with. You are someone that I think we can all relate to when sharing your real thoughts. It is true, we all have a story, each one is just a little different than another, but they all have in common the ups and the downs and some downs are more severe than others.

    The thing I think I saw most in your video was that through the light in your eyes I could see you had a real faith. I share that faith in Jesus with you and I am so excited to watch and learn from you on this journey.

    I am celebrating with you, enjoy the ride!

  25. Michelle says:

    OMGOSH how cute is your daughter??? “I’m okay!” LOL!

    Congratulations, Jennifer, on your new adventure in life. The road ahead might get bumpy, but know that all of us SOAR ladies are rooting for you and are here to help you up if ever you feel like you are stumbling!

  26. Lindsay Baumgartner says:

    Amazing Hilarious Jennifer,

    I laughed and felt my heart soften even more as I read your Blog. You have done a great job of showing yourself, and I think you are beautiful. I am excited and so very blessed to be getting to share this journey with you and Linda. I can’t wait to meet you in person next week, and give you both big hugs!! Great job!!

    All my love,

  27. Barbara L says:

    Congratulations, Jennifer!!! So happy that you are you! Truly looking forward to getting to know you and watch your progress as take on great heights of inspiration! :)) WOOHOO!!!! Go for it!!!! You can do it!!!! BRAVO!!!

  28. Stefanie says:


    Thank you for your post, instead of feeling bitter as I read it (I am working on that!) it made me excited to see where you were heading. Reading through the comments Addie started her’s off with “Sweet Beginning Thoughts” and it hit me that Sweet Beginnings would be a wonderful name for your company. I can’t wait to see where this year takes all of us.


  29. Ashley says:

    Jennifer, I thought the same thing when I saw YOUR video…”I give up…” I loved everything about your video. Everything.
    And your wonderful southern charm even comes through in your writing. I love it! Don’t stop saying “ya’ll” okay, even if you become world famous. I grew up in Texas and I miss the “ya’lls”. The Dr. Pepper bottles….fabulous. Maybe you could fetch something for them on ebay??? Kidding.
    I admire your transperacy…from your nerves to your love for Jesus. Your going to do a great job!

  30. I am cracking up about the Dr. Pepper… what a hoot!

    A beautifully written post. You words are already tuned into imagery and story-telling… a perfect fore-runner for the actual images that will start to pepper your life on this new journey.

  31. Linda Baylis says:

    Jennifer, what a fantastic first blog post that simply makes me more and more excited to meet you. While the Dr Pepper bottles may be teeter-tottering on the freakishly weird, I can totally relate to that overwhelmed star-struck feeling, having someone you admire so much, suddenly appear in your life. But just in case you missed it… Me Ra admires you too!!! And that’s why you’re here. And while I know Y’ALL think I have an accent… you have the sweetest one I have ever heard, and I love that it carries through in your writing. I’m with you on the diapers, I’m with you on having so much to learn, and I’m so honored to be with you on this journey.

    Much love,

  32. Robin Fuehrer says:

    I wanted to add my congrats to the list! I also remember liking you as soon as I saw your video and now, even more so as I read your first blog post! Thank you so much and I can’t wait to hear more from you!

  33. Jen,
    Congratulations on this fantastic opporunity and for getting that first blog under your belt! Having had the opportunity to be your friend for many, many years, I can honestly say that there was never any doubt that you would SOAR no matter what you chose to do!

  34. Jennifer Nelson says:

    Oh Jennifer!! This blog post is great!! You ARE such a good writer!! I am so excited for you and can’t wait to see what’s next!! Many prayers and much strength sent your way!!!

  35. jeramy says:

    congratulations jennifer!

  36. GDevilla says:

    Congratulations Jennifer! I too, am from Texas…well, I moved here a form way across the other side of the world! I can’t wait to read more from you. So proud that we live in the same state… I actually feel like I won too!

  37. Renee says:

    Congratulations Jennifer! I’m excited to get the opportunity to follow you along in this spectacular journey! I’m already looking forward to next Wednesday’s blog post! 🙂

  38. Molly says:

    I have to admit that I had not heard of Mera Koh until Jenn won this SOAR Scholarship, however, I will be following her blog every day so that I can enjoy my Sweet Jenn and the 2 other gals. I’m proud to say that Jenn is one of my dearest friends, and everything that y’all have assummed about her is all accurate. She IS creative. She IS genuine. She IS warm and welcoming, absolutely hilarious, encouraging, talented, warm, down to earth, and on and on. Most importantly she loves our Wonderful and Amazing God. As you can see she’s beautiful on the outside, but even more beautiful on the inside. I’m so happy for you, Jenn, and I can’t wait to see you shine- for God to be glorified in this!!
    If you haven’t fallen in love with her already, then get ready- she’ll grab on to your heart and won’t let go!!

  39. lynda kennedy says:

    SWEET, sweet … Congratulations! Look forward to hearing more from you!

  40. Congratulations Jennifer!!! I can’t wait to follow along and watch you SOAR! You are going to learn so much, oh how fun!! Congratulations again and good luck on your journey ahead!!

  41. Ashley House says:

    Congrats Jen…loved the video… made me tear up, your kiddos are so cute. You have one of the biggest hearts I’ve ever known. Miss you tons and am so excited to follow your blog and see your adventures this year! 🙂

  42. Jennifer,

    You have such a warm personality. My favorite line in your video was that you were married to a mighty fine man and a mama. You have right perspective. Family is everything. God bless you year and Fly High with SOAR.

  43. andrea J says:

    You are so sweet and genuine. I look forward to hearing about your journey! Congratulations to a very deserving, beautiful, warm person!

  44. nancy m says:

    I look forward to following your journey this year. You are such a SWEET person. Thanks for just being you in your blog post! Something genuine is what we need! Remember that you are soooo worthy to receive this and go after your dream and make us all proud of you! If you need some help with twitter/facebook, I am sure any of your fellow sisters would be ecstatic to help you. Congrats again Jennifer!

  45. charla BLUE says:

    Congrats, Jennifer! You come across so sincere & genuine in both your video and writing. So happy for you and excited for this year. Cheers!

  46. Your video was so endearing..what a delightful way to include your children in your quest! Your kindness and gentle personality along with strong determination came through in video and your writing.. This blog by you and your #SOAR totally motivating and inspiring. Looking forward to growing and flowing with all 3 of you! Congratulations!!!

  47. claudia says:

    Well I hope you took a shot of the Dr. Peppers before you cleared them away 😉 – good for you Jennifer, looking forward to following you. It will be exciting to see how this glorifies God in return 🙂
    ~a shutter sister as well as a sister in Christ

  48. You are precious Jennifer and from what we know of you this far in the journey- Beautiful in everyway! I am absolutely THRILLED for you and excited to see your light shine for the LORD and on behalf of all the Sistah’s rooting you on! Have Fun, Have Faith, Hop Off, Flap Hard, Keep it Real, Enjoy the Flight and SOAR like never before.

    Blessings to you and your darling family…Congratulations Jennifer!

  49. Jennifer Armstrong says:

    Do y’all have ANY idea how your words have touched me? I cannot thank you enough that you would take time from your day, read about my day, and then say such beautiful things.
    I am just in awe…and I’m SO excited to do this with you!
    -your friend, jennifer

  50. Christen says:

    A little late on responding – but Jennifer, I am so excited to watch your story unfold before my eyes. I love your desire to simplify and find great joy in simplicity… I think your Dr. Pepper comment definitely points to appreciating the simple details in every day life. Plus, you have a gorgeous backdrop with which to explore photography… !!! Look at all that LAND! =)


  51. Christine Barker says:

    Congrats to you Jennifer! I am eager to SOAR with you.

  52. Lori says:

    Hey girl…I am so excited for you and so proud of you!!! You have proved that you have everything so together, so in order. You will teach the rest of us so much – can not wait!!!
    Love ya,

  53. Congratulations Jennifer! The cutest part of the video of you getting your gift was the little pace you did behind Me Ra while she was talking to you kids. I knew you were thinking “I can’t believe this!” I noticed it because I would have done the same thing!! Loved your video. Your kids were so cute!

  54. Samantha says:

    Congratulations Jennifer! I am looking forward to reading your blog posts, and am so happy to spend some time surrounded by your sweetness and kindness each week. I am born and raised in California, but I lived in Texas for one year, the year my first son was born. I love looking at your photos because they bring back such wonderful memories for me of that magical time.

  55. Sue Huard says:

    Congratulations dear Jennifer – you have always soared since you were a young child. Your dedication to a goal, your seeking help to achieve it, your will to pursue as well as your tenacity to do the right thing and help others achieve their goals while achieving your own are just a few of the qualities that have helped you be a winner all of your life.

    We are all so proud of you and for you. You go girl! There is no limit to your achievements and no goal too big. We will always be there cheering you on. Love, Mom and Jacques

  56. Estelle says:

    love ya video and all the stuff it means to you but love the outtake too – your little girl was great

  57. janessa says:

    Amazing! Congrats and I’m excited to see your progress!

  58. Genie says:

    Loved every word you wrote (and I would have written yesterday but I was too sick – better now) and cracked up! You’re so Texan and southern, sweet and revealing. It helps also that I’ve had Texan in-laws too and can hear them thru you.

    I’m looking forward to hearing your voice, watching your journey. I now understand better the concept of the responsibility of being chosen through what you’ve said. Thank you.

    Congratulations Jennifer! See y’all soon!

  59. Sue Christianson says:

    Congrats Jennifer! I’ve never met you and I LOVE you! 🙂 What you have said about Brian & MeRa is the absolute truth. I am glad you captured that about them in the little time you got to spend with them! I LOVE the end of your video when your daughter falls off the bench and says “I’m ok”! It’s priceless. To all the women that did not win the scholarship, we fall, we pick ourselves back up, brush ourselves off and say “I’m OK” and begin again!!
    We look forward to following you through this process this year! Congratulations!

  60. ajira says:

    Congratulations Jennifer. I hope the year brings you all you wish for.

  61. natalyn says:

    Congratulations, Jennifer! I’m excited to see what the year holds for you.

  62. Lisa (Cast Away video) says:

    Oh SO HAPPY for you and so excited that all our worlds have come together…all of us no matter where we are on this journey and regardless of geography! This is such an amazing opportunity for all of us. How many times can we all enter together and feel like we all won together too?! We will be learning a lot with you and from you, not confined to photography. I feel such peace and wisdom in everything you do and say! I hang on every word, stopping frequently to ponder further…I love that about you!!!

    I also want to say the same thing I said to Linda,
    “Although you feel a tremendous responsibility to help us, please remember that we are all here to help you too. All of our journeys will be a little different, as they should. However, you still have a community of girls here who understand and honor your dreams. We also share the expectation of highs and lows on the road to learning, growth, and creating a whole new life for ourselves. So proud of you! So happy for you! Have fun :)”

  63. becca #192 says:

    Jennifer, I prayed that God would influence the choice to those who need it the most and to those who could do the most at this time in his hands. I believe he has done so.
    This weekend we just found out that a “beat up old shack” in the middle of the AZ desert that we have been following for 9 months has just been re listed after foreclosure, at 60,000 less than six months ago. This is going to be your year to build your photo dream and my year to rip out nasty old siding and I feel just as blessed. I have never owned my own home.
    You have already inspired me, kick it and have fun. I will keep you in my prayers!! Could you pray for the sub-floor in my bathroom? 🙂

    Love and Peace,

    Becca #192

  64. Tara Bradford says:

    Congratulations, Jennifer! Am so pleased for you. I look forward to watching you SOAR!

  65. Teri Bigio says:

    What a treat to get to know YOU this weekend in the “Igniting the Flame of Feminine Power and Big Fun” with Fay Freed and Karen Buckley at our home in Novato, CA. What a shining, delightful, engaging woman you are. You’re not only articulate, creative, and joyous to be around, you’re amazingly polite “Yes, ma’am.” My your journey this year unfold in magical and wonderous ways! I’m honored to have been a small part of it. With love, Teri

  66. I really like the fresh perspective you did on the issue. Really was not expecting that when I started off studying. Your concepts were easy to understand that I wondered why I never looked at it before. Glad to know that there’s an individual out there that definitely understands what he’s discussing. Great job.

  67. I really love to read articles that have good information and ideas to share to each reader. I hope to read more from you guys and continue that good work that is really inspiring to us.

  68. Such good writing, and such a deserving recipient!

  69. Congratulations to a very deserving recipient!

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