Video Podcasts

Photo Tips for Shooting at Night! A Video for You!

Me Ra Koh

The SOAR! gals are really going for it with their weekly video blogs!ย  This month’s SOAR! Photography Exercise was to do a photo shoot at night with an engaged couple!ย  I wanted the ladies to shoot outside of their comfort zone and see what magic they could create when ideal light is not available.

Watch what Lindsay did!ย  You will not only crack up but learn a few things too!ย  She rocked it!!

Linds, GREAT JOB!ย  Aside from preferring better light, any words of wisdom that you learned about shooting at night?

The exercise was so fun that I may do a Call Out on my FB page!ย  Make sure you are following me to hear it!



*Early Bird Price for upcoming CONFIDENCE Workshops!ย  Delicious Details Here!



  1. Lindsay, I so laughed at this video! What fun!! and I want to also say that that is a drop dead gorgeous hair cut!!! Rockin it girl!

  2. Christina says:

    That was awesome & it totally made my day. The pictures turned out so great too!!

  3. Lindsay, I should have said laughed WITH this video… not at it… Hopefully that was implied though.

  4. jeramy says:

    great job lindsay! really clever…and insightful. thanks!

  5. Oh my god! That is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen! Way to go girl ๐Ÿ™‚ loved it!

  6. GREAT JOB!! Stepping out of your comfort zone!! So cute!

    LOVE the new look! You look AMAZING!

  7. Rhonda says:

    Girl you are so creative!!!

  8. Delanae says:

    Lindsay, you did a great job, again! ๐Ÿ™‚ It was so fun to watch.

    Please tell Ella and Stinky Kohen that they are stars! What a crack up.

  9. Such a great job!!! I was totally smiling the whole time I was watching it.

    Everyone, is it just me or does Lindsay have a little bit of an Angelina Jolie thing going on?? So pretty!!!

  10. Lindsay Baumgartner says:

    Holy Moley I was shocked to pop over to Me Ra’s blog and see my mug. What an honor once again Me Ra. I am shocked that I had any informative advice!! Haha!!

    Hmmm…what other nuggets of wisdom might I have…well. Besides needing more light it was also more critical that my models stay still. Not always the easiest but those two were in a very cooperative mood that night, thankfully. Any movement would be grabbed by the slower shutter speeds and create a dragged movement in the image. Fine if you are dancing, but not fine when you are sitting with one eye blurring into eight more ; )!!

    I tried my tripod but it seemed to be more in the way that helpful. I kept wanting to pick it up, and that defeated the purpose of having it. I tried Me Ra’s technique of taking a deep breath and trying to hold extra still, but it was really cold out and I am a shivering fool!!

    Lastly I had to pay more attention to where the light was hitting my subjects, and what sort of light it was casting on them. I knew that I would likely have more grain so a ton of editing would not be the easiest. Especially with heavy shadows.

    Finally my last work of advice…HAVE FUN!! It was from start to finish a blast, for me, the kids, and I think even my husband. My motto in life should be, “Why not try it?” And if you can not think of a legitimate reason to not then I say “Why Not”!!

    Thank you all for watching and taking the time to comment. If you could see me now I have a smile from ear to ear. Thank you!!

    Shine On,

  11. Lindsay,
    Adorable! Loved the say, say my playmate song!

  12. Jody says:

    So, so fun! Thanks for sharing!!! I giggled the whole way through, especially when your daughter was trying to hold your son! So sweet! What a fun memory you created!!!

  13. Michelle says:

    Oh my goodness..this is great! You are a funny gal with some great kiddos!

  14. nicole lubin says:

    Great Job Lindsay and your children are adorable!! What camera body are you using? MeRa’s sony?

  15. Lindsay Baumgartner says:

    Great question Nicole!! Yep, I was shooting with my Me Ra camera and my 50mm 1.8 lens. Didn’t think to mention that. Good call!!

  16. This was so awesome! ๐Ÿ™‚ Loved the music, the creativity, you, soooo funny! Your rocked it!

  17. So dang ADORABLE and Clever too! I want to do Halloween pics with my kids against the garage door with headlights now! So fun! Great Job Lindsay!

  18. Me Ra says:

    Linds, you are so LOVED and appreciated!!


  19. Onica says:

    Seriously, Lindsay you are the cutest thing ever.

    I can’t wait to give this a try. Maybe a fun photo shoot with my good friend Shawna Perko-Smith???!!!???