Speaking Events

Coming This Week!!

Me Ra Koh

Here we go!!!

Every year, 10,000 plus pro photographers in the wedding and portrait industry come to Vegas for WPPI! If you are going for the first time, I’m so excited for you! There is no way that you walk away from this event without being affected in a zillion positive ways!

I’m doing a lot of speaking this year, and I have to tell you…I LOVE speaking! πŸ™‚ I’m a quack, huh!

It’s a ton of prep work and when you combine products to bring and sale…oof-da! But I love the speaking–that makes all the long nights of prep worth it!

Below is our speaking schedule starting Sunday. If you’re at WPPI, come say hi!!


2008 PartnerCon Headliners by Pictage

Sunday, I’m speaking at the Pictage Headliners Conference. I’m so excited about this because the session is called “Ladies of Photography”! Yeah! The photography industry can still feel like a boy’s club at times, and last year I asked Pictage about hosting an evening for just women with a women’s panel. You can imagine how excited I was when they put something similar on the calendar. The women I’m speaking with are fantastic! Check out their websites! Pepper Nix, Jules Bianchi, and Liana Lehman.

Sunday Night is the Pixel 2 Canvas Party, Club Rouge! Roxanne, the amazing mind and mom behind Pixel2Canvas, has got some CRAZY things in store! If you want to join the party, email her off her blog asap!


On Monday morning we have our platform in the Gold Ballroom from 8:30am to 10:30am! We are giving away the coolest door prizes like Sony cameras, Adobe software, 101 Kits, DVDs, and these little 1″ buttons that say “Refuse to Say Cheese!” in hot pink–these buttons are what I’m most excited about! πŸ™‚

ME RA KOH “Associate Your Way to the Top”
Everybody tells you to work smarter, not harder. But what does this look like? The married team of Me Ra Koh Photography will teach you their secrets to working smarter and achieving nationally recognized success. Through hiring associate photographers and good old trial and error, Me Ra and Brian invite you to experience the ever-changing business model that has freed up their time and caused their passive revenue to grow. From how to hire and train associate photographers, to printing and pricing packages, this couple shows you the power and profits of “RSV”-Real, Simple and Visible management and marketing. If you’ve heard them before, you know Me Ra and Brian share it all with a passion to encourage, inspire and leave you laughing! Sponsored by Pictage, shootdotedit, Sony

1pm-2pm, Sony Booth #227

3pm-4pm, Adobe Booth #317

6pm-8:30pm, Adobe Dinner

6pm-9pm, Pictage’s Risque Party


Carey is speaking Tuesday morning! Yeah Carey! She’ll be in the Las Vegas Rooms 1-3 starting at 8:30am! Don’t miss her!

CAREY SCHUMACHER “Revolutionary Ideas to Enhance Your Bottom Line”
Carey Schumacher provides a refreshing approach to the rapidly changing photographic industry. Since starting her studio, San Diego Barefoot Memories, in 2002, she has emerged as one of the most successful and well known modern family portrait providers in San Diego. Discover the revolutionary methods Carey uses to cater to today’s modern family and increase profits. Sponsored by Mpix, Gina Alexander Inc., Pixel2canvas, Aftershutter, flosites.

1pm-2pm, Pictage Booth #335 (Brian and I will be speaking with Amber and Nathan Holritz. Can’t wait! Check out their website and all the great photos they have on their homepage of the two of them. Very cute!)

3:30-4:30pm, Sony Booth #227

4pm, Coffee with Jeff Jochum (I’m so excited about this window of time. Jeff Jochum is the former VP at Pictage, and he is one of the most amazing business minded people ever. He has mentored Brian and I so much when it comes to being a business owner. Every time I’m with him, I learn so much!)

7:30-9:30pm, Jared Bauman is doing a great Platform Session called “Structuring Your Business for Maximum Profit”. He’ll be speaking in the Las Vegas rooms 1-3. We are combining our products and selling them at each other’s platforms to give people two opportunities to take advantage of our CRAZY BUNDLE product specials for WPPI. So if we don’t get to connect with you at our platform, look for us at the end of Jared’s session in the back of the room!

At only 25, Jared owns a high-volume wedding studio and a post production company, both of which are very successful. With images featured around the country and a business structure that provides several months off per year, Jared knows how to achieve financial success and freedom. He will show you how to do so through a variety of techniques, including business structure planning, proper package pricing, and tailored outsourcing. Sponsored by Pictage, Shootdotedit.


10:30am-11:30am, Sony Booth #227 (all the Sony Booth talks will end with a Live Demo Shoot where you can watch me work with models as I talk through my thought process of taking the shots.)

We kiss our friends goodbye until WPPI 2009. (Have I convinced you to come in 2009?! It’s so worth it!)

Head back to “home, so sweet, home”. I’m sure we’ll be sleeping the whole flight home! πŸ™‚


  1. sharon says:

    Sounds overwhelming and fun all at the same time!
    Have so much fun!!!!

  2. Hope you guys have a blast! Looks like an increadible line up…hope to make it there someday! Have Fun!

  3. Amanda Mays says:

    I’m so jealous! Sounds like lots of work but lots of fun. Have a blast!

  4. Dana says:

    I am SO there next year!

    I can’t wait to hear all about it!

  5. You are ONE CRAZY LADY!!!
    I swore last year after PhotoPlus that I would only take ONE speaking job PER SHOW because even just ONE is SO overwhelming to me! (on the surface it doesn’t look like it, but throw in all the rest of the tradeshow craziness, and it’s nuts!)
    AND LOOK AT YOU! We are very similar YET VERY DIFFERENT, my friend! Just looking at your schedule makes my head hurt. I’m so proud of you, though! When I see you at the Sony booth on the tradeshow floor, with crowds of people around you watching & listening, I’ll be BEAMING with the pride I have you!

  6. Denise says:

    The last three posts have been SO INSPIRING – this one with your ability to handle so much as a mom – the last one made me appreciate how uncertain tomorrow is and how what you do today really does count – and the one before – I finally got a chance to read your whole rangefinder article last night and it was amazing! So all of these made me kind of want to share something new with the Mera community… at the end of february, I started a new blog and reserved some domain space (For later) and read “Small busniess for dummies” (not kidding) and so, here’s my new little website – I didn’t post anything on it until a few days ago, but I’d love to know what ANYONE thinks – thanks so much for all the inspiration and have fun at wppi… maybe next year I’ll get to go!!! πŸ™‚

  7. Me Ra says:

    “handling all this as a mom” just went up a notch in challenge. My sweet pascaline woke up with a fever/flu this morning. send your prayers this way. thanks!


  8. Michelle says:

    I wish I could go just to see you and Carey in action! πŸ™‚

  9. Erin says:

    Can I just say that I am really looking forward to the Ladies of Photography forum on Sunday. I think its such a GREAT idea! Good luck with everything and I’m sending a prayer Pascaline’s way.

  10. Kari says:

    Me Ra — you are amazing! I wish I could come just to watch you and cheer you on…. and play blackjack! πŸ™‚ I hope Pascaline feels better.xxoo.

  11. ron storer says:

    Me Ra –

    You will do fine…it’s your gifting. Remember what we have talked about – lots of love to you both.


  12. Dino Lara says:

    Hi Me Ra,

    I just attended you Monday seminar here at WPPI. I enjoyed your talk. πŸ™‚

    Thanks for sharing.


  13. John&Lauren says:

    Talk about a schedule! I wish we could’ve been there. We’re definitely shooting for next year. BTW – Lauren and I think those are the coolest pants we’ve seen you in yet! hehe =)