Sony and Me Ra

The Calling by David McLain

Me Ra Koh

I’ve watched this video six times in the last 48 hours.  And every time it speaks more to my creative soul.

We have to take a break from the series I’ve been doing on the blog, so you can see this.  David McLain is a dear friend, fellow SONY Artisan of Imagery, and National Geographic photographer/videographer.  The whole video was shot with the new SONY a99, and it’s breathtaking.  But David’s words mixed with the imagery…you just have to see it.

The Calling is a living legacy to all of us who work to capture the world through our lens.

The Calling from SonyElectronics on Vimeo.

I invite you to share any comments today because I’m going to pass them right to David!

We will pick up on Day 2 of Training on Monday.





  1. Bridget says:

    These images are amazing. And the words speak to my heart, especially this: “Sometimes, in the right light, I see spirits and make them fly.”

  2. Jennifer Tacbas says:

    Just…wow. How profound and invigorating! I found myself saying, “Yes!” to much of what David was saying. What a beautiful testament to photography and videography. LOVE that this was all shot on the Sony a99! Thanks, David & Me Ra!

  3. Me Ra, Wow. This video is amazing. Breathtaking. Reminds me of why I fell in love with photography. And it makes me want to travel again just to reconnect with my camera and passion! It’s easy to get wrapped up in all of the business aspects and obligations but this brought tears to my eyes as it reminded me of how it all started for me – with a little point and shoot, capturing people, strangers, all over the world. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Linnea says:

    Beautiful! This resonates with the place in me that wants to take photography beyond my city, state and country limits.

  5. Erin says:

    One of the most beautiful, moving things I’ve seen.
    I am left completely inspired to slow down and to live more deeply.

    Thank you so very much for sharing! Wow!

  6. Me Ra says:

    To all the comments so far, I just want to say “Yes!!! That’s how it makes me feel!” David and I were chatting today about having him on our forum so you could all talk to him and get to ask questions. What do you think? He’d love too! Anything to help keep inspiration going.


  7. Richelle says:

    “This is me in the flow. Humbled by the moment. Trying to leave something beautiful”. Yes!! Amazing video.

  8. OK. That video literally had me not in tears – but crying. So beautiful, in so many ways. I’m not sure if it’s just that I connect with him & his heart as a photographer and connect with his beautiful way of communication or if it’s because I live with a 16 year old son who has the same dream as David and watching his video is clear picture for my son that all things are possible to those who believe. Which ever it is — thank you David, for giving your heart to your calling.

  9. Charisse Rhodes says:

    Just WOW! That is all.

  10. Michele Dwinell says:

    “This is the record of my passing…” those words rang so true to me, broke my heart and made it soar at the same time. Thank you Me Ra, for sharing “The Calling” with us. The tears that come are healing tears, for me. Thank you, thank you.

  11. Summie Roach says:

    Simply amazing…calming…surreal…breath-taking…heartfelt…a simple calling that brings life beyond words and joy to the eyes!

  12. David McLain says:

    Thanks everyone. Your words really mean a lot to me. It was a little unnerving putting myself out there this way and i’m so happy the piece is inspiring to different people for different reasons. Working on this short film made me realize that what your particular calling happens to be way less important than having a calling in the first place. Here’s to all of you your individual callings.

  13. andrea S says:

    wow, I need to watch it again. Simply beautiful and inspiring. Thank you

  14. Kelli says:

    Ok..I have to say that I just watched this video..AGAIN! And I want to thank you Me Ra for sharing and to you David..for putting this out there and speaking to my soul:) This has been my go to video for inspiration the last week. It speaks to me on so many levels. It is so well spoken and is poetic…and it brings beautiful tears to my eyes when I watch and listen.