Speaking Events

Fifteen Mommy Bloggers You Don't Want to Miss!

Me Ra Koh

Roll call! If you haven’t already found them from googling Sony Mommy Bloggers, here are the fifteen women who came and the links to ALL their blogs. You’ve got the wide range in personality in these blogs. Every thing from Tracey’s sass and wit to Laura’s ability to survive having two sets of twins to Deanna’s adorable vintage aprons!

In fact, just to give you an idea of how funny these ladies were…some of the ladies were going around the table at lunch talking about how they said goodbye to their little ones before coming to this event. Laura (the mom with two sets of twins) piped up and said she didn’t even said goodbye–just slipped out the garage door when they were playing and figured they would all think mom took a REALLY long trip to Costco. I’m telling you, I could not stop laughing! That is being real when you have two sets of twins and a fifth child! And on top of that, half of these women were nursing or pumping which made me feel so at home with all my memories of doing these wonderful things…if you recall my Little Story About Leaking… 🙂

But one of the best feelings was being able to give them all a set of the Refuse to Say Cheese and Beyond the Green Box dvds along with a Mom’s Survival 101 Kit . I had about two hours with these ladies, and I know we covered a lot! Yet, it was so good to know they could review a lot of it on the dvds. This is one of the many reasons Brian and I produced the dvd series, and it’s amazing to see it bring such encouragement to women!

To visit all these ladies’ wonderful blogs, see below!

One last cool thing Sony did for this event was they brought in a company called RocketXL. This company specializes in marketing research, creating web based awareness by running on line campaigns like the Dove Campaign (we all know and love), as well as many other interesting things! On the last day Andrea, from Rocket XL, led a great discussion with the group on what works for blogs and what doesn’t work. It was a fascinating discussion! So much to process!



  1. Amie says:

    Im Jealous… Seems like you all had so much fun. Sounds like a great time! I want to be a Sony Momma….

  2. Thanks for the linky love…I thought of your story about leaking when I was pumping my breasts sitting on the pot in the bathroom at the San Diego airport! I didn’t want to drown any passengers sitting next to me, so I had to pump!!

  3. Laura says:

    Hehe – hey, when you have 5 kids, you just go with what works!

    The agenda had the URL for our family page listed as my blog addy, so I’m going to go ahead and pimp my actual URL here: LaLaGirl – Twinfinite Chaos

    Your leaking story was hysterical!!

  4. Thanks for the linky love Me Ra, and for the wonderful comment you left on my post – I’m kvelling (lol)…

    PS-If you ever need a back-up stuff carrier in CA, let me know!

  5. Last night I found myself thinking about how cool this was and how smart of Sony it was to host this event. It’s a little grassroots (but not really.) Thanks for all the links, I think I have hours of entertainment ahead…..I started my blog about 5 months ago and can’t believe how much the process has grown on me. It’s hard to explain, but blogging is a very positive thing in my life right now. I have a feeling I am not alone in this…….by the way I can’t believe blog or blogging isn’t a spell check word yet!

  6. Stephanie says:

    Thanks for the wonderful recap! It sounds like you all had a lovely time – and such a fantastic group of women!

  7. Amalah says:


    By the way, I found my external flash for my Canon. I remembered how to attach it and everything. Now all I need in the world are some stupid AA batteries.

  8. Lisa says:

    I can’t thank you enough for coming to this event! For once in my life, I actually feel like I can take good pictures. I am even considering taking a photography class, so I can become even better!

  9. What Fun! Thanks for sharing the links…it’s been fun jumping around to all these ladies blogs…creative bunch indeed! Glad you had fun…sorry for such a bad trip home! Good job on the workout!

  10. Great blog and THANKS for listing these top MOM blogs….really helpful to me as I launch the new mom organization 24/7 MOMS

    Trisha Novotny

  11. […] Watching my set of DVDs from Me Ra Koh. […]

  12. […] catch up! Becoming more acquainted with the blogging world has been fascinating and the Sony Mommy Bloggers are nothing short of […]