Suffering with Me Ra

Different Types of Suffering :)

Me Ra Koh

Remember this post, “He Tells Me I’m not Suffering!“?

There were so many awesome comments on that post that I’ve been curious to know how everyone is doing with their suffering.

I up’d my intensity on the elliptical and weight training, but then I went down to the women’s business workshop, the Next Octave, in San Francisco (didn’t work out) and then from there went to San Diego for our women’s photography workshop (had ALL kinds of intentions to work out and didn’t), only to come home and feel tired from being gone for two weeks=too tired to work out for another week! Before I knew it three weeks had gone by with no exercise. ERRR!

My chiropractor is the best guy and said, “Me Ra, just don’t beat yourself up! That’s the worst thing you can do. Get your sleep, recover from traveling, be kind in your self talk and then get back out there.” So I took a deep breath, let down and can you believe that last week I slept for twelve hours a night!! Went to bed at 8:30pm and woke up around 8:45am–four days in a row! Not only that but I took two hour naps in the middle of the day! I was starting to wonder if I was depressed! 🙂

But then my energy kicked back in and this morning I got up at 4:45am and went for a twenty mile bike ride.

Watching the sunrise over the Puget Sound was AWESOME! Will I crash with fatigue at 4pm today, oh yes, but seeing the sunrise with 10 other cyclists was worth it!

I was so excited to get back on the bike because of how much weight training I did all winter. Okay, I quickly found that unless your also biking the weight training can mean almost zilch when it comes to riding the bike. Oh my goodness, I barely kept up with the group this morning. Sometimes I wasn’t keeping up at all, but Diego was kind and stayed back with me till I got up the hills. Isn’t it frustrating that just because you suffer in one area, you don’t necessarily get a Free Pass in other areas?

In case you want to put a face to Diego, he’s the second guy in with the green skirt on. 😉

So it feels a bit like starting over on my bike right now, but as long as that sunrise is waiting for me, I’m good.

Isn’t it all about how it makes you feel more than what the scale says! The feeling of accomplishment for getting my rear out of bed at 4:45am is so much greater than what the scale says I weigh. It’s like, “who cares what the scale says!! I just biked twenty miles and my family is still asleep!”

Tell us some tales from your suffering since you did your Five Steps to Prepping. Did you kick into gear and then drop off after a month? Did you have weeks where you didn’t exercise but pushed yourself to get back in there again? Have you been consistent the whole time? I’m dying to know!

p.s. I made a special category on our forum called Suffering with Me Ra so we can keep this conversation up or and maybe get some guests to give us cool tips! We are closer to the forum going live. We just can’t believe how long it’s taking to figure out how to customize the look and feel of it so the branding is consistent with our other websites. It’s so annoying because the software people told us “this is such a User Friendly” back end! Yeah right! But don’t give up on the forum, we are still plugging away. Brian says 90% there.


  1. Good Morning MeRa…Glad you had a nice ride and got to greet the sunrise to start the day! I started out totally strong with my “Suffering” regiment and was feeling great….than I made the mistake of getting ahead of myself…(kind of an all or nothing personality here!!!) I stepped up my activity level a notch, only to find myself in major back pain. So I have been in a cycle of just trying to cope and manage pain an get back to the good kind of suffering. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. kelli kalish says:

    I totally agree. Just the way the workout makes me feel is soooo worth every minute. I honestly stopped stepping on the scale because I figured…I feel so good right now after working out…why ruin it by stepping on the scale. I totally have to laugh to myself because I found these great ravines on the lake to walk and run up and down…and they are definitely on the steeper side…but since I am prepared to suffer I will not complain…but this morning I was literally pushing it …one more more time..and this song came over my ipod…No Air by Jordan Sparks and Chris Brown..I had to laugh because here I am trying to be soooo serious and this song comes on at full volume..first line…”tell me how i’m supposed to breathe with no air”I thought how appropriate is this…and then there is the cute little old man that I pass about a thousand times…and I of course have my head phones on and he proceeds to speak to me every time I pass all I see are his lips moving.I just nod after the fifth time or so…I have no idea what he is saying..can’t he see I am suffering? too funny…anyway just another day…loving it though..

  3. Denise says:

    I totally need more energy too – I feel tired when I wake up in the morning and I hate it. Maybe I should cut the caffeine – I hear that has a lot to do with it.

    Im doing ok with my suffering – Im not really SUFFERING – its more like comfortably progressing…

  4. Me Ra Koh says:

    Oh dear, ever since 3:30pm rolled around I’ve been trying not to nod off! This is horrible! Getting up early seemed so great this morning, now it’s kicking my A$^%@!!!

  5. Julie says:

    The gym works for me…that is, if I go. I have a secret weapon that works nearly every time; my 5 year old. She finished preschool and LOVES going to the kids room at the gym in the morning. So guess who went to the gym 4x this week?! I’ve never gone anywhere in the morning before the kids wake up except maybe the airport; I think I’m going to try the early gym trip this month. That’s suffering to me!

  6. Jen MacNiven says:

    If it’s any consolation…I ran a marathon one month ago…and haven’t worked out since (marathons are BAD for my knees and now I have chronic pain). Needless to say, I can’t even run a block…not only knee pain, but I actually get winded (and I’ve gained weight). I too thought I was depressed, and maybe I was…but the sun surely helps. I’m swimming tomorrow…no excuses here!
    I guess my point is…’starting over’ is my suffering. =) Gotta start somewhere though…

    BTW…Happy Father’s Day to Brian!

  7. […] of all, Diego (the suffering guy–yeah, that’s him) comes over for dinner Thursday night. We’re having a great time […]

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