Over the weekend, we did a sunset snorkeling adventure and ended our evening on a deserted beach. It felt as if we reached the end of the world. What would you do if you felt like you’d reached the end of the world? We felt like flying! Photo Recipe for all you recipe lovers! How […]

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Happy Monday morning! As I write this blog, I feel like I’m hosting the next episode of “Jungle Wildlife Meets Our Family” episode. 🙂 But how can you not post these things when your in the thick of it? I love to hear that a number of you are sharing the blog posts with your […]

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monkey adventures with kids get a bit crazy but are worth it for the stories you'll always have

I’m laughing to myself as I write the title b/c when else would I blog so much about peeing in the morning. But I’m telling you, stuff goes down when I get up in the morning to pee. These are serious monkey adventures with kids! Yesterday put us over the TOP! (And you must hold […]

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The injured monkey has not come back to visit. And to put all our animal lovers at ease, we did notify the locals first thing. So they are keeping an eye out for him too. But to our delight, we have FIVE mama monkeys in our backyard who swing through the trees every day with […]

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With waking up at 6:30am from all the jungle noises and then having to walk everywhere because there are no roads or cars, this little guy has fallen asleep around 7pm every night while I’m reading out loud. At home, Blaze is often the one whispering to his sissy in the top bunk or getting […]

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Have you ever had one of those times when someone makes a comment about your child, and for some reason or another, the comment gets tucked into your memory? When Pascaline was two or three, a friend made the comment that he could picture Pascaline being a good rock climber someday. He noticed how aloof […]

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