
Thank You Seattle CONFIDENCE Ladies!

Me Ra Koh

Brian and I want to thank all the beautiful ladies who attended our Seattle CONFIDENCE Workshop this weekend. You were an amazing group, and I didn’t want our time to end Sunday night. There was such a magical dynamic that happened. One of my favorite parts was sharing our “shifts” on Sunday morning. Your discoveries were amazing, and I’m still churning them over in my heart.

And wow, even though the Group Critique went a little longer than planned…I can’t stop thinking about how beautiful your images were. How much your eye differs from the woman to the right and left of you. How twenty women could look at the same mom and baby and capture twenty different, beautiful poses. Thank you for risking your heart and your images.

Seattle Photography Workshop for Women w/Me Ra Koh

But let’s not forget our horrible experience at Matador. πŸ™‚ And even more so, let’s not forget our AMAZING dinner at Indochines. Every thing ended up working out for the best after all. Thanks Natalie! We all owe you one! πŸ™‚

Much love to you all this week as you transition back into the many demands you carry, and give to the ones you love. Safe travels for all of you flying home.

All our love, Me Ra and Brian

p.s. The first round of baby invitations for this Saturday’s FREE book shoot are going out today! Be on the look out for our email b/c the sign up will be first come/first serve.

p.s.s. Our website and blog are transforming this week! Not telling you which day, but GET READY!! Yeah!



  1. lora says:

    Me Ra, I lived in Seattle for 5 years, and there is NO Thai food like Indochine here in GA. It is wonderful! I especially love the cashew chicken! Glad you had another wonderful workshop, maybe one day I can be in one of those pictures of your attendees. πŸ™‚ ~Lora

  2. michelle s. says:

    Looks SO fun!!

    Can’t wait for the new blog!! πŸ™‚

  3. Amanda says:

    Love this picture! =)

  4. Natalie Teabo says:

    Me Ra, The whole weekend as I watched you speak and processed all that we talked about. I kept thinking this is why you are being blessed becuase you are a blessing. You give so much of your talent so that others can feel CONFIDENT and learn to tap into the Artist child within! Thank you for letting me be be apart of it.
    About Matador: YOUR WELCOME πŸ™‚
    PS. I can not get the picture of Brian showing the DVD to the waitress for your ”Legal ID’out of my head. AWESOME!

  5. Kellie says:

    Me Ra,
    This weekend was truly a gift. I think it would be so interesting to hear how everyone would describe their “shift” on Sunday night, or even when they woke up on Monday morning. So much of it all came together for me on Sunday. I realized on Sunday night / Monday morning that I was just so excited about my ability and where this might go, and just really confident! And that was the whole point, right? =) I didn’t go in hoping to gain confidence – I don’t think that’s something that can just be handed to someone. But, you and Brian were able to help me see what I do well, and teach me the things I needed to know, so that in the end…I AM confident. And just so thankful. It was a wonderful, wonderful workshop. THANK YOU!

  6. julie says:

    Hi Me Ra,

    Sounds like everyone had an amazing weekend! I know that you have Seattle workshop planned for January 2010 (which got filled up really fast!). Do you plan on having another workshop in Seattle in the near future? I would love to attend and experience first hand what all these ladies are talking about!

  7. ajira says:

    This looks so awesome… I so wish I’d been able to attend, it would have been such a perfect birthday present as I turned thirty on the 14th! πŸ™‚ My time will come.

    What you’re talking about is one of my favourite things about art in general- what each of us sees is so different and it’s amazing to look through someone else’s eyes!

    So excited to see the new website!!

  8. Rebecca says:

    I was taking some pics of my brother-in-law and his wife in Tacoma this weekend and saw your name on a sheet at the Hotel Murano. I wanted to crash SO BADLY! I resisted. πŸ˜‰

  9. Genie says:

    How fun to see you all at work, focused, learning! And that Indochine pulled through…yay! (Making reservations NOW for the January group:)) Go Seattle ladies!

    So many changes, so much happening…woo-hoo!!

  10. […] November, I went to this amazing weekend photography workshop run by Me Ra Koh, who is an award winning photographer. I was there with twenty other inspiring, creative women who […]

  11. Computers says:

    your blog is recharging insane behind