Photo Tips

Featuring an Amazing Mom! Meet Indianapolis Portrait Photographer, Leslie Webber!

Me Ra Koh

Meet Leslie Webber!

Leslie Webber,Photographer, Me Ra Koh Mom!

Leslie is a Portrait Photographer based out of Indianapolis, Indiana. I emailed Leslie and asked if she would mind sharing her photography story with all of you. You are going to LOVE it! Leslie first came to our workshop two years ago, and she has grown so much since that time. Every beautiful image you see today was taken by Leslie (except her bio shot, of course). Her story is awesome, and I’m sure a number of you will relate and be encouraged. She made me laugh AND CRY! Find a comfy chair, grab your cup of coffee and be prepared to be inspired! (Want to share your story too? See the bottom of today’s post!)

Interview with Leslie Webber

1. When did you start your photography business and what was the turning point of taking your photography from a hobby to a business of charging people and putting up a website?

Leslie: When I came home after the workshop in the fall of 2007, I started taking pictures of anyone I could find. I constantly (and annoyingly) sent images to my friends and family asking for feedback. My wonderful friend Jill was one of the unfortunate souls I barraged with mediocre images.

Jill has two little girls. Her youngest was six months old at the time and wasn’t too fond of strangers, so picture attempts hadn’t gone well. Jill asked me if I would be interested in taking a few pictures because the baby knew me and we could shoot in her home where she was most comfortable. I told Jill I would give it a shot, knowing she would be completely supportive and understanding even if every image was terrible. Jill’s shoot would be like shooting with a safety net!

After the shoot, which was on a cold, gray January morning and shot indoors, I uploaded the images. I was nervous. As they popped up on my monitor, I started to cry. We had usable images! I called Jill and we sat, in our pajamas, clicking through pictures. She was thrilled, I was excited and stunned that I knew, at least somewhat, what I was doing.

I didn’t really decide I was going to take it from a hobby to a business, so much as Jill decided for me. Jill is one of the smartest women I know and has more business sense than I could ever hope to have. She told me to “go for it,” sent an e-mail with a link to our images to everyone she could think of and told them all how wonderful I was. Not only did Jill’s e-mail help me to get my business off the ground, it did wonders to bolster my confidence.

As I looked over my shoots from the last year, I noticed my work had really come a long way. There were several images that really seemed to resonate with people who didn’t even know the people in the images. So, after a year of cheesy business cards and toting around a tiny album with images from my portfolio, I decided to take the plunge and set up a website. It is so nice to be able to say, “YES! I do have a website where you can view my work.” Even though my rates increased, my business has steadily grown.

Leslie Webber,Photographer, Me Ra Koh Mom!

2. What inspires your photography?

Leslie: I am very interested in people and their stories. I love getting to know people! Part of what inspires my photography is finding out a little about the family and working to produce images that show who they are. There is nothing more precious than watching a family interact with a brand new member. It melts me and I want to convey how special those moments are through images. As a mom, I know how quickly time passes and I’m inspired when I’m able to provide someone with a memory their family will have years from now.

Leslie Webber,Photographer, Me Ra Koh Mom!

3. What inspires you as a person, artist?

Leslie: I am truly inspired and fueled by relationships. I feel so blessed by all of the new people photography has brought into my life. Not just other photographers from whom I’ve learned so much, but also my clients who have become friends. Building and nurturing relationships is so much a part of photography and that’s part of the reason I love it so much!

Leslie Webber,Photographer, Me Ra Koh Mom!

6. What was your first “paid” shoot like? How did you feel on the way, during and after?

Leslie: The first paid shoot I did for total strangers was a referral from Jill. I was a ball of nerves, felt completely self-conscious, and wanted to hide in the woods of the park where we met. The family had a little guy, about eighteen months old and he was on the move. The location they chose was very shady and muddy. I felt like I wasn’t getting anything. When the shoot was over and she pulled out her checkbook, I came up with every excuse to give her a substantial discount. When I uploaded their images, there were several good ones and they were really happy. Lesson learned!

7. What is the best and toughest part about doing photography while being a mom and wife at the same time?

Leslie: The toughest part is taking time away from my family to go to a shoot. My wildly supportive husband, Brandon travels four days a week, so our weekends are sacred. I schedule as many of my shoots during the week as possible. That being said, while I’m off shooting, Brandon has one on one time with our kids that he probably wouldn’t have otherwise. When I process images after shoots, the kids look at me and yell requests through the glass French doors of the office, and that’s not much fun. I feel like I should be at the pool with them or putting away their laundry that is piled on the couch.

The best part has been the pride my children have taken in my work. Our son Alex is seven. When I launched my website, he asked me to write down my web address. He stuck it on the inside of his school binder. Through his teacher, I found out he pulled up the site during computer lab and showed it to the class. It brought me to tears to know he was proud of something his mom created. I also feel like I’m setting a really great example for our daughter Meredith, who is four. To be able to show her that I can be a wife and a full time mom, while pursing my dream is wonderful.

(This is Me Ra, did this answer make anyone else cry?! Oh my goodness!)

Leslie Webber,Photographer, Me Ra Koh Mom!

8. What is one piece of advice you’d give to newbie’s?

Leslie: I would say the biggest hurdle for me to overcome was a colossal lack of confidence. I had to find what it was that gave me confidence in my ability. For me, it was remembering I had an incredible foundation. I trained with Me Ra and Brian at their workshop for Pete’s sake! I also read all I could read about photography and shot every single day. I slowly started to believe in myself. My confidence comes and goes, and when I start to loose my footing, I go back through my portfolio to remind myself I do know what I’m doing. So my advice to someone just starting out…take the passion you have for photography, hone your skills, find your niche and tell yourself “you can do it!” Then remind yourself over and over. 🙂

9. Do you remember how you found out about me and Brian?

Leslie: I know this is probably more information than you bargained for, but I love the story of how I wound up in your workshop! I really believe my attendance was in the works well before I even thought about it. My dear friend Michelle grew up near Seattle, and attended college in Illinois (Yea Bradley University!) where we met. Michelle met Me Ra in grad school in Seattle. Michelle was back in the Midwest for a visit and I was taking pictures of our friend Sarah’s newborn twins. I was blabbering on and on about my love of photography and Michelle recommended Me Ra’s Refuse to Say Cheese and Beyond the Green Box DVD series. I went to the website to order the DVDs and instead wound up registering for the workshop. With little to no research, I bought an SLR at Costco and hopped on a plane to Seattle without a second thought! I attended in October of 2007 when it was a one-day workshop. I am still completely amazed at how much I was able to learn from Me Ra and Brian in eight hours! The workshop was one of the best experiences of my life. I have had a passion for photography since I was six years old. To be able to hold a real camera in my hands and create memorable works of art is fulfilling beyond words. To be able to learn and laugh in a room full of women who had the same interest I did was incredibly special! It was a great group!

10. Do you have a website or blog that you’d like to share with our readers?

Leslie: YES!

Leslie Webber,Photographer, Me Ra Koh Mom!

Leslie, we applaud your courage to go for your dream! Your images are BEAUTIFUL! What an amazing gift you give to clients! And the story about your son made me cry. Your so right, when our children see their parents follow their dreams–it shapes their own confidence and sense of identity. What more could you ask for? Leslie, you are inspiration to us all this morning! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your story! Brian and I adore you! And I still can’t believe you connected to us through Michelle. What a crazy, small world.

To all our readers, it takes A LOT of guts to share your images and story. If you have a minute, will you leave Leslie an encouraging word or two in the comments? There is nothing better than knowing people enjoyed your stories. Thanks so much!

AND, would you like to be featured on our blog too?

If you have attended our workshop or watched our DVDs, and feel like your life has taken a new and wonderful turn for the better, then please send me an email at I will send you directions on how to be featured. We can’t promise to feature everyone, but I want to do this type of blog post more and more. Hundreds of people have sent us the most amazing emails regarding our workshops and DVDs impacting their life, their before and after photos, their revived passion; I would love for all of you to hear those stories!

One last question, is there anything else I should have asked Leslie in our interview? I want to include as much helpful info in these interviews as possible. If you think of another question I didn’t touch on, post it in today’s blog (and maybe we can get Leslie to answer it! :)).

Much love to you all, and a BIG HUG to the beautiful, talented Leslie Webber!

Me Ra


Here are the DVDs Leslie referred to in her interview! They recently won the GOLD award from NAPPA! Check them out and have a BLAST! Refuse to Say Cheese and , plus our 101 Kits for starting or expanding a business in photography, click on the titles of your choice

Except for the reserved Running on Empty spot, our CONFIDENCE DC Photography Workshop for Women is SOLD OUT! YEAH!!! We’ll announce the next city soon! Stay tuned to the blog for the upcoming announcement!


  1. Christina B says:

    What an inspiration!! i feel i am in the same place you were and hope that i can be in the same place you are NOW. Congrats to you!! and THANK YOU!

    im very new to this blog and already have found myself glued to the computer and cant wait to read the next blog. just to tell you how inspiring EVERYONE is, since ive joined, this has motivated me to get out of my depression (“first flight” blog is what did it) and to do things for me. I quit smoking!!(on day 5!!!!), ive begun to walk and goal is to run a 5k in Oct. Ive been taking more pics and trying new things! Thank you Leslie for sharing your story.. feel it makes me stronger and to tell my self “I can do it” i can get out of my depression, I can run a race, I can take GREAT PICS!!!

  2. Sharon says:

    Leslie, what an honor to be featured on Me Ra’s blog! I am so proud of you and I don’t even know you!!! 🙂 Thank you for being open and sharing your story with us! Your images are beautiful! And your story inspirational!

  3. Kari says:

    Leslie, those pictures are amazing! Way to go, girl!

    P.S. – I still remember the story you told me at the workshop about your little girl going to ballet with a fat lip…. 🙂


  4. Michelle says:

    Congratulations Leslie..what an inspiring story. It is so refreshing to hear your answer to number 8. That seems to be the story for so many of us.

  5. Michelle says:

    Oh this is just too much fun! I always knew I had beautiful friends, but never imagined what beautiful things they would go on to create. I’m so proud of both of you!

  6. Katie J says:

    This was a fantastic post! I also feel like the workshop I attended was a turning point in my life. I am constantly amazed by how much better my pictures have become ever since. It is truly incredible that we were able to learn to fully utilize manual mode in such a short timeframe.

    Leslie, these pictures are fantastic. Congratulations on your success. And I loved the stories about your children and your business!

  7. Kelly Nelson says:

    Love this new feature! I totally cried at the answer to number 7. What a great feeling to have your kids be so proud of you!

  8. tracie says:

    leslie, i love your story! i think it’s so important to so many of us newbie’s to know we’re normal and not alone! you’re images are beautiful! thank you so much for sharing and opening up for us!

    me ra … this is such an awesome idea, love it and can’t wait to read more!

  9. Michelle says:

    Leslie! Thank you for sharing your story with us and for giving us just starting out hope! =) HEARTS to you!!!!!

    MeRa – this is awesome that you did this feature!!!!!

  10. Aileen says:

    What a great feature this is.

    Leslie, I love your site and am totally recommending you to my friends in Indy.

    What a wonderful story you have.


  11. Kari says:

    Leslie, I just checked out your website. You need to charge MORE!!!! 🙂

  12. Amie says:

    Oh Leslie!! Thank you for doing this interview. I am going to attend the DC workshop in September and your interview has inspired me even more. Is there really a chance that I’ll be able to take photos this wonderful some day?!

  13. Harmony says:

    Leslie, your images are AMAZING! I loved hearing the story behind some of them. What made me laugh was hearing about how you wanted to hide in the woods at your first paid photo shoot–I thought that exact thing!

    Your website is beautiful–I can see why your son would be proud. Great job!

  14. jen flake says:

    I just shot my nieces wedding this Friday…it was my 2nd wedding. I wasn’t nervous really when I did my first…it was for another niece, on paid and they were really willing to just trust that I’d do an okay job. Well….this recent wedding was nerve racking because of the grooms nit picking family….

    ANYHOW….don’t know why I am talking about weddings….what I really want to say is that I LOVE what Leslie had to say…I totally can relate ALOT to the lack of self confidence. I haven’t been able to find someone who will look at my work and give me an honest opinion…and I just look for the flaws in all I do so I really have no idea what people really think and for that reason…since buying my DSLR, taking a workshop (sadly not with Mera and Brian), and shooting for a little over a year, I have never charged anyone and don’t know that I ever could because I still don’t feel like I can guarentee them anything. BUT….Leslie has inspired me to look for someone who will be willing to tell me the truth about what they see in my images.

    Thank you!

    The End (I felt like I had to say that after my super long comment!)

  15. Leslie, congratulations on your business! The website story killed me…besides myself, making my family proud is one of my biggest motivators. It is tough to find a balance, but Me Ra put it perfectly in that watching us does shape our kids and you are showing them a world where it is possible to love your work and be successful at it!

  16. Paris Parfait says:

    Such an inspiring story! Wonderful to see how Leslie’s business took off and thrived – and she made it all happen! Well done, Leslie! It’s a wonderful thing to do something that you enjoy and turn it into a business, with the bonus of making your children proud!

  17. Leslie W. says:

    Thank you everyone! You are all so sweet! Talk about a greatt way to end a week! 🙂 Me Ra and Brian I can’t thank you enough!!!

    Kari, shoot me an e-mail! I would LOVE to catch up!

    Amie, you absolutely will be able to take incredible pictures. The worshop is the best investment you can possibly make. The only prior experience I had with my camera was charging the battery! 🙂 You’re going to learn so much and have the time of your life!

  18. Sara C says:

    Leslie, thank you SO very much!! What a beautiful inspiration to the rest of us walking the road behind or alongside of you.

    You and MeRa have been so transparent and authentic, no airs about either of you it makes it so much easier to remember we’re all human and this discovery of photography is just that… a discovery chock full of highs and lows.

    Lord-willing I will have the income to make it to the Minneapolis workshop. A healthy dose of confidence is exactly what I need right now.

  19. Julie Watts says:

    Leslie! Love that you WENT FOR IT! It’s exhilarating, isn’t it?!

  20. Janessa says:

    What a great story and beautiful images. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Allison G. says:

    Leslie!!! WOW WOW WOW, what beautiful images!! And what a great interview. Truly, you have a gift and have really found what you are meant to do!! Way to going for it in spite of fears and kids and life pressures and all of that!! Yay for you!!!

    And MeRa, once again you are so generous with your ability to share the spotlight and nurture others and their spirits!!! Big hugs to you!!

  22. Dawn says:

    Hello Leslie,

    I just checked out your site! Wow! What an amazing job you do! I also would like to say I appreciate you sharing your story. It was very inspiring to me! 🙂 I am just beginning to accept money for weddings. I am doing my 2nd “paid” wedding tomorrow and I am sooo nervous! I always have a fear of disappointing the bride and groom. I would love to be able to do what I love every day! I feel very inadequate at times for the lack of training I have had. I have taught myself everything I know. Which isn’t saying much…lol..I would love to attend a workshop! I hear so much about them from sites I have recently began visiting. I am small town Illinois girl and haven’t traveled much and that is another thing I need to overcome! 🙂

    Thanks to Me Ra Koh for sharing and inspiring me through her story and website too!!! Wow, I just found this site yesterday and I know I will be visiting frequently!!! 🙂

  23. Me Ra says:

    Leslie, you are a star with a shine that reaches farther than you could ever imagine. Thank you for sharing your glow with us! Love you, Me Ra

  24. Ajira says:

    I loved this interview. Great idea Me Ra and thank you Leslie for being willing to share with us. Your generosity of spirit shines through brilliantly!

    The only questions I would add would be about the nitty gritty of starting a business of this sort- equipment, vendors, marketing etc.

  25. CA says:

    Leslie, Thank you for your story and your inspiration to me and all who read it! Your work is beautiful and I am glad Jill gave you that first push! You are very lucky to have that kind of a friend.

    Keep up the good work!

  26. Kristal says:

    Me Ra and Leslie ~ Thank you so much for sharing this story.

    Leslie~ I have a blog, but have been putting off getting a website because I worry that I’m just not good enough. My girls (8 & 11) keep telling me I should. Thanks for another push! I needed that. 🙂

    Wishing you continued success!!!

  27. congratulations leslie! It looks like you’ve really built up a successful business! I just started a small photography business this year, and was so incredibly nervous to actually make a website! Thanks for your encouragement 🙂

    Me Ra,
    I love hearing these stories! Something I would love to know is what equipment these women started with, and maybe what they have now, or what is their favorite camera/ lens now 🙂

  28. Leslie W. says:

    Just thought I would jump on and answer the gear question(s). My gear is not at all fancy! It’s almost embarassingly sparse. I’m a minimalist and I like budgets!

    I still shoot with a Canon Rebel XTi. All of the images appearing on this post were shot with a 50 mm 1.4 prime lens. The lens was around $300 and WORTH EVERY PENNY!

    I recently acquired a 24-70 mm f2.8 L series lens, after a lot of hand wringing and flipping out over cost because I needed something a bit wider. It is a GREAT lens and will be in my bag forever.

    I don’t have or use Photoshop or Lightroom, mainly because I don’t have time to learn either! 🙂 So, I do all of my editing either in Photoshop Elements or on, which I found through Me Ra and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

    Hope that helps to answer some of the gear related questions!

  29. Michelle says:

    Thank you so much for this post, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was sobbing the entire lenght of the post as I am in a similar post and looking for that same strenght to press on with what I love. Thanks so much for sharing this great story!!

  30. […] time for another Amazing Mom feature! I’m so glad that you liked Leslie Webber’s feature so much. Isn’t it inspiring to hear how other women are making their dreams happen! […]

  31. […] like Leslie, I’m amazed when I look back at my sessions from just six months ago how I’ve continued […]

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