Artist Living

Flaking Wallpaper and Joining Us with Your Baby (tomorrow!)!

Me Ra Koh

In a few hours, our women attendees will be showing up at our home to kick off the Seattle Workshop weekend. We had one more sign up yesterday. She is flying in from TX, and that fills the workshop! I’m so excited!

Tonight, they’re bringing their spouses, and Brian and I can’t wait to meet each one of them. Genie, literally–my little genie–has been corresponding with them all through email. Our schedule was insane this week with two HUGE deadlines. But I’ve been watching and keeping tabs on the emails, and this group sounds ready, excited and enthusiastic. This alone charges me!

With the load of work we’ve had this week, I haven’t had a chance to pot the flowers I bought at the nursery. I haven’t fixed the flaky wall paper in the bathroom. Brian hasn’t made it to the dump to get rid of the random boxes we have piling up. But you know what, right now, at this moment, I choose to let it go. Let it ALL go.


I offered to have the Meet and Greet in our home b/c I know that I already love these women and what is more intimate than inviting new friends to your home. It wasn’t about “impressing” them with our home. It was about “feeling at home” with one another from the first minute. But oh, the impressive pull kicks in faster than I can believe. But today, I’m not going to let it get the best of me. Because community, the kind of community that builds others up–cheers each other on–and believes for the other, this kind of community can’t exist in impressing each other. There is only community in safety and feeling at home.

If the wallpaper in the bathroom is flaking off…it’s worth it. As long as we feel at home and safe.

It’s going to be a great workshop this weekend. I can already feel it. And somehow, I have twenty minutes to myself. Everyone is gone, and the house is quiet. I think I’m going to do an Artist Way exercise and give to myself before we start in a few hours.

We will be seeing you on the other side of this intense weekend!

Much love,
Me Ra

p.s. If your local to Seattle, one of our mom/baby models had to cancel last minute. If you are a mom with a baby that is under 7 months and won’t to be one of our models tomorrow afternoon, email Genie ASAP for all the details.


Our Refuse to Say Cheese DVD series are now AWARD WINNING! Read the press release HERE! If you haven’t ordered your own copy yet, check out our popular Instructional DVDs Refuse to Say Cheese and , and our 101 Kits for starting or expanding a business in photography, click on the titles of your choice!


  1. Lauren says:

    I hope you have a great workshop, Me Ra! I want to see pictures of your house. 😉

    Just found out I am pregnant, so if you need a maternity model for your next DVD….. ♥

  2. Christina says:

    Have an amazing weekend, and thanks for the wise words. I have a friend coming to stay at my house this weekend to take care of my son while my hubby & I go on our 2nd honeymoon and I have been so worried about how the house looks all day!!
    “I choose to let it go. Let it ALL go!!” You always inspire me in one way or another!!

  3. lora says:

    Me Ra, I am so jealous, those lucky people! I know you will have great updates for us on the other side, and I can’t wait! Sending you some GA love! ~Lora

  4. Michelle says:

    We were all having such a great time that no one even noticed the wallpaper!

    Thank you SO much for welcoming us into your home! I had a blast and can’t wait for the weekend!

  5. shawna says:

    aw, too bad you don’t need a 13 month old, we’d totally be there!

  6. J.P. says:

    No live-in lizards? No marauding monkeys or peeping primates?
    I’m guessing your guests can deal with a little flaky wallpaper.

  7. Phillipa says:

    What flaky wallpaper? Fun evening and what a great way to kick off the weekend. Looking forward to more.

  8. oh man, this sounds like me…i can feel your energy here.
    just remember what would the girl in Thailand do? WWGT:)
    have an awesome workshop and i’ll be thinking of you while I’m packing my things for HAWAII!! ♥

  9. Marianne says:

    Would love to help you out. I replied to Genie Thursday. Just shoot me details and we’ll be there.

    Jason, Marianne, and Baby Finley (6 weeks old)

  10. CA says:

    I hope you all have an amazing weekend! I had an absolutely absurd dream about your weekend that involved a fight between Ronald McDonald and a guy dressed in a bear suit; a very cool skier-chick that was coming to do a voice over for a cartoon penguin; and the actual workshop taking place in the volunteer fire department in my tiny hometown in NC. 🙂 It was interesting to say the least.

    Have a blast, ladies.

  11. If I came to your house and saw flaky wallpaper or any other imperfection I’d think, “Sweet! She’s normal just like the rest of us.”
    Good for you for making the choice to let it all go. I love what you said about feeling safe in community and how that can’t exist if your trying to impress each other…very wise words. I can apply that to so many areas of my life.

  12. Genie says:

    You forgot to say “it’s also Genie’s birthday weekend, so if she doesn’t answer it’s because she be celebrating!” Thank you to all for your offers – and apologies to anyone I didn’t get back to!

    Thank you for leading the way with the flaky wallpaper! I’ll remember this! xoxo

  13. Me Ra Koh says:

    Loved having you all at our home! What a magical, fun evening. My face hurt from laughing so hard. Sarah, you were killing me with your stories! And Michelle, that nursing story…that was awesome. I would have stopped to at that point. 🙂