Artist Living

It All Started at the Dog Park!

Me Ra Koh

Brian and the kids were still in bed. The morning rain was sharp and cold. I had a lot on my mind and this was my opportunity to get some alone time. I put Rosie (our Golden Retriever) on the leash, grabbed my IPOD and left my phone behind. I didn’t want any texts, emails or calls. A morning run seemed like the perfect remedy.

We headed for the dog park. After a few laps, I decided to do one of my favorite Cross Fit workouts that I did in Thailand. After your warmed up, you run as fast as you can for two minutes. Then you do 25 lunges. And last but not least, you do 25 push ups. (anyone see where this is going? Push ups at a dog park?) You cycle this routine through four or five times for the whole workout.

Well, the first three times Rosie was next to me when I did my push ups. I told her to “SIT”, and she did every time. The last set…that time she was playing with another dog out in the field.

I dropped and started my last set of 25 push ups. I saw Rosie in the distance. She spotted me. I saw her running toward me, tongue hanging out, big old grin that only Goldens give. I figured she’d stop and wait for me to finish. I just kept doing my push ups, listening to my tunes when KABLAM! WHAM! BAM!

Rosie body slams my head!

She hit my head so hard that I flip from a push up position to landing straight on my back. Everything goes black. A slowly open my eyes to find her sitting next to me, tongue hanging out, panting, breathing hard, looking like she’s wondering when I’m going to get the heck up and keep playing.

My earphones…HELLO…my earphones are four feet away in the grass. She hit me so hard my earphones came flying out of my ears and IPOD and flew through the air!

But my favorite part is the fellow jogger. Oh yeah, a regular Einstein. Apparently, he had his back to me when the whole thing happened. But he had his two cents to give. I’m trying to get my balance and he says, “Well, that is what dogs do!” Really. Thanks.

Crazy part is that I didn’t bring my phone, so I couldn’t call Brian. Rosie and I still had to walk home, or fumble home, as the neighborhood spun in circles around me. Is that craziness or what?!

That is the full story folks! So yeah, when the doctor asked me what I was doing I got to say, “Push ups at the dog park.” You can imagine the look I got back. Can you blame him? πŸ™‚

If you haven’t met Rosie yet, you MUST read this post from when we first got her.

She is much bigger now, mind you. Tack on 60 lbs to that photos. But the cat’s response is my favorite part of that whole post. It still makes me laugh! πŸ˜‰

Thanks for playing yesterday! When I went to bed we had 74 comments! Your all getting warmed up to vote on a photo contest! I can just feel it! πŸ™‚

Even though no one guessed the exact scenario people came close.

Who do you think should win? Your ideas were to good not to have a winner! What do you think (of the winner not me doing push ups in a dog park)?


**The BIG SONY/Woman’s World magazine contest ends April 30th! Have you signed up yet? Make sure you, your family and friends get registered! For details, CLICK HERE !

Your tax refund is here! What about spending it on yourself? Nurturing your creative spirit. Discovering the artist within you. Enhancing your photography!

We’ve only got a small number of spots left for the upcoming Discovery Workshop? Make sure you don’t miss this one! Register for our Upcoming Discovery Workshop ! Ladies Only! :) CLICK HERE to get your spot!

Our Refuse to Say Cheese DVD series is continuing to grow, faster than we know what to do with! In the midst of unpacking luggage, I jumped on a radio interview this weekend and talked about our DVDS for 30-40 minutes! It was wonderful!! If you haven’t ordered your own copy yet, check out our popular Instructional DVDs Refuse to Say Cheese and (They are BACK IN STOCK!! Yeah!!), our 101 Kits for starting or expanding a in , click on the titles of your choice!


  1. chelsie says:

    That is insane!!! people can be so ridiculous sometimes… what a jerk.
    Misty is my vote… she did say something with cross fit….

  2. Sharon says:

    Me Ra! I feel so bad for laughing! Sorry… πŸ˜‰

  3. michelle s. says:

    How about putting the names of the people who guessed it had to do with either Crossfit or the Dog and drawing a name from those! πŸ™‚

    Yep, ready for a photo contest. FUN!

  4. CA says:

    Oh, no! That sounds both painful and hilarious at the same time. I do think it is funny that in your original post about Rosie, you mention planning to tackle her shedding problem and she is the one that ended up tackling you.

    I am with Michelle on how to award.

  5. Pamela S. says:

    I think Kim should win, she said, ‘The puppy ran you into a wall.’ I think that’s pretty darn close!!!

  6. That is hilarious! Good to hear you’re feeling better. πŸ˜‰

  7. jeramy says:

    i think that’s a first. good on you!

  8. Linda says:

    Oh you poor thing. That was funny, though. I just read about when you got Rosie. I told my daughter about how Prince Philip wasn’t too happy. She said if your cat heard you telling the story he’d be rolling on the floor laughing at you. He’d think that’s what you get for bringing in a dog and forgetting to feed me. πŸ™‚

  9. Jen MacNiven says:

    OMG…graziness! Guess that would make a good commercial for how durable the ipod is! πŸ˜‰
    Hope you don’t have a case of whiplash included with the concussion. geez.
    Atleast I guessed it was rosie’s fault ;)…tee hee.

  10. jen flake says:

    Oh NO! I didn’t read the previous post before reading todays so I kept expecting you to accidently do a push up in dog poo! But…you got a concusion instead! Holy cow!

    Glad to hear that you are fine though!

    Good luck to all the creative people who commented!

  11. Kate says:

    Oh wow!! Rosie is still a puppy (golden’s are puppies for life almost), but I am pretty sure “well that is what dog’s do” is just the dumbest thing I have ever heard. So glad you are ok.

  12. Alicia F. says:

    I like the idea of iPod using it as a commercial for durability…hope you are feeling better now…but I am not much help with picking a winner…agree with pulling a name from all those that guessed it involved the dog or CrossFit.

  13. Sarah Alston says:

    Hahahaha!!!! Props to Apple for the Ipod of Indestructability. πŸ™‚

    I still like Allison’s answer about all your mail falling on you. πŸ™‚

  14. abbey says:

    I will go with put the people who said crossfit in a hat and draw!!!
    (esp. since I included crossfit and have a coffee addiction!)

    I am just glad you are OK… and that Rosie is so cute!!!! She can get away with these things!

    ps. you may inspire me to do that workout tomorrow!!! I need to “change it up” a bit!
