If you have ever been hurt by an authority figure, you often think twice when you hear the word submission.  The abuse of power and authority seeds a struggle with submission for most of us.  What strikes me most is how this struggle can directly affect my own trust in God.  (Forewarning, I’m going to […]

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To all the military and their amazing families, to all those who risk their very lives, and to those who sacrificed their lives, we are in debt to you. Thank you. Happy Memorial Day.  Your sacrifice is not forgotten. As I spent some time writing in my journal and researching the word Courage, I came […]

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13 Characteristics of a Date Rapist by Me Ra Koh

Is there anyone you know that is vulnerable and needs this list? It could make all the difference.

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It’s late Thursday night, and I typically try to unplug once we have dinner.  But tonight, I keep thinking about this passage from one of Paulo Coelho’s books.  It’s a passage I’ve been writing and thinking on for the last couple weeks.  And for some reason, something keeps nudging me tonight, as if to tell […]

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remember your anchors

My plate is full. Knowing this and acknowledging it are often two different things.  On some days that simple four word sentence feels exhilarating.  On other days, like yesterday, it feels overwhelming.  I know myself.  I know that I tend to work better and feel more fulfilled when I have more on my plate versus […]

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The woman at the ticket counter got on the microphone and welcomed any military to come board the plane first.  A young man in his twenties, dressed in fatigues, went forward with his camouflage backpack.  As I watched him make his way through the eager passengers in line, I noticed that people smiled at him–but […]

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