Photo Tips

7 Secrets for Photographing Toddlers at the Playground by Neyssa Lee

Neyssa Lee

 4. Increase Your Shutter Speed. Toddlers are fast. It always amazes me how adding a playground makes them even faster! If you want to freeze their action, increase your shutter speed! When choosing my settings I always make sure that I’m allowing my shutter speed to be 300 or higher. Any slower and I risk motion blur or missing the action all together!

Find 7 Secrets for Photographing Toddlers at the Playground on 


  1. laura says:

    neyssa, these are great suggestions. thanks so much. even as a grandma, i often take the kids to the park and i love these ideas. laura

  2. Me Ra says:

    I LOVED this Neyssa!!!! And it’s the PERFECT post to start up again after being in the jungle because life with toddlers is like a jungle without question!!! My favorite is Number 1 and Number 6. Super creative point of view on Number 1, and I just ADORE the story, lighting, composition of Number 6. Felt like you were talking about Pascaline ten years ago. Got to love our strong willed girls! 🙂


  3. Neyssa says:

    Thank you Laura!

    Me Ra, as usual, thank you for such wonderful compliments. I had so much fun capturing the kids at the playground. It is one of our favorite adventures! And yes, you have to love those strong willed girls! They are the best!