Family Gossip

Christmas Album 2007!

Me Ra Koh

We’re headed home today after a wonderful time with the family!

This year was unique for so many reasons. First, we’ve never spent Christmas in LA. Truth be known, I was SUPER resistant to leave our Northwest Christmas behind. But my brother Shae and Erica invited us all to come and spend it in their new home.

ELEVEN of us flew in, and we spent the last seven days being together under one roof.

We all feel like this was the BEST Christmas ever for our family! Instead of spending JUST Christmas Eve and Christmas Day together, we stayed up for six nights and seven days playing games, watching movies, going shopping and swimming during the day, cooking up feasts, and eating lots of cake! Their was a rich mixture of laughs until you thought you would wet your parents, expected family tiffs from being in close quarters for seven days :), and a few good cries here and there. Wouldn’t have changed a thing…

Here’s a little photo album with some fun stories in between, and a question for you at the end!

Erica, having grown up in Tennessee, remembers leaving a slice of Red Velvet Cake out for Santa Claus instead of milk and cookies. Talk about cake that puts you flat on the couch because it’s so good and rich!

Every year we draw names for Christmas, and my youngest brother and Brian both got each other’s names. Shauni decided to get Brian one of those cool little remote control helicopters, you can guess what happened for the rest of the afternoon. 🙂

And then Shae had to get in on the fun too! That is totally the face Shae would have when he was a kid! Hilarious!! So focused!

I have to say that Blaze was the most thoughtful shopper this year! He picked out a hand mirror for his big sissy, and the crazy thing is Pascaline had been asking for this exact mirror one hour prior with me. Sissy was so excited!

When I asked Blaze what we should get for each other for Christmas, without even thinking, he looked up at me and said, “Mama, you need new tea set.” I almost died. When he gave me the little bird tea cup and saucer he found, he was so excited. I’ve got a pretty sweet boy (and it must be noted that dad won a few points for remembering to help Blaze find mama a teacup :)) .

My mom and I couldn’t resist after the family photo was taken. The Christmas balls were just to fun to not play with. 🙂

While my dad slaved away on the turkey!

And Shae let the marshmallows on top of the yams catch fire. 🙂 Whoops!

And the kids were SUPER patient to open the rest of the presents!

Putting up with the dozens of photos that everyone wants in front of the tree. Remember those days?

And I can’t leave out the eleven stockings hanging. That was pretty cute!

Erica decorated the tree and house with a classic Nutcracker theme, and it turned out so beautiful and fun!

So if we had awards throughout the day…

Best Costume would have to be BATMAN (yes, Spiderman and Superman are a thing of the past, Batman is every thing now).

Check this out, I was taking the shot and didn’t even realize he was throwing a bat at me! 🙂 This guy is serious!

Cutest Couple would have to be my grandparents, hands down.

Best Memory…this photo. This totally sends me back to the three of us being kids, and my youngest brother saying “What are you doing?” with that sassy type of tone and look. And, Shae always having that cool demeanor about him that says “whatever”. 🙂

Best Present of ALL! My grandpa’s new calculator that my grandma got for him. Does it get any sweeter than this! He said, “I just need those buttons bigger these days.” (I love you Grandpa Don)

That in a nutshell was our Christmas 2007! My question for you is what was your favorite memory or story from your Christmas?


Quick notes…

1. Now that I’ve finished this blog, I realize that my quick action for borders had a flaw so that you’re only seeing one side of the black border on the horizontal images. And you know what, if it’s okay with you, I’m going to let it go and catch this flight! Rather than redo them. 🙂 Brian is proud…he knows my perfectionist ways. 🙂

2. Brian and I had so much fun conspiring with a couple more husbands on surprising their wives with spots in our upcoming workshops. You husbands rock! You must email and tell us what your wives said!

3.  It looks like 98% of the DVDs ordered for Christmas gifts made it! Can I just say we were SUPER excited about this! We now have an incredible shipping/distributor that we’ve started working with and coming to LA could have been this stressful thing, but the shipping company did things with great success! The 2% that didn’t make it in time is still a BIG deal to us. We plan to look into things when we’re back in the studio this week. Thanks for your patience!!

5. We have some BIG things underway for new year and can’t wait to start spilling the beans on the blog as the new year starts to roll in! Stay tuned friends because a lot of it has to do with all of you!




  1. Detra says:

    What fun you had! I’m so glad you all had a great Christmas! You have to tell us what you ended up with for your Grandmother!!! 😉

  2. Amanda Mays says:

    Sounds like sooo much fun! It’s really great you got to spend so much quality time with your family!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Love that hand mirror Pascaline! =)

  3. Michelle says:

    What a beautiful family!

    I was one of those that received my DVDs for Christmas and have already watched both DVDs (Refuse to Say Cheese and Beyond the Green Box)!

    THANK YOU for putting all the technical terms into non-camera-ese and making it easier for me to figure out the camera!

    I can’t wait to start taking pictures with the new info I learned!

    Have a great new year!

  4. Shae looks just like that handsome groom on TV who likes his Converse better than those swanky too tight wedding shoes!

    Great post! Merry Holidays and Great New YEar!

  5. My favorite Christmas memory this year was when we sat around playing Catch Phrase and it got pretty serious and a little rough amongst adults. The guys figured out if they held off until the last second to say their answer that it pretty much made us girls lose our turn. So we played their game (dirty and cheating) and did the same! 🙂 When it was time for the “little device” to get passed to my husband, it was thrown and hit him in the chest. He wasn’t hurt – well pride maybe – it was hysterical! Competitors down to the bone!

    Merry Christmas Me Ra and Brian.

    Much love,

  6. Kristal says:

    I enjoyed reading about your Christmas. Sounds like a lot of fun.

    Also, thank you for saying that the 2% that didn’t get their dvds by Christmas are important to you and Brian. I was one of the ones who pre-ordered both dvds in August. I still haven’t gotten Beyond the Green Box and I am hoping that it is not lost in the mail somewhere. 🙁 Thanks for checking into this.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  7. Liza says:

    Me Ra,
    What a great Christmas you had! It feels so great to be surrounded by family! This Christmas was the best for me as well! I found out I will be yet again another auntie to two new beautiful additions! =)
    Hope you have a good rest of the week and a great new year!

  8. alldoneup says:

    Great post, loved all the christmas pictures, I’m a big Christmas fiend as you can tell on my page. =p That cake does look deliciously coma-worthy.

  9. Marianne says:

    I’ve been traveling in India and China the past few weeks. My trip to India was AMAZING but somewhat emotional at times.

    Never in my life have I encountererd the kind of poverty I saw on the streets of India. I’ll never forget walking back from the Taj (probably one of the most breathtaking pieces of architecture I’ll ever see), and seeing a group of children with polio sitting on a pile of trash. The two scenes side by side would jar even the most detached of persons, but for me- it broke my heart and I began to cry.

    Over the next several days, I carried this picture with me and couldn’t help but constantly ponder how I might help even one of these children. Several days later in Goa I finally found a way.

    My spirits were lifted as a group of children caroled at our hotel. The smiles on there faces as they sang of Christ’s birth represented everything I love about Christmas- the joy, the hope, the love that’s always there despite any eartly challange faced. I cried again (LOL) except this time it was tears of joy because as it turns out, these children were being ministered to by a Christian outreach program that gives shelter and vocational training to at risk and improverished children in India. I gave a little to their cause and received so much in return.

    I’ll cherish this Christmas memory for years to come. It humbled me and reconnected me to a spirit I needed to find, and as I say with my family for Christmas dinner in Shanghai I was ever more grateful for each and every blessing I’d been given. I only hope that I continue to find ways to pay it forward.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


  10. patti says:

    Thank you for sharing your photos with us! They are wonderful. I was one who got a DVD for Christmas- beyond the green box. I watched it at my parent’s house amidst all the commotion- and made many changes to the settings on my camera already! I am going to watch again here at home in the quiet!! And I am definitely ordering DVD 1 now, too!!
    If you are wondering about what to do about DVD 3, it would be awesome to learn more about different lenses and what they can be used for. Also, the craziness of lighting. It seems confusing to me!

  11. Me Ra says:

    Krystal, Krystal!!!

    I just read your comment and you should have recieved the DVD’s by now without question! Please email us at with your mailing address, and we’ll personally get them out today!

  12. Kristal says:

    Me Ra & Brian,
    I just sent my mailing address to you. Thanks so much for sending the dvd out. Can’t wait to get it! 🙂


  13. Maggie says:

    Loved this post! The pics of Blaze in his batman costume made me laugh out loud! He DOES look serious. 🙂 Glad you’re back home now & hopefully things settle down soon.

  14. Me Ra says:

    Kristal, can you email your mailing address again to both Brian and I? and We can’t seem to find it. Thanks sweetie!

  15. Kristal says:

    Ok, e-mails sent to both of you yesterday. I know it must have reached Brian’s e-mail addy because I got an out of office reply. Have a great day!

    Kristal 🙂

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