Family Gossip

Eleven Years and More In Love!

Me Ra Koh

Today is our 11 year wedding anniversary! It’s safe to say we are more in love than ever–almost feel like honeymooners.

Fighting is better, making up is better and the added bonus of two cute kids–good stuff!

Happy anniversary sweetie! I love you!



  1. AWWW Brian did you write this for Me Ra?! Good stuff!
    Have an amazing day and congratulations on 11 years of being best friends!!!
    Yours is an enduring love…

  2. ron storer says:

    happy anniversary you two…btw cool glasses!


  3. Kristin says:

    Congratulations…… are just the cutest couple and your love shows through in everything you do!!!!

  4. Kimberlyn says:

    Happy Anniversary you two! 11 years already! Seams like yesterday we watched you walk down the isle and take that first dance…you’ve been dancing ever since and all these years later, you look even sweeter together than ever. Have a wonderful day!

  5. Deanna says:

    Congratulations you two! You are both an inspiration, and together you are an unstoppable team. Have an amazing day!

  6. maya says:

    happy anniversary!! ours is wednesday = 6 years.

    have a happy day!

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Sharon says:

    Happy anniversary! You guys are awesome!

  8. jenny says:

    happy anniversary! you guys are such an inspiration in so many ways! oh, and you’re adorable together!

  9. Wendy says:

    Magical! You two were totally meant for each other. I hope you have a great Anniversary day and eternity to come. Love you guys!

  10. Denise says:

    awww, you look BEAUTIFUL in that photo! You are such a sweet and giving couple – happy anniversary!

  11. Liza says:

    Congratulations you two on 11 years! How great is it to find someone to spend your lifetime with…and also end up working with as well. I find it amazing how you two manage to do this together…and to do it so flawless. You two are an inspiration to many…not only photography wise but life wise as well!

  12. Lauren says:

    Happy Anniversary! I hope you guys have a fantastic day!!! Drink some wine and eat some cake!

  13. Addie says:

    Best of wishes and warmest of congratulations on such a wonderful reason to celebrate. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy the day and your love for each other!

  14. Happy Anniversary!! Not sure if it is too late but someone recommended the Alderbrook resort by Bremerton…they said super romantic and wonderful…hope that helps.

  15. mom and abba says:

    MeRa & Brian,

    Congratulations on 11 years!!! How incredible that 11 years have passed since Brian wiped the tears from his eyes while gazing at his beautiful bride as you walked down the aisle. Abba & I are so proud of you both, such an inspiration to us and the whole family . . . your children are blessed to see parents in love & learning how to resolve conflict, I think Pascaline’s getting it down pretty good!
    Enjoy your wonderful day together ~ mom & abba

  16. Katie says:

    Yesterday was my 5th wedding anniversary with my husband. GOOD times! You and Brian are an inspiration to us! Here is to many more years!!!

  17. Kelly says:

    You two are so adorable together.
    You just have this way about you that says you’re so comfortable together.
    And Me Ra, on your blog, you always speak so sweetly of Brian as your hero. It’s awesome stuff to witness.
    Here’s to Forever! Cheers you two ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Tessa says:

    Happy anniversary! Today is my parent’s 34th anniversary ๐Ÿ™‚ Must be something about July 13th!

  19. jen sulak says:

    thought i would stop in and post this…just because!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Monday, July 14, 2008

    Are your doubts holding you back? The way to conquer your doubts is with action. Wondering about whether you can do it will not get it done. The only way to know for sure is to jump right in and get started. Avoiding the challenges will only make those challenges grow bigger. Instead, walk right up to each challenge, and the closer you get, the more ways you’ll discover to get beyond it.

    If you wait until conditions are perfect, all you’ll ever do is wait. Great accomplishments are given birth by starting from where you are with what you have. As soon as you start to take action, you’ll begin to replace your doubts with courage and confidence. The more you do, the more insignificant and powerless those doubts will become.

    Stop wondering and start doing. Once you’ve done it you’ll always know, without the slightest doubt, that you can.

    — Ralph Marston

  20. jeramy says:

    excellent! such a blessing to find THAT one. life in general is tough…but kids, work, dreams and pursuits…the occasional personal meltdown (we all need that) it can be overwhelming once the total is added up. ๐Ÿ™‚ to have a relationship where each person knows that beyond all else, the other is FOR them….100%…well, it just doesn’t get much better then that!

    i’m not the best guy…and sharon’s not the perfect gal…however, both of us know the other completely, and we still choose each other. from what little i know about you guys, it seems like you’re in the same boat. that’s a good place to be…

    congratulations to you both! take care.

  21. Amy P. says:

    congrats mera and brian on your wedding anniversary! you two are a great inspiriation to my newlywed self. heres to many, many more!

  22. Here’s to many, many more years of health, happiness and friendship. Cheers! Caron

  23. amber joy says:

    Happy Anniversary, you two! I hope that you have an absolutely awesome next year. And, I pray that it only continues to grow deeper in meaning, passion, joy, and friendship. ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Me Ra Koh says:

    Thanks for all the beautiful comments! You guys are the BEST! We had a wonderful day yesterday, I’d tell you more but don’t you want pictures and the whole story? ๐Ÿ™‚ Coming this week!

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