Finding Healing

Preparing Your Heart for the Holidays

Me Ra Koh

Preparing Your Heart for the Holidays – Me Ra Koh

The holidays can be a joyful time, but for many they can also be a painful and uncomfortable time. 

If you are hurting this month, I’ve written a handful of posts around the theme of preparing your heart for the holidays.  One post was on Tuesday that has resonated so deeply with readers.  It’s called To Those Who Worry, Fear and Doubt. If thoughts of the new year are already overwhelming you, I wrote this for you. 

Meditate on the Simplest Details

I often find my heart in meditation during the holidays. Practice meditating on the simplest of things. The other morning I was struck by the morning light.  The fall sun was illuminating these stalks of wheat, and it cast the most distinct shadow on the wall with my shadow following it.  The shadows were so beautiful, dancing on the wall as the wind danced between the stalks.  So often we feel afraid of shadows, shadows that represent pain or past regrets.  But I believe those shadows are the very thing that can give us strength and confidence.

Resist Voices of Isolation

Or how everyone is enjoying the holidays but you.  Instead, push through those voices by taking a step forward.  Step into a church.  Even if you sit in the back door and don’t say a word, let yourself feel comforted by the singing.  Step into a coffee shop and give to yourself a hour or two to journal, read, just sit and people watch. Invite a friend to coffee.  Take whatever step you can, no matter how small, that symbolically says “NO” to the lie that you are and always will be alone.

You are not alone.  Pain wants to separate us, but you are not alone.

More Ways to Prepare Your Heart for the Holidays

Here are a handful of links to comforting, life giving posts I’ve written over the years when struggling with pain during the holidays. May you be encouraged, comforted, brought to unexpected laughter, given space to cry, and know you are not alone.

To Those Who Worry, Fear and Doubt

Four Creative Ways to End the New Year

Five Ways to Accept Compliments

Cast Your Cares…How the Camel Reveals Our Hearts

A Mom that Inspires: A Repossessed Car Wouldn’t Stop Here (one of my favorite stories ever shared on the blog!)

You can also find more inspiring and healing posts under the category Finding Healing and Advice for Moms.  Whatever level of art or parenting you practice, there is encouragement for you.

I want you to feel surrounded this holiday season with resources–words of life that talk straight. I don’t want you to have to look to far for a ray of hope.  You are worthy of hope and a future and so much more!

still we rise,


