Garden Adventures

A Discovery in the Garden of My Heart

Me Ra Koh

And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud

was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

~Anais Nin

Happy Monday to all my beautiful blossoming friends. I cherish you all so much.


  1. Lauren says:

    Happy Monday, Me Ra!

    I’m feeling stupid right now because we were out of town all weekend and got home late – and I totally forgot to buy the DVDs on discount before the sale ended last night. ๐Ÿ™

    But I’m also super excited because this coming weekend I’m doing my first portrait session with someone who isn’t my daughter! Because of you and your blog, and hearing stories from other moms on here, I am leaping into this with both feet. I’m doing this for a friend and her family and only asking to go to lunch with them afterwards, but I can’t wait.

  2. Shannon says:

    Me Ra,

    Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself!!! Your vulnerability is admirable!!! I feel there is no better quality in a person, then HONESTY…to have the confidence in themselves, even if from way down deep, to JUST BE!!! You are that!!! You are that HONEST about who you really are!!! You don’t pretend to be anything else!!! I LOVE THAT ABOUT YOU!!! You are who you are, & you embrace it, you are REAL!!! I love that “I am who I am, so love me for me” attitude. Too often we try to be who we think everyone thinks we are, or who we think we should be, rather then just being who we are. We put on “Anne Taylor” when we can only afford “Mossimo” or “Faded Glory” because that is who we USED to be….for those of us who are “SAHM” too often our pride gets in the way….I am guilty of this myself. When you spend the extra money you have for the moment on a label rather then spending the money a class or a set of DVD’s, because we have an image, or appearance, or a perception of who we want people to believe we are, that we feel we need to maintain. Although I am very much a “I am who I am, so love me for me” person, I still try to live up to that “reputation” that I have, even if its only in my mind. Your posts the last couple days have hit home…I no longer look forward to Mothers Day, I hate it as a matter of fact, & I sometimes feel as though I would rather remain a bud, then blossom….you remind me that it is OK to blossom!!! THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU!!!!! The Honest, open, true & vulnerable YOU!!! LOVE YOU!!!!

    Much Love & Many Blessings,

    ๐Ÿ˜‰ Shannon


    You too are an AMAZING human being!!! To put up with the roller coaster ride that a womens feelings, can put you on, & for you to think it’s “STUNNING”….YOU TOO ARE AMAZING!!! For you to take the time to get to know your wife so completely, & to listen so intently is admirable!!!! Dude, You ROCK!!! LOL I don’t know you, but like everyone else that reads this blog, we know you….we even know what you look like in your underware….LOL…You are both INCREDIBLE people who deserve each other!!!!

    Much Love & Many Blessings,

    ๐Ÿ˜‰ Shannon

  3. Dana says:

    One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite people…

    I am happy today is a little brighter!



  4. jeramy says:

    i love that the morning is always new. a great start!

  5. amber says:

    This will sound silly, I know, but I cannot wait to hug you. I’m praying some of your strength rubs off on me.

  6. Hi there, just wandered by. I have a Mossimo site. Lots of information out there. Wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, but cool site. Have a nice day.